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Started by Ender, February 15, 2008, 09:38:24 PM

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So I found a V-Day card on my door. It was next to the the poster by my name, not my roommate's name. I looked at other people's doors around me, and they had no V-Day cards on their doors.

I sat in bed for a while running through who could be the one to do it. I remembered a girl staring at me when I came in so I thought that she must have known, and deduced that many more girls probably knew. I was too nervous to go downstairs and have all the girls down there judge me.

I IM'd a bunch of people too, and bragged to my cousin.

9:59 PM me: you there?
cousin: no
me: guess what
10:00 PM cousin: no
  i dc
me: first of all id idn't see smallville so don't talk about it
  but what im msging u for is
cousin: i dc
me: i got a secret valentine's day card
cousin: nice
  i dc
me: more than you'll ever get, your whole life
10:01 PM cousin: ok andy
  keep talking big guy
  why r u IMing me?
me: someone's moody
cousin: not really just ur annoying
  like I say I dc
me: so I see that you didn't get a V-day card like me...
cousin: and u continue to IM me
  ook andy
  Your blocked, Bye.

I had a headache though, so I went to sleep. I woke up at around 1am and went to my RA. I first swore him to confidentiality. Then I showed him the card. "So?" he replied. Then I found out that EVERYBODY had gotten these cards, it's just that people whose doors I checked must have taken them down already.

Well, it was worth it for that conversation with my cousin. Classic, and yet, epic.

And that's how Valentine's Day of 2008 went for me: a bad headache and a big misunderstanding.