
Pretty crazy that we're closer to 2030, than we are 2005. Where did the time go!

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Login Problem

Started by Vilent, March 05, 2007, 07:58:31 PM

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[19:50:35.968] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[19:50:36.031] INFO: Resolving ip for server:
[19:50:36.062] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
[19:50:36.062] INFO: Choosing address 6 []
[19:50:36.062] INFO: Attempting to connect
[19:50:40.906] INFO: Connected to
[19:50:40.921] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[19:50:40.953] INFO: Connected to
[19:50:40.953] INFO: Sending protocol byte (0x01).
[19:50:40.968] INFO: Switching to Binary protocol.
[19:50:40.968] INFO: Sending authorization.
[19:50:42.140] WARNING: BNLS server '' returned an error -- this means the server might not be running.
[19:50:42.156] WARNING: The error is: Connection reset
[19:50:42.156] INFO: Attempting to use next BNLS server.
[19:50:42.156] WARNING: Out of BNLS servers, defaulting to local hashing.
[19:50:42.156] INFO: Authorization sent, waiting for reply.
[19:50:42.171] INFO: Beginning to receive packets
[19:50:42.234] exceptions.InvalidVersion: Unable to use local hashing, as the new CheckRevision() method is not yet supported. Please use BNLS.
[19:50:42.234] versioning.BNLSWrapper.getVersionCheck(
[19:50:42.234] Login.getAuthCheck(
[19:50:42.250] PluginMain.processedPacket(
[19:50:42.250] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(


BNLS appears to be down. Try again in a few hours and let me know if it works this time.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Joe, you should sticky a topic saying that if you get an error like that, BNLS is probably down.
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k, you make the topic, I'll sticky it. Too lazy to do *all* the work. :P

They may have been IP banned. I've set up BNLS to use a single connection (iago was lazy when he coded RCRS support initially) so now that shouldn't happen.

I'll research this further, if needed, next time BNLS goes down.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.