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Messages - zorm

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General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 18, 2007, 07:29:45 pm »
So I'll finally have a decent computer at home to use as a server type machine, the question now is what sort of fun things should I do with it?

I've considered getting a TV tuner and providing a TV stream over the LAN but at the moment I have no clue exactly how to go about doing it and if it'd be worth the cost.

I've also considered getting a surround sound system for the TV/DVD player and then I can use the same system and play music over it.

At the moment the only thing really planned for it is a file server and printer sharing. So other suggestions are definitely welcome.

 I also briefly looked into X10 stuff which could be lots of fun, but I can only think of using it to control lights so thats not as much fun...

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 26, 2007, 04:28:06 pm »
Which Physics?  I took Physics I last semester and thought it was really easy.  I'm in Physics II right now and it's still pretty easy, though it's more interesting...

Its Physics I, the concepts aren't hard but we have a really shitty teacher. He does a "So how many of you know about X math thing that isn't suppose to be taught in this course?" and then two hands go up, "Well look at that, so anyways heres X math thing that nobody gives two fucks about or understands, just for you know future reference." Basically, if he got his head out of his ass and would teach us instead of just bullshitting it then the course wouldn't be that bad.

Crazed: Nope. I'm done with New Mexico, fuck that shit. So much so that I've already made arrangements to spend the summer out here at the University of Oklahoma. Hopefully this will continue and my time in that state will be very limited.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 26, 2007, 01:03:39 am »
I'm in the College of Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences, it turns out its not as much fun as it really sounds. But I shall suck it up and kick its ass to get my degree.

Of course its not really that bad, mostly because I hold a pretty sweet job doing programmingish work. Nothing quite like sitting in a $600 chair in a $60+ million brand new building while getting paid $8/hour. It rocks.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 26, 2007, 12:48:31 am »
I havent had chem since 9th grade!  Whoa, 5 years...that was a good while ago.

mmm beer

Yay for non-science majors?

I took chemistry last semester, currently getting assraped by physics this semester. Its loads of fun.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 31, 2006, 01:30:05 pm »
I have to go make phone calls for 5 hours tomorrow.

Reward: Breakfast with Laura Bush (for the meer price of $25)

Not bad considering the tickets (invitiation only I beleive) cost between $150-$5000.

Sweet, get me an autograph! The highest political figure I've gotten to meet was the former gov of New Mexico.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 30, 2006, 12:15:14 am »
17, but 2 of my classes are only offered once and they conflict with like half the chemistry labs. The other ones are full or the 7:30 ones :(

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 29, 2006, 06:01:50 pm »
So Tuesday suck balls.
Class from 7:30-10:20AM, 1:30-2:20PM, 6:00-8:50PM. Its rough :( If I was feeling really adventurus I could get up at 5AM and go PT with the Army guys but so far I've just been lazy.

General Discussion / Re: Hm, we only have 8 planets now.
« on: August 29, 2006, 10:32:43 am »
Yup. As of August 24th '06, Pluto officially isn't a planet, failing to meet the third condition of a planet's definition: "It must have cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. This means nothing of comparable mass may orbit near the planet. (While the phrase "comparable mass" sounds vague, there's no comparison between the eight planets and Pluto. The Earth is more than a million times as massive as any near-Earth asteroid. Pluto is only about 20 times as massive as Orcus, which has a similar orbit.)"

Not too big of a change, although it'll take some time to get used to not saying "Pluto" as you finish reciting the planets. Poor Pluto.

Makes you wonder, though, if there is alien life forms, if they're saying stuff like this about the earth. We're definately not a dwarf by any standard, but say someone lives on our moon (in this circumstance, the moon landing was shot in a studio, etc etc). Perhaps they think the earth is the sun or something. Or perhaps we're wrong. NASA just proved themselves wrong. Hm.

NASA didn't make the decision, perhaps try reading the article before rambling mindlessly next time?

General Discussion / Re: Hardware v Software
« on: August 27, 2006, 01:20:47 am »
Well, most modern/popular software (like Windows, and Games, and stuff) are like goldfish: they expand to fit their tank.  As computers get faster, software will keep pace with it. 

I always thought it was the other way around with software exceeding what the hardware can do and the hardware trying to keep pace. One example of this would be with the quake 2 source code and such. It has a bunch of assembly code but the recommendation today is that if one wants to improve upon the source code they should remove the assembly code and use the C code. Why? Simply because the hardware has improved and going the extra mile to squeeze out an extra clock cycle is no longer needed for the game to perform reasonably.

