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Post Your Vocab

Started by Ender, July 21, 2007, 02:30:00 AM

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In this thread everyone is limited to one post, except for me -- I am limited to two posts. In your post you will post vocabulary words that you like or a vocab list of yours. The idea is that over time you will add to your list by editing your post, and can frequent this thread regularly to reinforce your understanding and recognition of these words. Also, people get to look at and learn from others' lists. ^^

The format of the list is up to you, and whether or not you want to put a definition is also up to you. My preference is to include definitions, and to make them as concise and memorable as possible.


alacrity ===========> speed
apogee, zenith, apex ===> highest point, culmination
burgeon ==========> to grow and develop and flourish
capricious =========> whimsical
carping ===========> characterized by or full of complaints
cozen ============> obtain by deceit
hackneyed, banal, trite ==> overused, cliche
insouciant, nonchalant ==> carefree, casual
logorrhea ==========> excess of words (remember, diarrhea ;P)
miscreant ==========> a person without moral scruples
obviate ===========> to prevent dangers or difficulties
stentorian ==========> booming loud, as in a stentorian voice