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Starship Troopers

Started by iago, May 16, 2007, 10:55:56 PM

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I realize that it's a little older, but I just watched Starship Troopers for the first time since it came out. And I have to say, I liked it.

The politics in the movie were interesting. It was obviously meant to be a satire of the political system proclaimed in the book. The author of the book believed in the politics seen in the movie, but the screenwriter obviously didn't.

It was also neat how there was absolutely no sexism seen. Women and men lived and showered together as if it was a completely natural thing (which, to be fair, it is). Women could be soldiers as easily as men, and nobody said anything.

An interesting trivia point: the director got naked himself for one take of the shower scene. On a dare or something. :)

I'm planning on watching the sequel soon. I'd watch it tonight, but I'm bloody tired.

I also bought the Starship Trooper miniature game (by Mongoose Publishing). Because it's being replaced by a new, pre-painted (eww!) game, they're trying to get rid of stock so the game was 40% off. I got a $100 game for only $60! I'm not sure how good the game will be, but it looks promising. I'm going to be the Mobile Infantry, and my friend wants to play the bugs. I'll kick some arachnid ass!


There's a sequel?  WTF?


It was straight to video. I bought a box-set (ie, both of them together). Once I watch it, I'll let y'all know how it is.


Quote from: rabbit on May 16, 2007, 11:37:53 PM
There's a sequel?  WTF?
Eactly what I thought.

The movie was okay.  I saw it when I was a little younger, right when it came out, so I don't really remember that much of it. 
The once grove of splendor,
Aforetime crowned by lilac and lily,
Lay now forevermore slender;
And all winds that liven
Silhouette a lone existence;
A leafless oak grasping at eternity.

"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus

Chromium Bass

That movie was one of my favorites for the longest time, other than Alien, and Aliens of course


this is one of the best movies ever. and i also watched the sequel which blows. i would not recommend seeing it. but starship troopers O MAN i LOVE it. i watched a billion times since i was a kid and the brain bug still grosses me out