I hate to say this but I think it's relevant. H-SC is an environment with a lot of very privileged people, and with such an abundance of money floating around it's not hard to imagine drugs being readily available. While drugs are bad, these kids are using the drugs at parties or whatever on themselves. They aren't out running prostitution rings, smuggling the drugs in a mules ass across the border, or participating in drive by shootings. And, honestly, the drugs aren't really hard drugs. It's not like they're running a meth lab in the frat house. There are hookers walking around campus with crack pipes. These are kids that had a future, were getting an education - sure maybe they liked to party or make a few extra dollars but in the big scheme of things they really were not hurting anybody. I'm mad that tax dollars went towards something so, essentially, trivial.
14 more kids will fill their place and whoever is producing it is still in business. it's basic economics, a money-minded kid will fill the void and supply it.
I have a solution! If they're convicted, you could ask Bush for a pardon!
Seriously, though, the honor code needs to be modified if it allows for so much disrespect toward laws.
The honor code protects the students and maintains respect for the brotherhood. There's no mention in it of drug use or alcohol use. It's to not lie cheat or steal, and it is upheld to the highest degree. It's something that is rivaled by many institutions.