Haha, it's not at all dead. I'll even go so far as to promise I'll set it up, eventually.
The presentation I was going to do got bumped due to the fact that I couldn't stop throwing up the day I was supposed to do it (damn flu!), so I'm not doing it till the 18th.
But here's the thing -- I'm moving before the end of April, at which point I'll be on a new connection on a new ISP. I'm also considering picking up some new hardware, so I could even dedicate the old server to this contest. Whatever the case, that stuff isn't going to happen till May.
I also need to learn how to use OpenVPN, so people participating can connect directly to my network and not get pwned by ISPs that do filtering. If anybody knows how already, let me know.
And yes, I've chosen a prize for the contest.