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Started by Rule, December 23, 2006, 01:45:14 PM

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"When viewing pornography, I"

feel no guilt during or afterwards
feel some guilt associated with the experience
I do not look at pornography more than once a month


errr... something like that...


I am curious as to the current size of Fapiko's porn stash. Has it grown considerably in the 2.5 years since you first posted here?
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow


Quote from: Deuce&Quota on December 25, 2006, 12:51:17 AM
Quote from: Krazed on December 24, 2006, 10:07:43 AM
Quote from: rabbit on December 24, 2006, 09:30:18 AM
Quote from: Fapiko on December 24, 2006, 01:37:31 AM
Well here's how it went down.  Newby posts a link to some emo kid that's having troubles with some bipolar crazy bitch that took his virginity and decided to post it here for internet kids to give him advice rather than talk to his friends.  Anyways, I clicked the General Discussion tab and low and behold a topic called Pornography.  Couldn't help but click that beast.  Then I figured I might as well share the large porn collection that I have which I cannot access.  45 gigs takes a while to download over 56k if you know what I'm saying.
Honestly, we don't care.  Shut the fuck up.

Agreed. Go post in GameSnake's forum.

I disagree. That post fucking rocked.

I concur with Deuce.

And I feel no guilt whatsoever.  Only time I would feel guilt is if my mom caught me, and that's just feeling guilt because I got caught.  That and my mom is a devout Catholic who caught me looking at dirty sites when I was 13 and gave me a "sex is sacred" speech that forever made me reject religion.  If it's wrong to feel pleasure watching porn, then I don't want anything to do with a religion like that.

I'm not religious.  And I don't think most porn stars are victims.  I'm not sure what kind of porn you're watching Rule.  In fact, but you caught my interest, I want some of that which you talk about!!!  :P

And most "first time videos" are fake.  I've never seen a real virgin in porn.  And if it's a "first time on camera" type video, eh, I can't feel bad for them.  It's not like they were forced to do it.  They could have gotten a regular job and don't give me the "well maybe they couldn't pay the bills and porn is all they could do to bring in the money".  Sorry, maybe you should have gotten an education then or not put yourself in a situation where you had to do porn to pay the bills.  Has it ever occurred to anyone that perhaps some women just like to fuck and give pleasure?  Of course most pornstars don't orgasm when on screen, but still, they get paid for something they like to do.

Ok, I'm a bastard.
I tend to edit my topics and replies frequently.


By "first time", I meant first time on camera; but how would you know whether the girl is a virgin or not?  I doubt anyone you see in a porn video is a virgin, but it's not exactly something you can prove.

I was mostly just curious for opinions on this subject, since porn seems to have become such a normal part of peoples lives.  I also noticed that older porn-stars, e.g. long time porn actresses, not amateurs, seem to have this drained awful look about them.
Hmm... this thread reminds me of when people actually had discussions about things.  Wonder if the forums are going the same way as vL?


Well, yeah you are probably right about older porn stars because it's true that most porn stars don't stay in the business very long.  Even the most successful ones.  Being in the biz for more than 5 years is a long time for a porn star normally.  Most will have moved on by then using the money they've made to go back to school or go to venture into a new field of work that's more conventional or perhaps their real dream.  So I'd imagine the actresses that are still in the biz after an extend period of time might be more drained and be less passionate about the job.

After all, the majority of porn actresses enter the biz in their youthful years (aka during their sexual prime).  So age plays a large factor in terms of sexual activity and interest in sex in general.  You'd have to be one of the few veterans like Nina Hartley, an 80's porn star with a very high sex drive who's a big advocate of sexual growth/enlightenment, sexual openness, and sexual education in order to stay in the business such a long time and still be passionate.

Hell, in 10 years I have a feeling that if I'm still doing plain old software engineering and not more research-oriented or at least more interesting bleeding-edge work, I'm going to have this awful drained look about me too.  There's nothing like going to a job you don't enjoy as much anymore every single day for years.