Academic / School / Re: My schedule!
« on: August 25, 2006, 11:50:38 pm »
They wouldn't let me drop AP Environmental because my AP Bio teacher (Science Dept Head) put me in it. I'm going to try and talk to her and get it dropped though.

Wow thats highly amusing. My high school didn't put us through such bullshit. If you wanted a class dropped it was as simple as saying you wanted it dropped. Same thing with adding a class, while they did little 'permission' sheets I've never seen one actually used to verify that a student can sign up for a course and in most cases our current teachers who would fill them out would select whatever we asked for.

General Discussion / Re: Hope is out there
« on: August 22, 2006, 12:27:36 pm »
LOL! I saw a giant cross in the sky in the general direction of my school. You all think I'm crazy, but yeah.. a huge rainbow in the shape of a cross. It was sweet.

Probably a sun dog, which means there should have been two of them you just didn't look closely enough :p

Academic / School / Re: My schedule!
« on: August 22, 2006, 12:02:56 pm »
I would rather boost my GPA, even though the Assistant Dean of Admissions told me not to lose sleep over my GPA...I would still like some extra insurance in case I am not accepted for early decision.

The purpose of education is learning, not achieving the highest GPA.  Taking a class over another because it'll be easier to get a high mark in, even though you'd learn far less useful information, is foolish, in my opinion.

With the ease of access of information learning everything you'd ever want/need to know in school becomes less and less important. You can look up just about anything you want on the internet and find very nice information as well as helpful people who can point you in the right direction or 'tutor' you if needed. As such school has just become a venue for getting your foot in the door persay, its basically just to meet people and for those people to have a very basic marker to judge the quality of your work/character. Of course this is all my opinion, and I'm not saying that learning in school is unimportant or that you shouldn't learn in school. But to me if it came to learning or getting my foot in the door someplace else I'd pick the foot in the door. You can always learn later but you may not have the chance to go where you want.

Also consider what you really learn in class and such, I've never had a formal education in computer programming yet I'd be willing to bet that I can program better than 30-50%(maybe higher I don't really know) of the people who take such classes.

Just food for thought

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 22, 2006, 11:50:49 am »
Good job on being a complete asshole. Seriously.

I'd rather get a 3 and a B in an AP class than have an A in your average run of the norm class. I don't care if it'll screw me out of going to college because I'll have a ~3.5 GPA, I'd rather actually learn something than be stuck in your run-of-the-mill class full of your average retards that don't give a shit about their lives. I don't want to get to know the kid who's gonna bag my groceries or flip my burgers.

And by the way, I got a C in my AP World History class (I didn't pay attention or 'nothin, and my state testing reports show it, lol I think I scored ~45% on post-world war 1 information, and 60% on the industrial revolution category (still got proficient according to state standards, and it was my lowest score)), and I managed to get a 3 on the test. And since 4 of my AP tests this year aren't history related (which I hate) I assume I'll do good/better than I did. :)

And I am sure Calculus and Literature will count for something, as will a foreign language (since I'm required to have one to get out?) and I require an art elective to get out of high school, and making it AP is even better. That leaves two: biology (a science) (and I have AP Chemistry / AP Physics next year) and US History.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off being super rude but theres a lot of people here who try to sound like they're hot shit because they took AP classes in high school. Like my English class almost half of them took the AP exam, and theres lots of talk about people taking AP chemistry. Yet these people are all in my classes and some of them claim they didn't take the AP exam for the class. Its sorta like good job dumbass(not directed at newby) but I can assure you if they had taken the class and actually learned something they wouldn't pass up the exam or the chance to skip over these classes. So basically its a lot of people taking AP classes because they think it makes them sound smart and then they get a 2 or less on the exam and look like a complete dumbass. I understand that there are exceptions to this like my AP Computer Science class where the teacher didn't actually teach or make us doing any coursework or anything of the sort, but I doubt that is happening in all of these cases.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 21, 2006, 12:06:37 am »
Yep. Basically first year of college too, since I have 6 AP classes, and since AP is supposed to be a freshmen college level course...

GJ on taking 6 AP classes. Its nice to see people work hard for absolutely nothing, since I suspect you'll either do poorly on the tests or get credit for a class that doesn't really matter because it wasn't needed for a real degree* anyhow.

*real degree being something in one of the sciences, if you go for the degree in underwater basket weaving then they all might be all that path.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 15, 2006, 02:11:30 am »
where are you movin to?

I leave for Norman, Oklahoma on Wednesday. Will be attending college at the University of Oklahoma. It shall be fun and hopefully an improvement over living in New Mexico but I don't have high hopes.

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