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Messages - deadly7

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General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: August 19, 2010, 11:03:31 pm »
Dude, what are you doing?!?  I'm told that you're not getting back to us - it's not looking good, they're asking me to write up the job description to post publically....

General Discussion / Re: DVD to AVI?
« on: August 17, 2010, 10:07:22 am »
rabbit/blaze: can one of you two post your audio prefs? I'm using the One Click Encoder and I have video fine.

General Discussion / Re: DVD to AVI?
« on: August 15, 2010, 10:08:23 pm »
MeGUI ripped some parts with audio but the main DVD files were ripped without an audio stream. There weren't any separate files for audio. I'm confused. The quality is beautiful though.

Edit: Re-ripping with LAME MP3 audio instead of AC3, hopefully that fixes it. I wonder if it was  VLC issue.

Edit2: So, audio works for the first 5-10 seconds (which is also the DVD load screen) but not for any of the movie.


General Discussion / Re: DVD to AVI?
« on: August 15, 2010, 01:27:51 pm »
Is DVD Decrypter free? I found the "original unofficial" mirror, but I'm a bit wary of random websites.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Sidoh!
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:35:58 pm »
homo :)
I'm glad now that I didn't post what I originally typed, "I love the doily" :P

Do you watch True Blood, iago?  I think you'd rather like Alexander Skarsgard.

And also... above 95% of the tenants in my apartment complex have 100% more melanin than I.
No, but that's the second time I've heard that today. I was installing OpenOffice on Gentoo from source, and for some reason they added a configure argument to set the "drink" to "True Blood", so instead of "go have a cup of tea" it says "go have a cup of True Blood". That got me talking to my friend, and he suggested the show. That was this morning. True story. :)

And, in case you're wondering, OpenOffice is still compiling. :)

You don't make a very compelling argument at all for me to switch to Gentoo from Slackware. Compiling binaries sucks ass. :P

General Discussion / Re: Name My Rig!
« on: August 10, 2010, 10:15:25 pm »
I don't think you're stupid at all.  I don't know about GNU fdisk, but BSD fdisk can write the MBR.  Sounds to me like you accidently wrote over the MBR when you wrote the new partition table.
Another possibility is that you didn't set the Windows bootloader partition to the active partition.
GNU fdisk does not, by default, write the MBR. I made plenty of changes to the partition table before Windows stopped working. Part of my issue in the final stage may have been that the CD I used was corrupted, so it may have claimed to write the partition table correctly but not actually have done so. I didn't get far enough through an install without having every process fail, so that's what I am suspecting happened. And then when Windows did not boot up, I jumped onto an Ubuntu livecd and used ms-sys to repair the Windows 7 MBR, but the SATA hard drive controller had been unloaded at that point. Even when I forced the driver, Windows did not recognize what I was doing. In the end, because it just made lots of sense, I reformatted everything. It works. Slackware is set up exactly as I would have a Gentoo system set up with none of the hassle (all the old stuff was kind of my fault), Windows works just fine with LILO, and life is good.

General Discussion / Re: New Rig
« on: August 10, 2010, 10:04:04 am »
It's loud relative to rubber dome.  However, in absolute, it's not really that loud.  People tend to exaggerate.  I used to bring my Model M to the office and cubicle neighbors did not find it terribly loud and were not even irritated by it.  Let's not forget about the white noise factor.

The white noise factor is the tendency for the brain to filter out a particular noise ... keyboards and chiming clocks are excellent examples.  I often don't even notice my cuckoo clock chime even though it's right next to me!  Of course, I've had it for years too ...

I think people tend to use experience as a benchmark (i.e. people tend to be relativistic).  When you've typed on rubber domes for most of your life, good God, Model M is loud!  But relative to talking cubicle neighbors and other office noises ... not really. 
I share an office with a guy uses a similarly loud keyboard. I assure you, keep using one in public and someone will shove a spike through your head one day. :P

General Discussion / Re: Name My Rig!
« on: August 10, 2010, 09:22:31 am »
That's because you overwrote the MBR.  Don't overwrite the MBR!

Edit: Use Windows' boot loader to boot Linux (i.e. Don't overwrite the MBR!).  Look for EasyBCD.
I assure you I'm not as stupid as you seem to think. The first thing I checked was the MBR -- even after rewriting [the unchanged version of] my MBR, Windows had unloaded the hard drive controller and simply would not accept one until I wiped my HD and started anew.

General Discussion / Re: Name My Rig!
« on: August 10, 2010, 09:21:00 am »
Let me phrase it this way: in *any* other OS that I've used thus far (Ubuntu, Suse, BSD's) on a fresh install I have to do some tweaking to get to runlevel 3 (no GUI), have the applications I regularly use, and change the fstab/init.d to run "system essentials", so to speak.  Slackware just seems to set things up right for me when I've used it... I'm sure that, as Gentoo requires, having to jump through and vim every config file would greatly help my knowledge of Unix. But that's just a huge pain in the ass (not to mention I JUST reformatted both Windows and *nix onto this machine). If it "just works" why bother changing?

General Discussion / Re: Name My Rig!
« on: August 10, 2010, 12:59:11 am »
It was the Linux installer's fault.  It should have asked you whether you wanted to modify the MBR or not.
The FreeBSD installer sucks (well it's not pretty), but it gives you the option to leave the MBR alone.  It didn't clobber my Windows boot loader and they coexist happily.  I'm sure most Linux distributions provide this option too.

Why Slackware?  You want to do hardcore development?  Gentoo is a pure developer's system.  All third party software is compiled so you can rely on all the headers and development tools being there ... and being where they're supposed to be!
Long story short: writing my linux partitions to my hard drive was what broke Windows. I know this because my linux install failed halfway throughout (before any MBR was touched) but Windows was corrupted at that point.

Re: Slack vs Gentoo .. familiarity, not having to compile everything from source, widely supported, etc. I'm not saying it's the best distro or the worst distro. It just works for me, and that's really all that I want. Linux that gets out of my way and lets me do whatever I want.

General Discussion / Re: Name My Rig!
« on: August 09, 2010, 06:14:15 pm »
I think iago has infected everyone with Slackwaritis.  Why would you make it more painful for yourself with no noticeable benefit?! :(
?? Regardless, I was right. Installing linux broke Windows. Fucking Windows. -_- Now to do a clean format of my HD and retry all this shiz. I want linux cause I intend to do some programming for some servers/other systems that run linux.

General Discussion / Re: DVD to AVI?
« on: August 09, 2010, 10:12:18 am »
rabbit: MKV's have hardcoded subs too... i've downloaded a few that have had them. they also have a 'subtitle' option sometimes too, which is nifty. Or is this not normal?

General Discussion / Re: Name My Rig!
« on: August 09, 2010, 09:12:34 am »
Well, another update: windows sucks at partition recognition and management. When it set up that new partition for me, it deleted the linux partition. But then, when it "deleted" the partition, it still left it written to the table! I just deleted it with linux and am proceeding to install slackware.. I have a feeling this is going to break windows though. :(

Blizzard, WoW and Bots / Re: Who still plays regularly?
« on: August 09, 2010, 12:41:49 am »
People still play WoW?
* deadly7 is amazed

General Discussion / Re: DVD to AVI?
« on: August 09, 2010, 12:32:17 am »
MKV is feature enriched, whilst AVI has higher compatibility.
I'm super unfamiliar with video streams. Are there any features in MKV's that I would actually find myself using? Alternately: if I intend to play it off my computer with VLC, does it matter regarding an AVI's "compatibility"? The data I found suggest that if I'm going to hook up a comp to a TV via HDMI, MKV's are way better for showing HD video than are AVI's.

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