I have no problem or guilt about enjoying porn.  I do have a moral conflict if it's illegal pornographic content and would feel guilty from watching it if I later found out a participating party was forced to partake or unknowingly partook in it without their complete consent.  Other than that, the only emotion I feel comes from embarrassment when someone finds my porn stash or other personal items.  It's more just me thinking, "Shit, now they're going to think I'm a weirdo".   Or like I mentioned before, the guilt of being caught by my catholic mother.  Although, I no longer have to fear being caught by my mother or having a family member catch me, now that I don't live under their roof and am not financially dependent on them.  In most cases, my embarrassment or guilt comes from the fact that I've made another person feel embarrassed or uncomfortable by my actions and personal choice, lol.

I have no beef with those who don't enjoy porn or feel guilty by watching it.  I don't care if you have religious beliefs that frown upon it, as long as you don't try to preach to me or condemn me for not sharing the same views on the subject.  You see, despite being fiscally conservative, I'm not a social conservative.  I'm a proponent for legalization of marijuana, prostitution, gay marriage, etc.  Despite having never smoked a joint, never utilized the services of a prostitute, and being straight, I believe that what you do behind closed doors and the proclivities you enjoy are your own personal business, your own personal choice of lifestyle.  Others should be less quick to judge you as long as you aren't hurting someone else directly (and to an extent, indirectly- i.e. second hand smoke) by doing so.

However, I will concede that there have been times where I have questioned whether my enjoyment of porn will have given me bad habits that I'll have to break later down the road.  Kind of like the ones VB6 and Cuphead's CleanSlateBot gave me when I first started bot development and programming.  At this point it's merely speculation as to the possibility that porn might have given me an unrealistic view of sex and intimacy in real serious relationships.  Since I will admit that porn cannot relay the emotional gratification shared between two individuals who engage intimate acts and have a healthy, loving emotional relationship outside the bedroom.  But I don't think I'd feel guilt, shame, or embarrassment if it turns out that this realization is true.  Mainly because I'm a big proponent of personal responsibility.  In fact, I can sometimes be unintentionally harsh on others who are in situations of their own doing (I'm working on getting better at being more empathetic), and even more harsh on myself if the cause of my problems are because of my own failures.  So in the event I have been given some bad habits that will need breaking, I think I'll just feel like I'm an complete idiot for continuing to dig a deeper hole I'll eventually have to get myself out of, and deserve what I get.

Wow, this turned out to be helluva long... my bad.
I tend to edit my topics and replies frequently.


Quote from: while1 on July 11, 2009, 09:51:00 AM
Well, yeah you are probably right about older porn stars because it's true that most porn stars don't stay in the business very long.  Even the most successful ones.  Being in the biz for more than 5 years is a long time for a porn star normally.  Most will have moved on by then using the money they've made to go back to school or go to venture into a new field of work that's more conventional or perhaps their real dream.  So I'd imagine the actresses that are still in the biz after an extend period of time might be more drained and be less passionate about the job.

After all, the majority of porn actresses enter the biz in their youthful years (aka during their sexual prime).  So age plays a large factor in terms of sexual activity and interest in sex in general.  You'd have to be one of the few veterans like Nina Hartley, an 80's porn star with a very high sex drive who's a big advocate of sexual growth/enlightenment, sexual openness, and sexual education in order to stay in the business such a long time and still be passionate.

Hell, in 10 years I have a feeling that if I'm still doing plain old software engineering and not more research-oriented or at least more interesting bleeding-edge work, I'm going to have this awful drained look about me too.  There's nothing like going to a job you don't enjoy as much anymore every single day for years.

It's more than just a look of being bored with their job though.  It's like their soul has been destroyed.  You know the look I mean?  Someone can "look like a whore", and be wearing decent clothing.  It's this battered, depressing, used, unhealthy, seedy look.  Long-time prostitutes have the same look.  They can be fully dressed, and not be blatantly advertising sex, but that look/aura about them gives away that they're a prostitute.  And it's more than just a look of unhappiness..  there really is something seedy/soul-destroying about it.  In this context, I'm mostly talking about women 40 and over. 

