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Messages - deadly7

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 255
iago's forum / Re: Earring!
« on: September 22, 2010, 11:17:24 pm »
But that might be saying you like it in the ear... which is just odd.
"Oh my god Peter, did you just have sex with my ear?!"

butchered the quote, but still

General Discussion / Re: FUCKSING YEAH!!!! BEST NGHTES EVER.
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:06:18 pm »
Nope, but I've drank with a Mexican and I don't recall him showing any sign of intoxication whatsoever. He held it very well.

Man, you are from the fucking midwest, aren't you?  Have you even met an Asian?

General Discussion / Re: Running
« on: September 14, 2010, 11:42:50 am »
The theme here seems to be, "watch out for f***ing up your knees" :)

Train on soft grass. Buy good shoes (really good shoes are much lighter and absorb no shock, meaning you're exerting less of a downward force on your patellar joint because there's a lack of sole compression). Very useful tips I wish I'd have known.

General Discussion / Re: Running
« on: September 13, 2010, 10:16:06 pm »
I've been trying to eat better/get some exercise lately. My friend started doing the c25k (couch to 5k) program thing, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I just finished the first week, and so far it's going pretty well. First week is stupid light, though -- run for 60 seconds, walk for 90, repeat 8 times.

Anybody else run? And I mean for real, not what I'm doing (so far) :)
I used to run cross country and do long-distance track running. My knees are now sufficiently messed up due to that and football injuries, but I was training 5-6 months/year for running.. I can probably help you if you need some pointers/have questions.

I used to... I was in cross country while in high school.  I quite enjoyed it, but my knee seems to have suffered a permanent fuckup from it.  Arg.

I have to run 1.5 miles in under 10:30 every semester... so however much training is required to get me there :P
I could get off my couch now (after 4+ years of not doing anything serious) and still be fine with that time. lol navy fail

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: September 10, 2010, 08:52:37 am »
You wouldn't like the people that would be recruited; I'm pretty sure the forum is as good as it can get right now.
haha I suppose. But this is more just a series of blogs that we are all regularly in touch with. I mean, four? of us actually post here frequently. Everyone else left us.

PS: I reek of abandonment issues.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: September 09, 2010, 07:26:55 pm »
Why is the forum so dead? I remember when there were actually posts to read... *sigh* :p

Srsly we should recruit teh pplz.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: September 09, 2010, 11:18:22 am »
34 posts will tip it. (33 after this one!)

Gaming / Re: Univ of Florida has SC II Class
« on: September 04, 2010, 11:40:03 pm »
i think we're talking about honors courses, not latin honors.

graduate schools care most about what kind of research you've done as an undergraduate.  if you've co-published a paper, then you've pretty much got a foot in the door.
ah. at my university we aren't allowed to take honors courses without being in the latin honors program, hence i've stopped differentiating between the two.

i didn't mean graduate schools in the PhD sense, only. i meant in the overall graduate/professional school (PhD, ScD, MD, JD, PharmD, DDS) senses. there, having graduated with latin honors would be a big advantage.

Gaming / Re: Univ of Florida has SC II Class
« on: September 04, 2010, 04:10:35 pm »
wait... they mean something now?  haha.  news to me. :)
Only for certain degrees and when applying to graduate schools. Some employers (that have the flexibility to select from huge pools) might weed out based on Latin Honors, but most don't have that luxury.

Entertainment District / Re: Let's see it!
« on: September 02, 2010, 02:05:19 pm »
Direct quote from my teacher today: "Bob says it's going to fit, while Anna says its too big to fit".

Now, what he was talking about: Special relativity. Bob thinks the space ship that is going at ~.8c will fit in the barn, while according to Anna (who is on the ship), the ship is too big. Also, according to anna, only the first 1/4th will fit (just the tip). It was even better with the diagrams.

This must be your first quarter on relativity, I've never seen you so enamored with a subject in physics. The last half-dozen things I've read that you've written online have had something to do with special relativity. =P
Relativity fucking blows.

General Discussion / Re: I'm on Forbes today
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:22:48 pm »
“Passwords are well and good for low-security applications, like forums,” he writes. “But there’s no way I should be able to log into my banking site with just a password.”
Yes. Why is my world of warcraft account more secure than my bank account? :(
Because your bank is stupid as shit. :)

General Discussion / Re: DVD to AVI?
« on: August 28, 2010, 10:36:56 pm »
At the risk of sounding like a retard, why would you want to encode specifically at 23.976 fps? I realize that's NTSC (or PAL?) but it should play fine anyhow.
I don't know about professional movie-level cameras, but I know when I used to work for a middle-end television studio the cameras record at certain frames per second. Trying to play at another rate can distort the video and is usually accomplished by a software speed up/slow down; very noticable in movies/video that incorporates lots of camera movement (e.g. Transformers)

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 26, 2010, 01:04:32 pm »
Acording to statistics, somewhere between 1% and 10% of guys are gay. That means that 90%+ of guys would instantly have no (romantic) interest in me. So if you're worried about 50% not being interested in you for the way you were born, up to 99% aren't interested in me for the way *I'M* born. Boohoo. :P

You'll always have us iago! <3

General Discussion / Re: Files from 'uploads' folder
« on: August 22, 2010, 02:12:39 am »
I seem to remember T&T I was a tank carrying a sword. This just reminded me of that. lol

General Discussion / Re: Files from 'uploads' folder
« on: August 21, 2010, 08:42:32 pm »

That is my favorite.  If that were a poster I would buy it.  Just fyi
Why do I feel like that was made as a slam against me? Heh.

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