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So, Shadowrun yes?

Started by Hdx, December 20, 2008, 03:07:43 AM

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Ok so we played a showdow run game tonight.
We started out the basic, Meet the Johnson, get our objective.

A previous employee of the Johnson's company{altech but nobody bothered to ask} had stolen some tech from them and was trying to sell it to the Triad/Mafia. The mark was a playboy, has lots of parties in his penthouse, etc.. so we go to the hotel next door and fail to get a room on the same floor as the mark. So insted we go across the street and look at the office building, which has a whole 2 rooms being used the rest for lease for REALLY cheap. Like 4,000 nuyen/mo {we would each be paid ~250,000 for the job}.

But instead of renting it, or getting the key {they let us explore any floor we wanted} they did a random floor, and stole the keycard. So me, the decker had to 'hack' it and reset it to the floor we wanted. {all it did was send a RF with the floor # out}. So, we basically we stole a floor of a building.

We setup the base of operations there, I hop on the matrix and run over to the mark's network, steal his porn, and change the guest list to include 2 of our party members. {Killing the decker in control of the apartment building in the process because he detected me :P}
Theres a knock at the door and another person introduces himself as being hired by the Johnson, and we take it at face value and let him into the grupe. {It was another one of our friends playing}

We dress up the elf chick in pretty much a whores outfit and send her off the the party. Along with our rigger for good mesure. The elf was a dumbfuck and goes straight for the mark and trys to talk to him. Which causes him to summon his body guard to drag her out because he dosent know any elves.

But our rigger was able to plant out cameras so I get a live view of all of the place. Then the new guy from above orders some pizza, knocks out the delivery guy takes the pizza and clothing and goes to the mark's place. He gets in. And the mark greets him, ... and they know eachother, it's subtile but meh. "Hey, how you been, delevering pizza now eah?" "Sure you can use the bathroom, you know where it is." I'm the only one who notices this. But, cuz i wanted to see where this went I leave it be.

So, the days pass, we watch what the mark does, he meets with the mob, has a metal suitcase that hes trying to sell to them. So we make up a plan, the new guy would be standing on the roof of the hotel, which is level with the floor the mark is on. I would be in the office we .. aquired.. with my high powered sniper rifle, and the rest of the team would barge in shoot it up and steal the case {we were getting bored} So, the elf mage chick does an illusion and changes two of our guys into the look of the mob bosses.

They head into the apartment building, setting off the metal detectors, and just keep going to the elevators. Before the guards react there in the elevators going up. They walk out... and the real mob/body guards are there. A firefight ensues. One of the mob bosses run into the apartment, right into my line of sight. I use my 12 combat dice to shoot, and explode his head.

One of our other friends is playing the mark's bodyguard. So hes there shooting rubber bullets at everyone because they all look the same. {The illusion charm}

The mark comes into my line of sight and I'm like 'fuck it' and blow his torso out. My teammates take out the bodyguards, except of the PC one, who decides hes gunna fight it out cuz he only sees 2 people. He trys to pellet them, knocking one of them off balance and stunning. The 1st one gets a cop de gra on him at point blank to the head. He survives cuz his skill is cyber. And once again, I say fuck it, And blow his head off from across the street with my rifle :P

After that.... the new guy just drives away on his bike with the case.

Turns out, he was hired by the mark to protect the case from us.....

God damnet :P

So, we dont get paied, and he ends up selling the case back to the johnson for 100,000 nuyen.

:) it was fun.
09/08/05 - Clan SBs @ USEast
[19:59:04.000] <DeadHelp> We don't like customers.
[19:59:05.922] <DeadHelp> They're assholes
[19:59:08.094] <DeadHelp> And they're never right.


I'd be very interested to see what formatting you use any submitted papers for any classes you take.
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Quote from: Blaze on December 20, 2008, 03:40:30 AM
I'd be very interested to see what formatting you use any submitted papers for any classes you take.
If i give a shit, I do it correctly, if i don't, i don't.
09/08/05 - Clan SBs @ USEast
[19:59:04.000] <DeadHelp> We don't like customers.
[19:59:05.922] <DeadHelp> They're assholes
[19:59:08.094] <DeadHelp> And they're never right.


Haha, sounds like a fun story.

Also, you should press 'enter' twice after every line, not once -- its easy to do, but makes things 100x more readable. :)


Quote from: iago on December 20, 2008, 10:06:42 AM
Haha, sounds like a fun story.

Also, you should press 'enter' twice after every line, not once -- its easy to do, but makes things 100x more readable. :)

Holy crap, that made quite the difference.

Thanks, Hdx, was a awesome story.  :)
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


The story makes me want to get back into Shadowrun (or something similar) :)

I think if we were the players, things would have went differently. We have a standard operating procedure in Shadowrun that we generally play by. I'll tell you about it later, if you want.


