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[Miniature] Beastmen and Minotaur

Started by iago, June 14, 2010, 12:22:45 AM

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I haven't posted any pictures here in a long, long time!

I also haven't painted anything in awhile, but I got back to working on some of my figs the last couple weeks. Here are a few pictures:

These were taken with several thousand dollars worth of photo gear, instead of my old cheap broken camera, and I think the quality shows. :)


There are some things that really show off well in these photos.

Picture 1: The trinket/pouches all along its robe are really awesome.
Picture 2: I really like how you painted the fur/hair.  I like how the gloves/suit came out too, but I don't know how well the colours go.  Really awesome technique, though.
Picture 3: The sandle and the axe are awesome.  Really awesome.
Picture 4: Everything about this is awesome, although the face looks weird but I'm willing to be it's just the angle.

And I know for a fact these will probably be at least 4x as impressive seeing them live.  A really great job, iago.  :D
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


I have shown a friend the pictures, and he comments that the axe on the third is 'spot on', and he agreed that the sandal is nice.  He also comments that 'the right leg toning is very nice', but he thinks the left is a little too exaggerated.
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Awesome, thanks!

I totally agree about the left leg. :)

To be honest, there are two things that gave me a lot of trouble. The first one is the axe. I left that minotaur on my desk for months with just the axe left before I finally did it. I was actually inspired by an axe or something I saw on somethingawful to finally paint it the way I did. The second is the chainmail -- I hate any kind of metallic, really. Both of those discouraged me from continuing for long periods of time. :)

I think these miniatures look especially good for a couple reasons, though. The first is that, especially on the last two, I actually started shading in addition to highlighting, which adds a lot of depth. I also put more thought into where shadows would actually be on the last one. The second is using a real camera to take pictures instead of my total PoS junk. It's nice when you can actually see details.

Thanks, though!