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connection issue on starcraft bot

Started by chrismac, January 21, 2008, 04:28:28 PM

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sup eveyone i just bought a mac and heard this was the best bot for mac os leapord.
im no newb to bots but im not completely used to this format or anything.
but anyway im trying to connect my bot on the bnls server and when i connect it goes through all the motions and everything checks out but when it gets to the cdkey and game version i get an error about the game version is outdated and it wants me to download something.
so i was wondering would i be better off waiting on an update or should i try hashing it?
i just need help


Change your BNLS server to
But ya, when something like this happens it helps to post a log of the bot.
09/08/05 - Clan SBs @ USEast
[19:59:04.000] <DeadHelp> We don't like customers.
[19:59:05.922] <DeadHelp> They're assholes
[19:59:08.094] <DeadHelp> And they're never right.


[18:49:02.819] INFO: CDKey and Version check sent.
[18:49:02.871] INFO: CDKey and Version check successful.  Attempting to log in.
[18:49:02.968] INFO: Logon successful! Entering chat.
[18:49:03.071] Joining channel: op zex.
[18:49:03.082] ztUnNA.Bot@Azeroth is in the channel (ping: 109, flags: 0)
[18:49:03.083] zEx. is in the channel (ping: 47, flags: 0)
[18:49:03.097] zEx. has had a status update (ping: 47, flags: 2)
[18:49:05.505] Unknown packet received:
[18:49:05.506] Buffer contents:
ff 5e 29 00 0b d6 7e 00 18 3e 68 26 5a ce e8 37    .^)...~..>h&Z..7
2a b7 11 3d c3 71 32 18 87 97 ad b8 cd d2 28 08    *..=.q2.......(.
88 ad b0 5c ac 6c cf cc 31                         ...\.l..1
Length: 41

thanks for the server but now im getting this and i shut down every 5 minutes.
and help on this?


Yes, thats warden. You're fucked when it comes to that.
Use a diffrent client [anything but Starcraft/BroodWars]
09/08/05 - Clan SBs @ USEast
[19:59:04.000] <DeadHelp> We don't like customers.
[19:59:05.922] <DeadHelp> They're assholes
[19:59:08.094] <DeadHelp> And they're never right.