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Started by BigAznDaddy, March 15, 2008, 07:20:41 PM

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How should one plead when getting a ticket?

Guilty/no contest


K so as some of you guys know i got a concussion the other week(last last thursday). and it sucks.
to add to this misery we just lost a BIG lacrosse game(thursday).

but to lighten things up i went to disneyland (yesterday/ friday) from 6 in the morning till 12:00 at night and had the best time of my life.

today i got home from disneyland at 2:00 am and had work at 7:00am but i accidentally slept in to 8:00am so i had to speed to get to work which is about 40 minutes away. and sure enough i was pulled over by a California Highway patrol officer. now this is my first ticket anyone know or have any suggestions for me? my court date is in june right after my graduation. the officer seemed very nice too and we went into a little conversation about how to be a officer and the benefits.

ARG and today i find out i was not accepted to UCSD WTF!!!

but now i am in spring break so that may lighten up my spirits. and i think i am going to take a huge nap


It is good to be good, but it is better to be lucky.


84 i didn't even realize i was going that fast. you know sometimes when you get in a zone and all you do is look ahead of you and there is no cars around. well just as i realized i was going that fast boom lights appeared.

OH i have a question they spelt my middle name wrong. so is there any way to turn it against them?


June?  WTF!?

Plead not guilt, then @ pre trial conference you are going to want to try to talk with the officer and get a deferred sentence (like probation, just cant get a speeding ticket for like 3-6 months)


See you at SDSU. =). Join the SDSU Racing engineering club, it looks pretty neat.
The douchebag method:
Quote from: Trust on April 19, 2008, 02:58:00 AM
fuck allfo you i dont give a fuck ill fight everyone of you fuck that sbhit fuck you


Quote from: CrAz3D on March 16, 2008, 02:31:45 PM
June?  WTF!?

Plead not guilt, then @ pre trial conference you are going to want to try to talk with the officer and get a deferred sentence (like probation, just cant get a speeding ticket for like 3-6 months)

I disagree. Plead nolo contendere, most likely you'll get your ticket reduced to faulty equipment since it's your first violation. You might have driving school, but probably not. Faulty equipment is a non-moving violation and isn't reported to DMV or your insurance. You'll end up paying around $140 after the fine/court cost. At least that's what I paid, your county's fines are probably different but it should be around that price range. I freaked out after I got mine, but it really isn't that big of a deal especially since it's your first one. I was in and out of the court room in 15 minutes.

Here's what happened:
My name was called to the bench, the judge read the speed etc. and asked the officer if that was correct. He said yes, the judge asked me how I pled I said no contest. He said he's reducing it to faulty equipment and asked if the cop disagreed, he said no. i left and paid, the end.


What's the difference between "guilty" and "no contest"? I've always wondered that, but never actually looked it up/asked.


In America, we have 2.5 pleas:
1. I think you have enough evidence to prove it (Guilty)
2. I think you don't have enough evidence to prove it (Not-Guilty)
2.5. I have no idea how much evidence you have either way, so I figure I won't risk incriminating myself further (no contest)

IIRC no contest is only allowed for the lowest level offenses.


Quote from: Trust on March 16, 2008, 08:06:45 PM
I disagree. Plead nolo contendere, most likely you'll get your ticket reduced to faulty equipment since it's your first violation. You might have driving school, but probably not. Faulty equipment is a non-moving violation and isn't reported to DMV or your insurance. You'll end up paying around $140 after the fine/court cost. At least that's what I paid, your county's fines are probably different but it should be around that price range. I freaked out after I got mine, but it really isn't that big of a deal especially since it's your first one. I was in and out of the court room in 15 minutes.

Here's what happened:
My name was called to the bench, the judge read the speed etc. and asked the officer if that was correct. He said yes, the judge asked me how I pled I said no contest. He said he's reducing it to faulty equipment and asked if the cop disagreed, he said no. i left and paid, the end.

yeah but i was on a freeway and there was no radar gun iirc


Quote from: Trust on March 16, 2008, 08:06:45 PM
Quote from: CrAz3D on March 16, 2008, 02:31:45 PM
June?  WTF!?

Plead not guilt, then @ pre trial conference you are going to want to try to talk with the officer and get a deferred sentence (like probation, just cant get a speeding ticket for like 3-6 months)

I disagree. Plead nolo contendere, most likely you'll get your ticket reduced to faulty equipment since it's your first violation. You might have driving school, but probably not. Faulty equipment is a non-moving violation and isn't reported to DMV or your insurance. You'll end up paying around $140 after the fine/court cost. At least that's what I paid, your county's fines are probably different but it should be around that price range. I freaked out after I got mine, but it really isn't that big of a deal especially since it's your first one. I was in and out of the court room in 15 minutes.

