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Messages - zorm

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General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 27, 2008, 08:39:55 am »
Me passed out on friends (who look thrilled about it):

I see why you were drinking so much, you were trying to drink that poor thing pretty weren't you?!

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 18, 2008, 03:03:18 pm »
K so our game was broadcasted on the internet but i guess you cant see it now it just has audio but anyways go to 57:30 of the broadcast and listen till 59:00

Fucking awesome, you rock!

I played Mario the Lost Worlds on snes for like 5 hours last night, it was pretty sweet.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 16, 2008, 12:49:42 am »
What the fuck? Just got a text from that girl: "aw i wish you were here. i want to see you" ...what is wrong with women?

They weren't gifted with a Y chromosome.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 11, 2008, 10:29:50 pm »
Heh, wow.  Is this for kicks or is there some sort of formal project involved?  Did you get some nice photographs?

Just for kicks, I'm not involved with any of the projects currently underway since most of them are done by PhD candidates. Next spring when VORTEX2 starts I might get to do something, but I don't have an official role in that or anything yet.

Some pictures
West Texas:

East Texas:

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 11, 2008, 10:28:07 pm »
I sort of just fell in love:

Friend of a friend here in town.    droooool

I'm mildly impressed, please send her my way for a core sample, thanks!

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: May 08, 2008, 12:40:57 am »
Had an 8am final on Tuesday then left around 11am for an 800+ mile roundtrip journey for a rainbow.
Woke up at 11am on Wednesday and did a 400 mile roundtrip journey for another rainbow.

I've got an 8am final Thursday too, its been a long couple days.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:29:34 am »

I have a presentation tomorrow morning, test thursday morning, presentation thursday morning, rewrite of a test answer due friday morning, a luncheon friday at noon, walking neighborhoods for a House of Reps candidate, setting up a formal dinner at 430, and then a concert at 730.  Man, I need a drink and I'm out of beer Sad


And line integrals are </3.

General Discussion / Cooperation vs. Competition
« on: April 06, 2008, 04:36:21 pm »
I've been saying for awhile that that's the move we need to make -- competing hurts everybody, cooperation is where it's at.

I wish I could support Sam Adams, too bad their beer sucks. :)

Competing doesn't hurt everybody, what a load of nonsense. Competition is the basis for about every improvement that has been made that I can think of. Your computer isn't as fast as it is today because everyone decided to sit down and have a powwow, its fast because corporations wanted it to be better than the competition. Likewise you can apply this just about everywhere.

Entertainment District / Re: dPain over dt
« on: April 05, 2008, 12:25:19 am »
You guys left out the best one ever:

Twister would've been a much better movie if they'd cut out the bad-guy storm chaser and all the emotional romance crap.  All you need for a good movie are tornados and scientists.  Actually, that's all you need for anything.

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: March 23, 2008, 08:31:47 pm »
I got all of the wine out: both my dress shirt and shorts had a ton of wine on and I waited until this afternoon to do it, but it all came out. All I used was stain remover and then washed was white wine though, not red. Anyway, so I go back down to get my clothes and some fuckhead stole the dress shirt that was stained and another shirt from the dryer. Both of these shirts were nice/expensive, so I'm pretty pissed. I had a third dress shirt in there but it is monogrammed so I guess that's why they left it.

Hey now... whats a little friendly borrowing between southern gentlemen?

General Discussion / Newby's Future
« on: March 22, 2008, 03:37:10 am »
Lazy Internet Troll Looking for Better Internet Job (nob hill)
I chat all day long on the underground hacker chats including _SILC_ AND _IRCS_ ones, not just public IRC servers. Therefore I KNOW ALL THE HACKERS. When it comes 2 the streets of the internet underground I have my ear 2 the ground.
i never use a spell checker, and i send terribly formatted work emails often with numbers used for letters and words.
I'm basically extremely lazy and I scope projects that take 4 hours of real work time for about 1-2 weeks since thats how long it takes to bring myself to work on whatever stupid project I'm assigned. I've been mudding against recently, I have to get the good eq. drops.

I work marginally well on teams. I dont have a problem with authority, I just dont view them as being authoritative. I am late to work constantly, but not _THAT_ late. I need at least $105k a year. I consistently order the most expensive drinks I possibly can get away with when the company card is down. I will even order drinks to then just pour out into the toilet or onto the carpet just to make the company tab higher.

I can program a variety of languages including but not limited to C, C++, a number of assembly languages, PERL, BASH, TCL and SPIN.

I cannot currently program ERLANG, SCHEME, PYTHON or RUBY but if required (which is highly likely if you think your company is a cool, hip and intelligent one), I can learn any of these languages in 2 days with fluent programmign ability with 2 weeks, as any real programmer can do with any language.

I'm an excellent programmer but many aspies (people with aspergers) can out-program me.

I have microcontroller and embeded systems programming and hardware experience including fabrication and circuit design, although I am by no means an expert in this.

I have a very useful formal college education in mathematics from a top tier university I dropped out of, and therefore I can solve many problems very logically with many extra mental tools. I am by no means a mathematics genius.

I have 10+ years in professional (PAID) computer security experience but the security industry is completely retarded now. So I don't want to secure your web apps, _AT ALL_.

Of course I kinda feel my future might end up like this too :X

General Discussion / Re: lol stupid people
« on: March 22, 2008, 03:36:12 am »
It has to be just a matter of time before one of these schools get bitch-slapped in court.
Somehow this takes the "whats needed to prevent the disruption of learning" a bit too far..

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: March 20, 2008, 10:10:30 pm »
I had my "Consumers & The Law" class twice today, basically.  From 11:45-1 I had the actual class and then from 5-630 I and another person in my three person group met with the prof. and he explained our last test and gave us a sample question. 

Normal people refer to that as "class" and "office hours." With most people not going to office hours because they aren't sucking it up in the class..

General Discussion / Re: Helpful criticisms requested
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:38:07 pm »
Your powerpoint skills make baby jesus cry.

For the highly skilled guys when you make a list of them, make it bullets. No one wants to try and read that clusterfuck of a slide.
You should probably take out "a notable list includes" as well. You're suppose to present your slides and as such you need to fashion them to include 'bonus' material so people can read the main points of whats going on.

If you just get up there and read off your slides like this presentation is setup to do you will make everyone want to slit their wrists.

Likewise with the Mark Hessen quote, you can delete the "he said." and space it out better so that its actually distinquishable and readable.

Open up Excel and when you have a slide that mentions some %, make a pretty graph to replace it instead. People like looking at pretty pictures.

Lastly, on the last slide remove the "although very small." You're presenting the benefits, you have no reason to go "hey look at the good it causes, well, its a very very very small amount of good!"

Just go "hey look at the good it causes!!!" and the other side, if they did a good job, can be like "yeah... but thats soooo small!"

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: March 13, 2008, 05:44:16 pm »

How did you know hes back?! I saw him for the first time in a few months yesterday. I think he was in jail.

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