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Started by Joe, June 15, 2005, 05:53:52 AM

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All this hardware is sold as-is. I'm not trying to rip you off, I just dont have the time to test it. Shipping costs are not included, and will be added to your cost. Prices are negotiable, reasonably.

Western Digital WD300, 30GB Internal Hard Drive:
Last tested a few months ago, was working. Sat on my desk in my office for a few months, and endured a few failed attepts at installing Slackware (it wasn't the hard drives fault, it was the Mobo being too old to work with it).
Price: $15

An old Mobo:
Came out of a Compaq deskpro, worked at last testing a few months ago. Didn't recongnize the above hard drive entirely, however it worked limitedly. I don't know that much about hardware, but I think that with a proper driver, it will work correctly. Includes a Pentium 486 (I think its 486) and a few sticks of RAM (unsure how much, 16MB I think). Might be good for.. I don't know.
Price: $10

Hewlet Packard 4020i CD burner
Never tested. SCSI interface, not ATA or what the heck ever we use now.
Price: $10

Lenoxx Sound Programmable CD Player with Repeat Play
Tested working a few years ago. I'll test it again soon. Nothing much more to say, except it runs on 4 AA batterys. Aparently you can plug it in, but I don't have a cable.
Price: $7

These books, obviously, are tested to be working. Prices, again, are negotiable in a reasonable range.

Microsoft FoxPro Language Reference
If its anything like my MS VB LF book, it gives a nice big list of FoxPro's internal functions, such as VB's Mid(), Left(), Right(), etc, examples, and syntax.
Price: $7 (Its heavy.)

Microsoft VisualBasic v3.0 Programmer's Guide
Basically teaches the Microsoft Coding style. Ugh.
Price: $5

Introduction to BASIC Programming
The title is all in caps, so I can't tell if its BASIC, as the language, or basic, as an adjetive. I'll have to look into it.
Price: $5

Microsoft QuickBASIC: Learning to Use Microsoft QuickBASIC -- Programming in BASIC
The cover fell off a year or so back when I was using it to learn VisualBasic, which it worked well for. Oh well, the cover sucked anyhow. I can find it and tape it back on if you really want it! =). QuickBASIC is old enough to be found on Google for download (under 5MB) without trouble, legal or otherwise.
Price: $7 (This one is really heavy too.)

Discovering Computers 98
A quick glance at the back shows me this is for computer illeterate people, and the title says its outdated. Oh well.
Price: [i[$5[/i]

Thats all I have for now, I'll be back with more later, I guess. Reply here or PM me to order.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.