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Messages - zorm

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 34
General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: July 02, 2008, 05:33:30 pm »
Since Trust isn't filling the desire these days I figured I'd start posting about my troubles.

So there is this chick I like, and I *think* she likes me back but its not really been confirmed. This is all well and cool but my friend keeps leading her on like he likes her (and being much more vocal about it) but he says he doesn't really want her. The problem is that his being a douche is preventing me from getting in her pants, how do I fix this?!

Aside from like killing him...

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: July 01, 2008, 06:28:03 pm »
Umm, hes going into the Naval Academy, he won't have any staff sergeants or any other types of sergeants around...
That said, sir sandwiches may still get him yelled at *shrugs*

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 24, 2008, 09:22:45 am »
Horrible assumption, not to mention that swamp coolers suck donkey balls.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 23, 2008, 01:14:50 am »
Stop being a pussy, turn a fan on and goto sleep.

I did that shit for the 9 summers or so that I lived in New Mexico.. don't bitch.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 18, 2008, 12:59:18 am »
Ok, you should be in ABQ tonight, get going! haha..

If not, I'll be there in August, you should hook us up :P

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 18, 2008, 12:31:13 am »
... and even more stupid:

She's been texting me the last couple of days.  Last night she asked how my test was.  Eventually mentioned her bday party and said I should go (it's in ABQ) and that I could crash there.
"You can stay as long as you want.  It'll be fun!"
"If you dont have plans for the fourth you can come up early and see the fireworks with me too!"

So I *THINK* this chick likes me.

Pics! Is she hot?!

General Programming / Re: perl...
« on: June 17, 2008, 11:27:37 pm »
Thats a pretty good example of why writing *readable* code is a good thing, no matter what language you are using...

General Discussion / Re: Firefox 3
« on: June 17, 2008, 05:39:01 pm »
I tried one of the RCs for it and decided it sucks. FF 2 for me until something better comes along..

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 16, 2008, 09:31:18 pm »
there are 6 performers, some are on stage and some are off.  If J is on, L is Off.  If L is off, J is on.  If F is off J is off.  If there is an X on then G is on.
(there are about 6 Qs based on the above scenario)
example Q: What is the least number of people that could be on the stage? 

Person can get Z with Y and Z or person can get Q with Y or Z. 
Which of the following most matches the above logical progression.

Stuff like that.  Much more complicated, obviously, but ... yeah

Sounds pretty easy...

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 15, 2008, 01:06:06 pm »
No, it happened because you were doing something illegal and then you didn't have the common sense to keep your mouth shut when the officer was talking to you.


General Programming / Re: perl...
« on: June 14, 2008, 02:40:28 pm »
Of course I'm not making use of the "nifty" features, they tend to make the code ugly/unreadable. I program it in the cleanest way I can.

I do much the same, since it makes life easy when someone else wants to glance at my code and see what I did. English readable code for the win.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 14, 2008, 02:35:18 pm »
There is a guy on another forum selling asexual scorpions... I'm really tempted!

General Discussion / Re: The post your picture thread.
« on: June 09, 2008, 11:40:38 pm »
Graduation newbie and me

looks like photobucket doesn't allow hotlinking?  removed the img tags for you because others need to see that pic.
  -- sidoh

Why do those females have white gowns? They look pretty hot.

General Discussion / Re: Laptop for college!
« on: June 04, 2008, 10:07:05 pm »
Buy yourself a stack of these for class:

and then pick out a notebook with specs you can live with at a price you can afford. I wouldn't bother with a mac or a toughbook(even though I love mine!) The extra fancy won't get you the ladies so you probably shouldn't bother.

I've got a 15.4" Toshiba, which serves as my main computer these days and I love it. Its small enough that I can take it to class/work/friends without it being a royal pain but still big enough that the screen is readable. I think if I was to do buy another one I might look for a slightly smaller screen, 14" might be nice.

I suspect you'll find that hauling a laptop to class everyday is worthless if you intend to *try* to take notes on it. I don't know of anyone that actually uses a laptop for notetaking in class, its generally not practical.
I find mine leaves home the most when I go out to do study groups or homework, then its nice because I have access to email/google/etc and can look up answers or email the professor.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 04, 2008, 09:57:20 pm »
Sounds to me like it was a whole lot of BS to sell you makeup. ;)


Women: 3, Trust: 0

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