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New Error with _GameData.txt

Started by Zachary, May 26, 2007, 09:24:50 PM

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[20:20:49.135] NOTICE: Bot 'BossBot' has been started.
[20:20:50.818] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
[20:20:50.838] INFO: Resolving ip for server:
[20:20:50.848] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
[20:20:50.852] INFO: Choosing address 8 []
[20:20:50.855] INFO: Attempting to connect
[20:20:55.864] ERROR: Connect failed: Connection timed out

This worked before. I noticed this strange observation. I was reading joe's forum post about removing _GameData.txt in order for his new settings to take place. I removed the file and the bot worked, however now for some reason it always remakes the file everytime I startup the bot. The bot works without that file there. When the file is there, I get the error posted above. *Note I am using Macintosh, so hashes are NOT an option. is a working server, so I know its not a server problem. I am using w3 for my client.

Thanks again,


Ahh hrmm, i'll try to locate where that is happening at do you by chance have access to a java IDE to edit/compile the jar files..
If so could save yourself alot of time often, the jars are basically zip or rar riles they open up with most any archiving tool and you can extract the sourcecode directly into any IDE to find minor things like that...

If so and you're interested in that I can probably help you find the line of code you need to comment out to stop that action. Other wise you'll have to wait till tomorrow sometime and i'll see if i can locate it and compile changes and post them back here etc.

Also which version of the files did you get working the ones i compiled and posted or the ones for beta 42 that joe posted in the sticky.. so I know where you're at.


I got joes to work. 42.

Thanks a lot. I would appreciate it.

- Zac