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Gamer saves lives

Started by BigAznDaddy, January 18, 2008, 10:14:34 PM

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I'm trained in CPR, AED, First Aid - Medical First Responder (For both the Red Cross and St. John ambulance), and a couple others.  If I had to sit through those classes again before I could play a game.. I wouldn't play that game.  :P

It's good that some peoples lives were potentially saved from video games, though.  :)
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


we could all run an army, we've played starcraft - web based markup debugger


Wow, he knows how to stop bleeding. I think I learned that one in Cubs when I was like 8. If he had been able to perform CPR or other bigger first aid tasks purely from the game experience, I'd be impressed, but making a bandage and elevating a wound is probably the most basic thing


Agreed. Seems to me like they had nothing better to report on, so they played on the title, "Gamer Saves Lives."
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