For the record I do not believe Allah is the God that I worship. Islam is a fatherless religion, and the heart of Christianity is that we have a Father in heaven that sent His son into the earth in fulfillment of covenant promises He had made to Jewish patriarchs. This man Jesus was the promised Messiah of the Jews and they crucified him in there ignorance. God then raised him back to life fulfilling His promises to King David that a son out of his loins would sit on his throne for eternity. Now because of Jesus’ resurrection he has been made both the Lord of heaven and earth, and the Christ who will baptize all who will repent, i.e. turn from there current mind and way of living also known as sin, and profess their allegiance to Jesus as Lord. It is this allegiance to Jesus as Lord alone, coupled with a commitment to be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit into what we believe to be absolute truth thus producing drastic changes in heart and mind, which identifies a Christian who is being saved. Receiving the Holy Spirit through our allegiance to Christ grants us adoption as sons and daughters in the family of God in which God Himself is the Father. Allah has no sons, Yahweh does. It is a fundamental difference distinguishing the two religions.
Judaism came out of a continuation of Abraham’s family line in the promised son Isaac through whom God chose to fulfill His covenant made to Abraham. Ishmael, the source of Islam, was a product of Abraham trying to fulfill the covenant made to him by God through his own means sleeping with a servant of his wife. While they have historical ties, and this is the last I will debate of this, they do not today share the same God.
I have stated why I believe Yahweh and His son Jesus Christ are the source of my experience, as well as the reasons as to why I am absolutely convinced it is not a product of my own mind
here. I am willing to discuss things along the lines of that thread as they arise, but I am not going to continue reiterating myself.