I'm getting a problem while trying to load CommandlineConfiguration.jar, it gives me this:
dane@sv1://home/dane/Core$ java -jar CommandlineConfiguration.jar
Unable to find any plugins.
Please download the plugin package from
and extract them somewhere. You will be prompted to find them.
(.:5539): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
I have the plugins installed at both /home/dane/Plugins and /home/dane/Core/Plugins
and have tried them both individually...Just not sure where else I can set where the plugins are manually? I checked the .javaop2 folder and it is empty as well I have read a different post about the same problem which had me try:
JavaOp2 cannot find your X11 display. If its on your local machine, try running the command
export DISPLAY=:0.0
To turn off gui either turn off SwingGUI plugin or go to your home/.javaop2 folder and open _GlobalSettings.txt. Find the line
load gui=true
and change true to false. Should help I guess.
And you can change the plugin path in _PluginPaths.txt in the same directory.
P.S. I rm'd SwingGui.jar
So I decided to create the settings file _PluginPath.txt or whatever with the correct path after using my brain and it worked...