Someone I know noticed this too... 


There was a serial killer up in my region named Ted Bundey. While he was in his prime I believe he killed atleast 20-30 girls, maybe more. A lot of them were prostitutes and a few were even from my city. After he was caught and awaiting deathrow he had an encounter with God and was seen to have made amazing changes to who he was at a heart level. He began to help officials understand how a serial killer thinks and some reasons he gets started. He said pornography coupled with other elements is what got him and many others started in there twisted lifestyle. He was later executed.

I used to be an avid watcher of porn but am now seriously ashamed of how it made me look and feel towards woman. I still struggle with lust and it is an issue that hurts me more than anything else in context to my engagement with my beautifull wife to be and the prospect of having a daughter in the years to come. It's not about being religious, it's about the damage it does in individuals, families, and our social structures as a whole.
I am prepared to be ridiculed for what I believe, are you?


Quote from: while1 on July 11, 2009, 09:51:00 AM
However, I will concede that there have been times where I have questioned whether my enjoyment of porn will have given me bad habits that I'll have to break later down the road.  Kind of like the ones VB6 and Cuphead's CleanSlateBot gave me when I first started bot development and programming.
LOL! Best analogy ever.
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow


My friend brought up an interesting point recently, which may actually be better for its own thread: what's worse, watching porn or watching strippers? (worse = less moral, less right, less ethical, whatever)


Quote from: iago on July 11, 2009, 03:18:44 PM
My friend brought up an interesting point recently, which may actually be better for its own thread: what's worse, watching porn or watching strippers? (worse = less moral, less right, less ethical, whatever)

Well, with strippers you are directly supporting the girl, so I think its better to do that. (Can you tell I gave it a positive twist? ;) )


Hard to say.  It would depend on the porn, and the strip joint.  But I'd say roughly equal in most cases, except it would take more courage to go out to see a stripper.


Quote from: Rule on July 11, 2009, 02:25:07 AM
Hmm... this thread reminds me of when people actually had discussions about things.  Wonder if the forums are going the same way as vL?

Never! We will never die! Though, to be fair, vL is still alive. Barely. But alive. :P

To be frank and honest, though, I'm not even sure D3 or SC2 will bring back the glory and fun that was and therein, x86. Perhaps we were doomed from the start to eventually decline into inactivity?

If we do branch into the world again when SC2/D3 come out, we will attract new people (hopefully at a constant rate), and new people will bring activity. But until a good source of new people comes along, we're pretty much dependent on the current member base and that member base bringing people in/contributing positively to the board.

On-topic: I watched 20 minutes of porn a day? WTF?
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote from: Rule on June 30, 2008, 01:13:20 PM
Quote from: CrAz3D on June 30, 2008, 10:38:22 AM
I'd bet that you're currently bloated like a water ballon on a hot summer's day.

That analogy doesn't even make sense.  Why would a water balloon be especially bloated on a hot summer's day? For your sake, I hope there wasn't too much logic testing on your LSAT. 


To be frank and honest, though, I'm not even sure D3 or SC2 will bring back the glory and fun that was and therein, x86. Perhaps we were doomed from the start to eventually decline into inactivity?
All you people who got real lives need to stop that shit and realize what REALLY matters is hanging out with cool people and playing video games. Assholes.

Quote from: Newby on July 12, 2009, 02:40:03 AM
On-topic: I watched 20 minutes of porn a day? WTF?
I agree, totally not enough
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow


Quote from: Hitmen on July 12, 2009, 02:43:55 AM
...hanging out with cool people...
Shhhh, we want people to STAY.


Quote from: Ergot on December 23, 2006, 11:13:31 PM
Lol, I agree with Rule... kind of awkward to have one's first post about the size of his or her porn stash size.

The department of redundancy department called..
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.