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Messages - zorm

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27 ... 34
General Programming / Re: My C# server O.O
« on: February 26, 2006, 10:00:59 pm »
Making a new thread for every connection is probably a bad idea.

General Discussion / Re: Linux doesn't run on older hardware?
« on: February 26, 2006, 07:43:36 pm »
I understand Microsoft limited themselves but they also used full distros of Linux to test against! Then the Linux people respond back that they have other distros for old hardware.

My point is if you are going to compare a distro specifcally made for oldish hardware then Windows should be allowed to be modified in a similar fashion.

General Discussion / Re: Linux doesn't run on older hardware?
« on: February 26, 2006, 06:12:47 pm »
They're the ones that specified the setup. You can't blame anyone zorm. :)

Actually they tested against distros that are designed for current hardware, so responding that "hey we can beat your full OS with our stripped down OSes" isn't exactly encouraging.

It sepcifically stated out-of-the-box.

Also, "Linux" doesn't refer to a single operating system.  It refers to a collective group of distributions that use the same kernel.  That's the flaw in your analogy.

And windows isn't the same way? If you turn off services its still windows, etc. If they use Windows CE or such its still the same basic kernel.

General Discussion / Re: Linux doesn't run on older hardware?
« on: February 26, 2006, 03:49:54 pm »
Does Windows run as good as Linux on legacy hardware?  Microsoft  says... yes?
The tests, which found that Windows performed as well as Linux on legacy hardware when installed and run out-of-the-box, were done in part to give Microsoft the data it needed to effectively "put to rest the myth that Linux can run on anything."

Of course, Linux responded with a list of distros that run well on legacy hardware

As usual, Microsoft is trying to pat themselves on the back and making ridiculous claims.  I run Linux on 233mhz and 300mhz boxes and it runs great (unless you try to run OpenOffice or Eclipse or other stupid stuff).  I also run Windows on a 500mhz box and it runs like shit.  So who's right?

Funny how Microsoft is limited to being installed and run out-of-the-box yet Linux is allowed to use distros specifically designed for older hardware? Give me a break~

Entertainment District / Epic Ninja Movie
« on: February 21, 2006, 09:06:07 pm »
Ok so I have to post this because it involves retarded friends of mine. if you want to laugh at the utter stupidity.

Trash Can / Re: Ten Reasons to buy Windows Vista
« on: February 21, 2006, 08:28:52 pm »
Ever looked at linux, it has what a few hundred different versions?
True, but they're created by different people (similar to different "companies" on a smaller scale).  That's not the same as a single person releasing 8 versions of a single Linux variation. 

This is just a result from the nature of open source software. One group needs their specialized version so they make it for themselves and other people make their version for themselves.

However, with closed source software the main company makes the specialized version for group A but they also make the special version for group B because there is demand for both.

Trash Can / Re: Ten Reasons to buy Windows Vista
« on: February 21, 2006, 07:30:46 pm »
Give me one logical explanation of releasing EIGHT DIFFERENT VERSIONS of your operating system besides wanting to make more money then the few billion dollars you already have.

Ever looked at linux, it has what a few hundred different versions?

General Discussion / Re: Happy Valintine's Day [late]
« on: February 18, 2006, 06:54:22 pm »
If the girl really likes you she won't mind the quality of food. I went to Taco Bell the other day with my date (after a movie) and we was there about 5 minutes before we was in the car making out. The point is less eating and more fucking.

You obviously date women with no class.

I know a girl who was taken to McDonalds for her prom dinner.  She called a friend to pick her up when she realized it wasn't a joke.

Holy cow. Yeah, she definitely has no class to do that. But for real though, what guy would do that?

I do know what restraunt I am going to take whoever my next girlfriend is for our first date. It's this Italian restraunt here, it's rated the 2nd most romantic restraunt in the area apparently - I've only been there once, for my birthday, and the atmosphere is great (proper attire is required, but if it's not late they'll let you in and just sit you behind a wall.) What's better is that the food is EXCELLENT, and it's midranged as far as price (like $15-$25ish?) When I went for my birthday it was around $100 for 3 people, but that's with two appetizers and desert too. I think it'd be a good choice all around.

You people suck for having fancy places to eat. The choices here are basically the gas station or the grocery store. We don't even have a McDonalds so the girls escape that option.  :(

General Discussion / Re: Official "post your desktop" thread!
« on: February 12, 2006, 08:15:13 pm »

Its spiffy.

General Discussion / Re: Get me to College now.
« on: February 12, 2006, 06:42:57 pm »
I highly doubt the class would teach you anything neat. It sounds like it would go over other peoples hacks and how they worked which would be boring as hell. If they actually did teach you something or give you ideas for hacks/pranks I suspect the liability would be a bit much for the school.

General Programming / Re: [C/C++] FindFile function...issues
« on: February 12, 2006, 04:05:11 pm »
It totally helps if you give a problem or something that you are having.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: February 11, 2006, 11:44:27 pm »
Hey deadly maybe you should start to swim, apparently it can get me girls (3) and maybe you could get one or something.

Plus the chlorine covers up body odor. So everyone that knows you would also win. :)

Nice, I insult you and you attack deadly. Maybe you're the one whos confused and not the girls :p

iago's forum / Re: Pointless guessing contest!
« on: February 11, 2006, 10:37:21 pm »
28GB, 2 days.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: February 11, 2006, 10:36:14 pm »
Girls think I'm cute.  ;D

They're clearly confused about the definition of cute.

General Discussion / Re: My career/your career
« on: February 06, 2006, 02:13:02 am »
Double major in Meteorology/Computer Science and then have whatever MOS I get assigned but hopefully Electronic Warfare.

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