Here's what happened:
My name was called to the bench, the judge read the speed etc. and asked the officer if that was correct. He said yes, the judge asked me how I pled I said no contest. He said he's reducing it to faulty equipment and asked if the cop disagreed, he said no. i left and paid, the end.

No, always plead not guilty (unless you were a fuck-head to the officer).  For my MIP (minor in possession) it was a MANDATORY MINIMUM of 30 hrs of community service and a fine.  If you plead Not Guilty you get scheduled for a pre trial conference.  There you talk with the officer and you agree on some 'punishment' and plead No Contest on those terms.

If you plead straight out No Contest then it's up to the judge.

With Not Guilty then pre trial conference you at least get an extra attempt to reduce stuff even more.  The cop be an ass and say "I'm going to push all the way through" but then you can still plead No Contest and "throw yourself at the mercy of the Court (judge)."

rabbit, no.  Not at all.


Quote from: BigAznDaddy on March 16, 2008, 10:50:28 PM
Quote from: Trust on March 16, 2008, 08:06:45 PM
I disagree. Plead nolo contendere, most likely you'll get your ticket reduced to faulty equipment since it's your first violation. You might have driving school, but probably not. Faulty equipment is a non-moving violation and isn't reported to DMV or your insurance. You'll end up paying around $140 after the fine/court cost. At least that's what I paid, your county's fines are probably different but it should be around that price range. I freaked out after I got mine, but it really isn't that big of a deal especially since it's your first one. I was in and out of the court room in 15 minutes.

Here's what happened:
My name was called to the bench, the judge read the speed etc. and asked the officer if that was correct. He said yes, the judge asked me how I pled I said no contest. He said he's reducing it to faulty equipment and asked if the cop disagreed, he said no. i left and paid, the end.

yeah but i was on a freeway and there was no radar gun iirc

Cops have radar in their cars, they don't have to be sitting on the side of the road holding a gun. Likewise radar goes both directions so if he was driving towards you (what happened to me) or behind you, he can still clock you. Depending on your state laws he may also be able to pull you over based off of an eye balled speed. Faulty equipment means that something is wrong with your cars equipment. It's not a moving violation so you don't get an insurance increase, and that's usually what it's reduced to here.

@CrAz3D: there's no point in going through additional hearings than you have to. I knew I would be fined, so what would have been my reason to plead not guilty? If I had been reckless (20 over, I was 14) then I might have because of the new fines in Virginia. It's punishable by up to a year in prison, 6 months suspended license, and a $2500 fine.


pay it like you're supposed to, and next time don't get caught. don't be a girl and look for some free ride out of it. - web based markup debugger


Fuck that, take my advice in tell us now.
It is good to be good, but it is better to be lucky.


Quote from: warz on March 17, 2008, 03:12:45 PM
pay it like you're supposed to, and next time don't get caught. don't be a girl and look for some free ride out of it.

that's the worst advice here. although his fine might not be very much, his insurance will go up. I don't know if he pays his insurance or not, but either way it's an unneeded added expense.


Quote from: Trust on March 17, 2008, 03:06:34 PM
Quote from: BigAznDaddy on March 16, 2008, 10:50:28 PM
Quote from: Trust on March 16, 2008, 08:06:45 PM
I disagree. Plead nolo contendere, most likely you'll get your ticket reduced to faulty equipment since it's your first violation. You might have driving school, but probably not. Faulty equipment is a non-moving violation and isn't reported to DMV or your insurance. You'll end up paying around $140 after the fine/court cost. At least that's what I paid, your county's fines are probably different but it should be around that price range. I freaked out after I got mine, but it really isn't that big of a deal especially since it's your first one. I was in and out of the court room in 15 minutes.

Here's what happened:
My name was called to the bench, the judge read the speed etc. and asked the officer if that was correct. He said yes, the judge asked me how I pled I said no contest. He said he's reducing it to faulty equipment and asked if the cop disagreed, he said no. i left and paid, the end.

yeah but i was on a freeway and there was no radar gun iirc

Cops have radar in their cars, they don't have to be sitting on the side of the road holding a gun. Likewise radar goes both directions so if he was driving towards you (what happened to me) or behind you, he can still clock you. Depending on your state laws he may also be able to pull you over based off of an eye balled speed. Faulty equipment means that something is wrong with your cars equipment. It's not a moving violation so you don't get an insurance increase, and that's usually what it's reduced to here.

@CrAz3D: there's no point in going through additional hearings than you have to. I knew I would be fined, so what would have been my reason to plead not guilty? If I had been reckless (20 over, I was 14) then I might have because of the new fines in Virginia. It's punishable by up to a year in prison, 6 months suspended license, and a $2500 fine.
That extra step can save you ALL KINDS of money, though.  If you deal with the cop you might get a 3 month deferral and pay no fines.