
So the widespread use of emojis these days kinda makes forum smileys pointless, yeah?

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"Reactant" personalities

Started by iago, June 02, 2010, 10:08:48 AM

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I found that article really interesting to read, because it sounds like it's describing me. Then, of course, I though "bah, they're totally wrong!", which made me realize they're right, which made me..... err, nevermind. :)

But anyway, I'm the type of person that generally doesn't believe authority at face value. Whether it's because I'm reactive, or whether it's because authority is always wrong, I'll let you decide. At the same time, though, I don't like arguing anything unless I have all the facts, which makes me a fairly passive person. It's kind of an interesting combination, but there you go. :)


HBR generally has good articles, but I think that one was pretty lackluster. Good topic but could have really been much more in-depth.
Ain't Life Grand?


Yeah, I agree that it was pretty shallow. I find the topic interesting, though.


I've never read anything on this before topic before.  I agree, I wish there was more substance to the article, as it sounds like I have quite a bit of this trait in me.
I tend to edit my topics and replies frequently.