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General Discussion / /me = Scared
« on: January 22, 2009, 04:13:39 pm »

So, yeah.  I was thinking a few months ago that I'd be better off relative to other majors graduating this spring and looking for a job.  But now I'm getting scared...

General Discussion / What is happiness?
« on: December 11, 2008, 12:11:16 am »
So for the last few months I've been struggling over deciding which path I'm going to take next in my life- graduate school or get a job in industry.  In terms of preparation and future success, I will be able to find a place in either since I have both research and internship experience.  My list of pros and cons for each is full of lengthy rationalizations for and against each... but what it really comes down to is which will make me the most happy?

After I Wikipedia'd happiness, I realized that this is more of a philosophical question than I expected.  Up to this point I've based my own happiness upon my academic and professional success.  I've lived most of my life under the pretense that if I can make a comfortable living through the foundation built by my own academic and professional successes, then I will achieve happiness in my life.  Yet I can't help but wonder if this really is only pseudo-happiness.  I've kind of scared myself thinking about this subject because I can't really think of times I've been truly happy in the last four years, besides from things related to academics and professional pursuits.

How do you define happiness?  What truly makes you happy?

General Discussion / What is success?
« on: November 09, 2008, 04:56:00 pm »
Since having to write these Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statements for graduate school applications, I've been doing a lot of introspection into the last ~7 years of my life.

A theme that I will probably end up including in these essays is how I've grown in terms of my understanding of what success really is.

For me, high school was a lack luster experience.  I was an under-achiever, not stupid, but not MENSA smart either.  If I wanted to be a straight A student instead of an A-B student I could have been.  If I wanted to take more AP courses and do well, I could have.   But for me, in high school, I never relished in success mainly because I thought I was could never been successful.  Maybe it was because of my insecurities about my A.D.D., and feeling like I was born defective by design and could never achieve and compete with those born normal.  Or maybe it was because my eldest sister, smart as hell, set the bar so high I felt it wasn't worth challenging myself.  Or maybe it was my lack of interest in anything but computers and programming.  I don't know for sure, it's probably all of these and more.

But since college I've come to realize that success isn't really about how smart you are.  Albeit, it is important.  But rather, how much you make yourself stand out and get noticed is more important to successfulness.

How do you view success?  How do you quantify or describe the modes of achieving success?

General Discussion / Grad School vs. Industry
« on: November 06, 2008, 09:00:20 am »
Ok I was pretty sure on graduate school just a semester ago... but now as I get closer to graduating (will graduate in the spring), I'm inching farther and farther away from grad school.

While I won't be in debt when I finish undergrad (thanks mom & dad), and I likely won't be paying for graduate school tuition and will be getting paid under an assistantship or fellowship, the state of the economy in the next 4 years has me worried.

Having never taken a business course and never really had much interest in the subject, do you think it would wiser to go to graduate school first or get a job and hold off?

The fear I have is that if I get a job and start making money, it'll be hard for me to drop everything and go back to school- once I have bills et al.  And getting a degree while working full-time just doesn't appeal to me.

I've already asked my professors for their opinions, but most of their answers have been predictable.

Your thoughts?

I've always been curious as to if it's my white-washed twinkie'ness that's the contributing factor as to why I find caucasian women way more attractive than Asian women.  Does being raised since infancy in a white family and in predominately white state (at least areas with very few Asians) significantly explain my preferences?

I wonder if I'm just unnatural genetically, not environmentally. 

General Discussion / GRE Prep
« on: September 01, 2008, 09:16:19 pm »
I'm so fucked.  I have the GRE in a month and feel like the verbal section is going to own me so hard.  How to study?  Anyone taken the GRE yet?  Any advice?  Google gives me lots of shit and so I'm looking through this all...

General Discussion / Pulling a Crazed here...
« on: July 10, 2008, 09:25:30 pm »

General Discussion / Drinks...
« on: June 23, 2008, 11:29:28 pm »
So for all you of age members... what's your favorite alcoholic beverage?  This includes liquor and mixed drinks.

I'm so fucking bored here in South Bend, Indiana.  I find my evenings spent kicking back at the computer drinking my loneliness away and trolling.  Since I'm just so used of the cheap-o piss watery shit beer typical of poor college kids I haven't really explored the more finer stuff out there.  So now that I have some disposable income, I'd like to know what's good (in your opinion) and what's not.

Also suggestions on wines too.

EDIT:  No bitch drinks.

General Discussion / Hahahaha
« on: June 12, 2008, 11:30:36 pm »

I found it hilarious... but was a bit disappointed a computer scientist wasn't in there.  Where would you say they'd would go?  Definitely after the mathematician... but does Physics or CS fit the applied math more would you say?

General Discussion / Slashdot or Digg?
« on: May 18, 2008, 12:17:33 am »
Alright, I have to go with Slashdot because the Digg community as a whole is pretty bad- I'd rate it only a couple of levels above YouTube.

For insightfulness, funniness, and informativeness of its community, Slashdot has me.  Plus their feeds aren't filled with crap I don't care about.  Less is more sometimes.

General Discussion / Investing...
« on: May 06, 2008, 05:36:20 pm »
So my dad said that I should think about cashing in my Savings Bonds that I have been getting since I was adopted, and I think that now is the time in my life I should start thinking about investing towards my future both short term and long term since I obviously can't rely on Social Security to help out.

Personally I'm leaning more towards investing via Mutual Funds since I want something that's low maintenance.

Anyways, I'm not posting here to ask about how or what I should do since Google is a better resource for that- rather I'd like to get an idea of what kinds of investing people here have done/started?

General Discussion / Summer Plans?
« on: May 04, 2008, 11:14:50 pm »
What's everyone's summer plans?  Anything cool, fun, or interesting planned?

My summer plans pretty much just consists of me doing experimental research in wireless networking at Notre Dame for 10 weeks, and visiting Ender in Chicago.

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