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Messages - d&q

Pages: 1 ... 60 61 [62] 63 64 ... 74
AB should be easier than BC, that's why it's AB and not BC!

I mean standardized.

From what I've heard, Calc AB was way easier than Calc BC this year  :D.

General Discussion / Re: Computer names!!
« on: May 03, 2006, 04:17:06 pm »

I'm thinking about that one.

And by the way, my options are supposed to suck!

General Discussion / Re: Computer names!!
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:49:00 pm »
I don't want a good sounding name, I want a name that sounds completely arbitrary and mazeltoved. And no Sci-Fi either :P.

General Discussion / Computer names!!
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:30:09 pm »
What should I name my computer?

Only the options please! And someone please respond, I'm in a serious dilemma. Or what I would like to call, a "feminine crisis".

Entertainment District / Re: New England Metal & Hardcore Festival
« on: May 02, 2006, 08:36:55 pm »
Only band there that I've heard of is Dragonforce. And they rule.

Before the test, sleep alot, and eat some breakfast! Seriously the best help there is. I did my AP Stat exam today, and it really helped! I need a 4 or a 5 on it :D! I think you'll definitely be able to get a 3 on it. Most likely higher.

General Discussion / Re: Questions to help settle my curiosity.
« on: May 01, 2006, 08:09:35 pm »
I face away initially, then to wake myself up, I turn the water to cold and face towards it.

When I put on my shoes, I usually start with the right one(I'm left-handed), or the closest one to me.

When I brush my teeth, I start on the side closest to my toothbrush.

Gaming / Re: Elder Scrolls IV
« on: April 30, 2006, 08:43:47 pm »
Woot! I finished both the main quest + Thieves Guild quests today! The last thieves guild quest is surely the longest/most difficult quest I've done. :)

General Discussion / Re: Most users unable to spot spyware
« on: April 27, 2006, 07:23:16 pm »
I got 6/8. Got #1 wrong(Still not sure how to tell the difference), and I got #5 wrong(I thought BearShare was safe, I've never used it, but my friends have and said they liked it. Go figure.)

General Discussion / Re: Rap
« on: April 27, 2006, 07:15:54 pm »
Then we would literally take a shit on your chest.

Entertainment District / Re: Hohoho, Rabbit!
« on: April 27, 2006, 07:14:48 pm »
My last post was...NEVER!

I had an earlier username there, I forgot it though.

General Discussion / Re: Rap
« on: April 27, 2006, 06:43:34 pm »
I presented it today in class with my group.

We pwned.

General Discussion / Rap
« on: April 26, 2006, 09:45:44 pm »
Rap for my Romeo & Juliet project:

R - (to self) They laugh at me, because I'm in love's debt
Who's in the window? Is it Juliet?
Who made my feeling for Rosaline forget
Juliet is the one that I love
Oh how I wish to be a glove
To touch her cheek upon her face
Rosaline's face with her's she has replaced
Her eyes are bright, they make me smile
And make me want to stay here awhile
And now I really hope she talks
If not, I'll hit her with these rocks.
(Enter Juliet)

J - (to self) Ay me!

R - She speaks! Oh speak once more.
Juliet's voice I really adore.

J - Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo?
Just 'cuz that's your name, you can't be my homie-o.
Montague's the only part that my parents hate
So drop your last name, so then we can date
A name means nothing, just a description
To the magazine of love, you have a subscription.

R - (to Juliet) I'll drop the name, It's not necessary
I'll do anything, 'cuz I act like a fairy!

J - Who is there, hiding in those trees?
Tell me who you are! I like cheese!

R - I don't know how to tell you my name
Because I hate it, it brings me shame

J - I've barely heard you but I know who you are
Romeo, is that you? This is bizarre.

R - I used my fairy boy wings to fly
Over these walls, into the sky
Into the sky, I flew so high

J - Your bad rhyming is making me cry.
If  you're seen by my parents you'll die
For all we know, there may be a spy
Leave now, go, hurry, goodbye!

R - I can remain, hidden in the dark
But I'd rather die by the Capulet's mark
Than live knowing that I loved but wasn't loved
And loved loving love that loved loving love

J - How'd you know where I live?

R - Well, I followed you home.
'Twas love that guided me to your abode
As I made my way down this treacherous road.

J - It's so dark, you can't see me blushing
If you think into a relationship we're rushing
Then say you love me, or at least you're crushing
Love flows out of my heart, it's practically gushing.

R - I love you like Adonis loved Venus

J - And I love you because you have a big-

R - I swear by the moon that I love you dearly

J - Swearing by the moon? You don't mean it sincerely.
The moon can change, like blackberry pie

R - Then where and what am I allowed to swear by?

J - Don't swear at all, we're together at last!
This relationship is moving to fast.
And though I've had fun, its time to move on
So for now, hurry, go and be gone

R - Will you leave me so cold and alone?

J - But how? On our love, the sun has shone.

R - I want you to tell me you love me tonight.

J - I've told you I loved you, earlier this night

R - lol oh yeah, I forgot. You're right.
Could you say it again, my dearest sugarplum?

J - I would say it again, to your face and your thumb
But, OMG, where is that noise coming from?
I think its inside, that might be my mum
Don't leave, Romeo, for I'll be back before long
(Exit Juliet)

R - Oh wow, is this real? Together we belong.
(Enter Juliet)

J - Romeo, Romeo, if you want to marry me
I'll send my Nurse tomorrow to come to thee
To tell you when married we will be
And we can take off, in perfect harmony


J - I'll be right there, Nurse,
Oh Romeo, will we be for better or for worse?


J - Tomorrow I will send, someone to tell you where
We can get married, for it's more than I can bear
Goodnight, sweet Romeo, not a moment I can spare
(Exit Juliet)

R - Oh joyful day! I can marry Juliet!
(Enter Juliet)

J - Hold on Romeo, don't go just yet!
At what time tomorrow, shall I send my Nurse?

R - 9 o'clock is when we will converse

J - It's almost the morning, its time for you to go
Before we know it, it will be tomorrow
Until then, sweet goodnight, O Romeo!
(Exit Juliet)

R - Sleep well, sweet dreams, good night, my dear
To Friar Lawrence's cell, where my love will persevere.




Gaming / Re: Elder Scrolls IV
« on: April 26, 2006, 08:54:25 pm »
It's very frustrating feeding once per night. I've drained gallons upon gallons of Puny Ancus' blood. I just restarted my game, and I'm pwning. I'm Arena Grand Champion and Dark Brotherhood Listener + Thieves Guild Burglar(think thats what its called, too lazy to check).

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