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Messages - zorm

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iago's forum / Re: Riding on ice
« on: November 23, 2005, 07:57:14 pm »
It was ~12 degrees C today; it still hasn't gotten cold yet. :(
Only communist countries use fake measurement systems like degrees C. What does the C stand for anyway, huh? I bet its degrees Communist... What an egocentrical country you must live in, I pity you, see if you can escape now before they don't let anyone leave and elect Stalin dictator.
Get with the times.  The USA is stuck in the 20th century with your stupid imperial measurements.  They realized how dumb those were 100 years ago, but yet you still use them?  How ignorant is that?  Stupid Americans.
My thermometer reads in Kelvin.
My thermometer reads in a constant relation (even easier than linear!) to Kelvin. 

My thermometer + 273 = kelvin

My thermometer which is infinitively better than yours reads in qualitative values. Its either 'Fucking Cold', 'Just Right' or 'Fucking Hot'. I don't need some fancy smancy reading in C or F or Kelvin.

General Discussion / Re: XBox 360 + eBay + morons = $$$
« on: November 23, 2005, 05:36:02 pm »
You guys may have missed it but the winner of the bid was onto the scam. Note the negative feedback he left the seller and the sellers return negative feedback.

General Security Information / Re: How to crack any GMail account...
« on: November 20, 2005, 05:48:39 pm »
Interesting, I wonder how they figured out something like this. It is by no means a simple little exploit that one might just happen on.

iago's forum / Re: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
« on: November 20, 2005, 05:22:57 pm »
Oddly enough it hasn't snowed here yet this year. In the past years that I've lived here we have gotten atleast snowflakes or a considerable snow by now. However, the temperature has been consistantly below freezing at night for the past couple of weeks now so if a storm ever does move in we will likely get a fair amount of snow.

iago's forum / Re: Friend's cat...
« on: November 20, 2005, 05:14:10 pm »
My cat got in a fight with something the other day and lost. He came home during the night with a gash on his tail and bled all over the backyard. However, he wasn't around in the morning but reappeared and seemed ok(aside from his tail which was clearly bothering him) that afternoon.

General Discussion / Re: Voting machines
« on: November 16, 2005, 09:02:43 pm »
Which ones are the important ones? They all look equally sucky to me.

15.  None of the international election observers were allowed in the polls in Ohio.
Then from the source article yet again
It's not Blackwell - it's the law, countered Carlo LoParo, Blackwell's spokesman.

"They're not the only ones being excluded," he said.

Only a few groups are allowed inside polling places, including poll workers, voters, vote challengers, witnesses and police. Anyone else must stay at least 100 feet away from the entrance.
Clearly helps if its noted that its the law and not a selective decision to reject international election observers.

18.  All -- not some -- but all the voting machine errors detected and reported in Florida went in favor of Bush or Republican candidates.

In Palm Beach county, analysis showed that Bush should have gained only 17,000 votes. But instead he gained 57,000. In Miami-Dade county he was expected to gain votes, but by much less than he actually did. According to the researchers he should have received only 29,000 more votes, but he actually gained 44,000 votes.

Both Broward and Miami-Dade counties use machines made by Election Systems & Software, while Palm Beach county uses machines made by Sequoia Voting Systems. No Florida counties used touch-screen machines made by Diebold Election Systems, the company whose machines have received the most scrutiny over the last year.
Clearly ES&S was at fault but whats this Sequoia did it too and theres nothing bad about Sequoia here?! Noticed how Florida doesn't use Diebold machines either. Also note this is the exact same point as 20 so the list even has repeats.

It should be rather clear now that this list is just a bunch of BS by some desperate people who are in the 49% that hate Bush.

General Discussion / Re: Voting machines
« on: November 16, 2005, 07:28:01 pm »
If there was any rigging done, I doubt it was done by the party itself.  They probably tried to wash their hands of it, and may not have even known about it. 

I'm not sure when this was written, but I know it was discussed before, during, and after the 2004 election.  I read a paper about it called "How George Bush won the 2004 election", written in 2003, detailing some of these facts. 

But if you really don't believe it, how do you dispute some of the facts there?

I don't dispute the facts because they are just that facts. However, what these facts have to do with anything is beyond me. Take 11. for example
11.  Diebold is based in Ohio.
and then from the source cited
Founded in 1859, the company employs more than 14,000 associates with representation in nearly 90 countries worldwide and headquarters in Canton, Ohio, USA.
Well holy shit these guys are really fucking good at predicting the future to know in 1859 that in 2004 Ohio would be a big deal state in an election.

