JavaOp Support Archive / Re: War3 NumberFormatException on connect
« on: July 15, 2007, 09:40:27 am »
I got it to compile using
I started getting
I had checkRevision() parse into longs but typecasted to return ints still. So I'm not sure if I need to make it return longs or if my hashes are wrong. I'm not actually sure how the hashing works, I just copied war3.exe, game.dll, and storm.dll from my Windows machine onto my Linux machine under ~/.hashes/WAR3/ where _GameData.txt pointed to.
Code: [Select]
javac -cp ~/workspace/javaop2_pub/src/:. versioning/CheckRevision.java
I started getting
Code: [Select]
[08:34:43.423] exceptions.InvalidVersion: Invalid game version
[08:34:43.425] Login.getLogin(Login.java:184)
[08:34:43.425] PluginMain.processedPacket(PluginMain.java:333)
[08:34:43.426] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(PluginRegistration.java:722)
[08:34:43.427] bot.PacketThread.run(PacketThread.java:179)
I had checkRevision() parse into longs but typecasted to return ints still. So I'm not sure if I need to make it return longs or if my hashes are wrong. I'm not actually sure how the hashing works, I just copied war3.exe, game.dll, and storm.dll from my Windows machine onto my Linux machine under ~/.hashes/WAR3/ where _GameData.txt pointed to.