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Messages - Quik

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 119
General Discussion / Re: How do you button your shirt?
« on: July 12, 2009, 03:08:56 pm »
I'm a cholo, so I only button the very top button and leave the rest loose.

Entertainment District / Re: Bruno
« on: July 11, 2009, 02:50:33 pm »
Saw it last night. It has its funny moments, but it's definitely no Borat. Don't even bother if you're homophobic. Lots of situational comedy, most seems pretty fake/staged/scripted. Lots of male frontal nudity. Not really a movie to go run out and see in theaters, but that's my opinion.

General Discussion / Re: Keyboard
« on: July 10, 2009, 03:40:43 am »
Edit: I just read the first review of that ABS. Don't buy it. "Will only respond to one keypress at a time. If you are holding down CTRL and press S, it will ignore the S. Of course, this makes this keyboard absolutely 100% worthless." That sounds horrible. I don't think I've ever even had a keyboard that does that. My razer supports up to like 4 different keys simultaneously. You'll never press that many, but it's nice if you're button mashing in WoW. I used to always make my computer beep from pressing too many keys on WoW prior to buying my Lycosa.

I noticed that.. but if you continue reading you can see that the manufacturer response claims to have fixed that.

Overall, it comes down to personal preference.. Perhaps you like slim, laptop-like keys. Or, if you're a neat freak, you want one that isn't going to show grime easily. I dunno.. seems like its really your decision.

General Discussion / Re: Laptop repair issue...
« on: July 07, 2009, 02:34:45 pm »
If you're super paranoid, back it up and reformat. I think you'll be okay since it's only screen repair. Isn't there some invasion of privacy issue if they look and do anything about it? I know Geek Squad employees got into huge trouble because many were copying things they found on computers and keeping them..

Isn't there some sort of password or encryption you can do?

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: July 02, 2009, 10:08:01 pm »
Cars are expensive. Body damage? Going through insurance probably gonna total it. Time for an upgrade :p

2 holes in the radiator.
1 hole in the oil cooler.
All my gaskets are blown (from the car sitting there in the sun idle apparently)
And something about an oil pressure valve.
Front brakes needed replacing.

Couple that with the fact that it probably also needs new tires all around, and that's more than my car is worth. :(
133t muffin and I can fix that shit for you.

When I get back to SD we can look into it. But yeah, that'd be sweet. Because I'm not paying $2500 for Saturn to repair it.

LOL thats probably why it costs so much, you took it to the dealership. Take it somewhere else where labor is less expensive. And most of that stuff is fairly cheap or can be done by someone who is just a backyard mechanic.

My car needs:
A locking driver side door
A working driver side window
New breaks (maybe)
New break pads (definitely)
New Suspension

It's gonna be uncheap probably.

Not only does your list not make a whole lot of sense, it's most likely fairly cheap to fix.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: June 29, 2009, 11:14:40 pm »
'tis what I would have suggested.


Apparently my car has $2500 worth of damage to it. Damn thing isn't even worth $2000. :(

Funny thing is, car works perfectly fine.

Cars are expensive. Body damage? Going through insurance probably gonna total it. Time for an upgrade :p

General Discussion / Re: Rupert's Photo Thead...
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:49:13 pm »
Aren't those stock rims?
they are stock si rims 17'' mine are 16'' but I got them for $300 I plan to sell my other stocks for $400

Oh. I forgot that your car isn't an Si. Hrm.. you can get a set of Rotas for about that much.. which would probably be better then stock rims. But, that's just my opinion.

General Discussion / Re: Rupert's Photo Thead...
« on: May 16, 2009, 04:55:42 am »
Aren't those stock rims?

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 11, 2009, 02:36:51 am »
Whoever said the iphone can't be useful obviously hasn't seen this. now THAT is innovation.

i heard it's only like a video and you gotta follow along and "snort it" at the right time.

Force all fat people to become vegetarians.
I'm coming up on two years of being vegan and eating healthy, not to mention exercising regularily, and I haven't lost any weight (I've always been overweight).

It's not always so simple.

I was being sarcastic. There's plenty of junk that has no meat in it that'll make you fat. Drinking a liter of soda a day, 7 large bags of chips, a box of twinkies, and 2 gallons of ice cream a day won't help you lose any weight.

Force all fat people to become vegetarians.

Entertainment District / Re: F My Life
« on: April 08, 2009, 06:50:47 pm »
People are stupid. Most of the time in those stories they deserve what they got.

General Discussion / Re: Rupert's Photo Thead...
« on: March 20, 2009, 03:12:40 pm »
Lemme guess.. 8thgencivic meet thing?

General Discussion / Re: Mailing List Software
« on: March 19, 2009, 11:52:03 pm »
Lemme know when you get it up. ^^


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