« on: March 26, 2007, 05:59:33 pm »
Here's the error it gives me...
17:59:23.598] INFO: Authorization sent, waiting for reply.
[17:59:23.606] INFO: Beginning to receive packets
[17:59:23.673] ALERT: The RCRS server was down, so we were forced to hash locally; unfortunately, the files necessary do not appear to be present. Please either contact iago about getting the server back up ASAP, or find the necessary files:
[17:59:23.679] ALERT: null
[17:59:23.680] exceptions.InvalidVersion: Unable to find files that are necessary to connect, or unable to connect to RCRS server.
[17:59:23.684] versioning.RCRSWrapper.getCheckRevision(RCRSWrapper.java:196)
[17:59:23.690] Login.getAuthCheck(Login.java:151)
[17:59:23.691] PluginMain.processedPacket(PluginMain.java:305)
[17:59:23.691] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(PluginRegistration.java:722)
[17:59:23.692] bot.PacketThread.run(PacketThread.java:179)