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Messages - zorm

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32 ... 34
Entertainment District / Re: WoW in Java
« on: November 06, 2005, 05:51:24 pm »
yes, see JOGL and some other libraries.

Also see Runescape which is a rather popular MMORPG written in Java. I must agree with iago's ignorant comment.

General Security Information / Re: Getting somebody's ip, browser, os, etc
« on: November 05, 2005, 12:36:13 am »
Just goes to show the problem with using something like $_REQUEST instead of $_POST in PHP.

General Discussion / Re: Is the death penalty as a punishment moral?
« on: October 30, 2005, 11:03:55 pm »
I can learn in a way other than my life being ruined. I already learned, and I know it was stupid, but if you actually think instead of being a jackass, it was way blown out of proportion. Nobody was around to get hurt, and the car was already totally beaten to shit because they had this thing set up for a donation that you pay $3 and you get to take a swing at the car with a sledge hammer. Now, what exactly was wrong? The fire company would've had to put it out, which is where I went wrong, and it was also against the law. I'm not trying to justify myself, I'm just saying the punishment isn't worth it. Is that really right for them to ruin my life? I have more than 2 brain cells, it was just a stupid mistake made at that moment. Don't act like you're perfect.

Thats exactly the point. If you got slapped across the face for setting the empty destroyed car in the middle of a parking lot on fire whats going to stop you and other people from doing it to other cars/buildings/people?

After all a slap on the face isn't all that painful and will take up 5 seconds of your life. You more or less proved my point because of the fact that you are now scared straight and won't risk doing it again for fear of messing up your life.

The point of most laws is the make an example of the people who fuck up so that others will stop and think twice before doing something stupid. If they don't think twice then oh well, they just helped society out by removing themselves from it.

General Discussion / Re: Youth Convention!
« on: October 30, 2005, 09:36:09 pm »
Actually, pretty much anything is cooler than going to a religious camp.

General Discussion / Re: Youth Convention!
« on: October 30, 2005, 07:54:19 pm »
While you were out getting raped by your priest I was competing at a drill meet.

I left with this:

and several of the other teams I was on walked away with trophies. Let us know when you do something cool like this Joe :p

General Discussion / Re: Is the death penalty as a punishment moral?
« on: October 30, 2005, 04:29:40 pm »
Yeah, but did you listen to my point or my story? It wouldn't of been right for them to ruin my life over a mistake like this. If you've ever been in a situation like this, I'm sure you'd understand.

It is absolutely right for them to ruin your life for doing something like that. Its called deterrence so that other people who have more than 2 brain cells think twice before doing stupid shit.

I'm all for the death penalty, it has its place and therapy just isn't going to help some people. If you look at how its used in America, normally only people who commit'd heinous crimes are executed. Normally people who are convicted and sentenced to death will sit on death row for 15+ years. Then I suspect most get a reduced sentence, cleared of the crime, or die of natural causes. Only evil people like Tim Mcveigh end up being executed with any speed.

General Discussion / Re: Post your lunch!
« on: October 25, 2005, 09:56:02 pm »
A slice of pizza and a Dr. Pepper. I'm too lazy to go off campus and get better food.

iago's forum / Re: ospap - Alpha1
« on: October 12, 2005, 11:52:27 pm »
I don't think the prior would work (I know you could get it to work, but it would defeat the purpose of what you're trying to accomplish), but the second thing you suggested is what I recommended to begin with.

Its not at all, stop getting caught up in the urls and go read+learn about lovely things like mod_rewrite.

iago's forum / Re: ospap - Alpha1
« on: October 12, 2005, 11:10:02 pm »

The thumbnail files do end in image extentions, but he's listing them in the gallery using his php script to load them.  He wanted to do that so the URL's of the thumbnails weren't public, but I'm suggesting that he doesn't load them through the script because they don't cache.

No they don't.
Code: [Select]
Doesn't look like an image extention to me.

What I am suggesting is that he could do
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
and then use mod_rewrite to force his php script (picture.php) to handle the request. This will allow browsers to cache the images but also allow access control in the event of private images.

iago's forum / Re: ospap - Alpha1
« on: October 12, 2005, 02:47:54 am »
You should be able to append a .jpg/.gif/.whatever to the end of the url and have the browser cache it. Then use mod_rewrite or such on the server to fix it so that it gets processed by the php script.

General Discussion / Re: Windows Server > Linux???
« on: October 11, 2005, 05:33:40 pm »
On-Topic: The fact is, linux is 100x more scalable than Windows. This will be one of the deciding factors in the Google V. Microsoft war. Google can easily, and cheaply scale up and Microsoft will be left in the dust with Windows. It's not as if they can use Linux, that'd be like conceding to the enemy.

Doubtful. I bet Microsoft can make Windows do whatever they need, and as such the OS will have little to do against competition from web based products.

Scr33n0r: Nice little bullshit story you are spinning there. Of course you do realize that if such a thing really existed it would be on search engines like Google. You just talked about it here and if it really does have a userbase > 0 others will talk about it too. Search engines find these things and they show up when you search for them. Of course when you go searching for a load of bullshit you won't find anything because few people are stupid enough to spread the lies.

General Discussion / Re: Windows Server > Linux???
« on: October 10, 2005, 10:53:15 pm »
Its not even donations. Take Linus who works at the OSDL for example, he gets paid to work on Linux more or less. The same goes for a lot of the bigger names in the open source world.

Also note that MySQL sells their product so its hardly a good example of people working on something as a hobby.

One of the people behind Firefox was picked up by Google, haven't a clue what he actually does there he might still be working on Firefox.

Then we have the Gentoo guy who was hired by Microsoft to do Linux related things. The list goes on and on but the truth is large corporations are funding a vast amount of the work done by people in the open source world.

General Discussion / Re: Windows Server > Linux???
« on: October 10, 2005, 09:47:50 pm »
I highly doubt any piece of open source software you use today is maintained as a hobby Newby.

Unix / Linux Discussion / Re: Uh oh, forgot root password
« on: October 10, 2005, 05:34:33 pm »
Its also rather easy if you plan to use a liveCD. Just boot with it and then mount your hd. After that chroot into it and use passwd and tada.

General Discussion / Re: Favorite Quotes PERIOD!
« on: September 27, 2005, 07:02:58 pm »
"Well sir, I'd tell you, if I got my news from the newspapers I'd be pretty depressed as well." - CAPTAIN SHERMAN POWELL

"Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world make talk of hereafter." - Admiral Lord Collingwood

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