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Messages - tauist

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / HP laptops suck
« on: February 26, 2007, 09:14:55 am »
If you have any desire to install any form of Linux/BSD(that includes OSx)/Unix. DO NOT choose HP. I bought a dv9008nr and found the out of an 18 point check of the bios 10 failed!!! I called HP and got way up in customer care. HP stance is that HP sell windows laptops only. They will not support any other functionality AT ALL. I asked for my money backl so I could buy a laptop that works for me only to get put off over the last 5 months. I even left a messege for Jeff Utiguard, a executive in Customer care, over 2 month's ago. I never heard anything back from him at all. I urge all laptop consumers to STOP buying hp products until HP stops supporting ONLY WINDOWS. And just as an FYI the 10 failed BIOS points are still broken in windows as well, but they put "patches" for windows to work, but NOTHING for ANY OTHER OS!!

TELL HP to stop asying. "Well it works in windows!?!?!?" ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

To view the errors for yourself:
1.) Download OpenSUSE CD1
2.) Boot to the disk
3.) Choose firmware test

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