Go for it.
One of the main problems we are having right now with shadowrun is nobody knows exactly how to do everything perfectly by the rules, so we fudge a bit all over the place. That, and we're to trusting of each other. We were gunna have another game last Saterday, but, you know, snow!
09/08/05 - Clan SBs @ USEast
[19:59:04.000] <DeadHelp> We don't like customers.
[19:59:05.922] <DeadHelp> They're assholes
[19:59:08.094] <DeadHelp> And they're never right.


Heh, playing with every possible rule properly in every situation is impossible. We generally go by the rules, but in many cases the GM/DM makes the call and we keep going (rather than getting held up all the time). Nothing's more boring than playing with a bunch of hardcore players who insist on looking up every rule for every action. *yawn*

Also, we're totally trusting of each other when we play, and we don't screw each other over. We even pool our equipment/money often times, and let one player worry about the inventory.

That being said, let's say we get a mission to kill somebody. Or maybe somebody pissed us off and we want revenge. Our standard plan is:
1. How can we make extra money off this? (is he wanted? can we arrange a bounty? does he own property? does he own cool stuff? do we need to forge his will/kill his only heir/etc etc)
2. How can we get somebody else to do it for free? (plant phony evidence, phone up a gang boss, etc)
3. How can we make money off THAT? (save the person, get a reword, kill him anyway? kill the killer and take his stuff?)

We tend to be pretty brutal. One time we came up with an ingenious plan (this is from memory, we have it wikified somewhere but I'm not sure if my friend's server still exists). There was a ¥1,000,000 (or so) reward on our heads. So, we decided, we need to pretend to kill our own party, and collect the reward money. But, how do we do that? Well, easy, we set explosives in one of our buildings, and put clones of ourselves in that building. Plus, we collect the insurance money. But, how can we make extra money off it? Well, we decided to open a bank (we already had a few businesses, like a hotel and bar), get a bunch of money in the bank, steal it, blow up the bank, get the insurance money. Then, when we pick up the money, kill the Johnson. In a funny way. And steal his stuff. And get some rival Johnson to pay us to do it.

It's pretty entertaining. :)

And incidentally, I can think of instances where we did everything I mentioned in those three points. Like the time somebody tried to overcharge us for our hotel. We forged his will, killed him (cut the brakes on his car), and killed his widow (made it look like a suicide). Then, everything went to us, including the hotel.

As we collected property, we named our corporation was called Skull Corp, and we had a security division called Skull Security. We'd contract ourselves to do runs. We would frequently steal buildings, do mass murders, etc. We were totally evil characters. :)

I hope I can get our stories back, we had a ton of fun.


So thats where the name comes from, Awesome.
I haven't played any tabletop RPGs in a long time so we're not quite back into the swing of things. But the last major D&D campaign we did lasted for 5 days, and ended up with us all becoming gods by assassinating one. And taking over Mt. Olympus.
I'm *trying* to get everyone together more often to play games, but alas snow.
09/08/05 - Clan SBs @ USEast
[19:59:04.000] <DeadHelp> We don't like customers.
[19:59:05.922] <DeadHelp> They're assholes
[19:59:08.094] <DeadHelp> And they're never right.


Quote from: iago on December 22, 2008, 02:25:11 PM
As we collected property, we named our corporation was called Skull Corp, and we had a security division called Skull Security. We'd contract ourselves to do runs. We would frequently steal buildings, do mass murders, etc. We were totally evil characters. :)

My problem with evil-based D&D campaigns is that they tend to lean too much towards chaos and lack structure. The initial shock at first draws you in, but then you realize that the party members control the world. The DM tends to let them do whatever they want, and they lost interest. I had a discussion with a kid on my dorm building floor about it, and he doesn't like evil campaigns for those reasons.

It's like giving a cat a string and letting go. The cat will play with it for a bit, then leave.

Shadowrun seems like it's based around doing evil things, though, so perhaps it has catch-alls for those problems.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote from: Rule on June 30, 2008, 01:13:20 PM
Quote from: CrAz3D on June 30, 2008, 10:38:22 AM
I'd bet that you're currently bloated like a water ballon on a hot summer's day.

That analogy doesn't even make sense.  Why would a water balloon be especially bloated on a hot summer's day? For your sake, I hope there wasn't too much logic testing on your LSAT. 


Quote from: Newby on December 23, 2008, 03:01:26 AM
My problem with evil-based D&D campaigns is that they tend to lean too much towards chaos and lack structure. The initial shock at first draws you in, but then you realize that the party members control the world. The DM tends to let them do whatever they want, and they lost interest. I had a discussion with a kid on my dorm building floor about it, and he doesn't like evil campaigns for those reasons.

It's like giving a cat a string and letting go. The cat will play with it for a bit, then leave.

Shadowrun seems like it's based around doing evil things, though, so perhaps it has catch-alls for those problems.
Shadowrun suffers from the same issues, but it depends a lot on how things play out. In The Shadowrun world, the characters aren't significantly more powerful than normal people. Plus, the world is fairly wide open and well understood. I think those are the biggest factors that make it entertaining.

I imagine that the same thing could be done in D&D if a good DM is looking after it.