Then we have other things like
6.  Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee.
However yet again from the source cited we get
Hagel has not been accused of any legal or ethical violation and his staff denies that there has been any wrongdoing.

So clearly the fact on the list is a load of crap. I didn't feel like doing any others but perhaps if I get bored I will.

General Discussion / Re: Voting machines
« on: November 16, 2005, 12:05:19 am »
And you're right about the paper trail.  The ideal one is where you physically write down, or punch out, who you want to vote for.  Then, even though a machine is reading it in, you can still go back and count the holes.  Some talk was about a machine that would visually punch out the card and add it to a stack, and you could watch it do the punching.  That would be a more ideal solution. 

Of course that doesn't fix anything because the ballot would have to include the names for the holes so you know its punched out the right one. Then they will have to make a bigger ballot so that it could include names in 172pt font so that even the retards in Florida can read them. But even this won't stop corruptness if it should want to occur and it also doesn't stop the voters from going "OH! I think I really voted for the other guy but I'm not really sure!" after the fact.

My belief is that the country was truely split 50%/50% on the election and as such any sort of vote rigging had to be kept to an obsolute minimum. Its a hell of a risk for you, everyone involved with you and your entire party if you get caught rigging an election.

How old is this anyhow? Ever noticed how as time passes the conspiracy theories start to flow out, it tends to be when the truth starts to fade from peoples minds and it becomes easier to 'invent' facts.

General Security Information / Re: [idea] Getting a hack CD past guards
« on: November 14, 2005, 10:14:15 pm »
Interesting, at LANL the employee's aren't searched when entering buildings nor do most of the buildings have guards. Then again I suppose the threat of being very lonely in jail for a very long time is more scary than a lawsuit or such.

General Discussion / Re: Voting machines
« on: November 14, 2005, 10:01:22 pm »
You just violated your own rule by forwarding email spam when it tells you too, good job.

9.  Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes.  In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.

10.  Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.

The whole idea of a paper trail is misleading. Nothings going to stop the machine from printing one thing while recording another. I don't think the technology exists for a solution to this problem yet, if it does im sure the record companies would be all over it to protect their cds.

Entertainment District / Re: Jarhead
« on: November 13, 2005, 08:21:49 pm »
The people I've talked to so far seemed to think it was an awesome movie. I know the local group of Marine DEPs is going to see it sometime, it shall be interesting to see their reaction to it.

General Discussion / Re: MySpace creates own record label
« on: November 13, 2005, 06:52:53 pm »
Am I the only one who thinks this is one of the most dangerous things on the Internet?  I mean, parents/schools/etc. bend over backwards trying to stop kids from posting real name/where they live/where they go to school/pictures/age/etc. online, then MySpace tells kids to do exactly that, and they do.  It seems like it would be an extremely fertile breeding ground for child molesters. 

You take this risk by just having a kid. In a way its a lot like terrorism, you can walk around with your gas mask all the time or you can accept the risk and get on with life. I also think that child molestation is a crime of opportunity; the little girl walking alone down the street is going to be a bigger target than the girl posting all her information online while safely in her room.

Also MySpace doesn't encourage these sort of actions but with any sort of social networking system its going to be hard to stop them. I.E. MySpace doesn't allow accounts for people who aren't >15, but of course the kids lie so they can use it. A lot like I did when I was <13 and you had to fake a birthdate or such so it would let you have an account. Also real names that are entered in profiles aren't displayed but this doesn't stop people from putting it in other profile fields.

General Discussion / Re: MySpace creates own record label
« on: November 13, 2005, 02:21:55 pm »
Well if its anything like the website it will be poorly run and find itself bankrupt in a very short time.

On a side note, I'm rather surprised someone hasn't come out with a better social networking site than myspace yet. Its really quite a large market and a superb site would easily run circles around myspace.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Rememberance/Veterans Day!
« on: November 11, 2005, 02:01:58 pm »
We have the day off from school here and the lab is off as well. Yesterday LANL had a ceremony to honor the veterans that included honor guard to raise the flags(which I did) and PTLA providing a gun salute(If you never been ~10ft away from one of these before when they fire you should try it. You know its coming but you still jump 5ft off the ground anyhow).

Today there is a ceremony in town that included PTLA, the NJROTC unit, CAP and others im sure. So its not an absolutely huge deal but at the same time its not like its just another day here.

General Security Information / Lupper the Linux Worm!
« on: November 07, 2005, 08:36:04 pm »

Kind of neat. Too bad its exploiting PHP/CGI.

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