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slackchat has a new home!

Started by mynameistmp, September 25, 2005, 10:41:10 PM

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I skimmed the readme, saw nothing about configuration. I did see that it requires curses though. Anyhow, great bot. Got it working now.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


At this point, a fully functional linked/compiled binary will be located at slackchat/slackchat. A default configuration file can be found at slackchat/.slackchatrc. Simply edit the configuration file to your liking, copy it to your home directory, run the slackchat binary to begin chatting! The binary will not connect unless you adjust the configuration file appropriately.

slackchat README


I know you meant the slackchat readme =p. I just skimmed and didn't read it.

Anyhow, I'm working on some suggestions for it. =)

- Plugin system
- - Events raised in external files, such as
- - - UserInChannel
- - - UserJoins
- - - UserLeaves
- - - UserTalks
- - - UserEmote
- - - BnetError
- - - BnetInfo
- Internal commands
- - /quit - Quit the bot
- Verbosity
- - Current -v changes to -vv (very verbose)
- - New -v prints packet names, but not hexdumps.
- Commands:
- - !say
- - !yell (UCase say)
- - !extend (A d d s   s p a c e s)
- - !quit
- - !xmms
- - !math (!math 3+5 :: 8 ) EDIT: Ugh. Stupid 8.) smily. Heh.
- - Moderation
- - - !lock (channel lockdown)
- - - !kick
- - - !ban
- Configuration
- - If variables are missing, prompt for them (I may write a shellscript to do this?)
- - For the commands, triger variable?
- - Alternate hash path
- - Alternate verbyte
- - Alternate verhash (or does CheckRevision find this?)
- Access system (for use with commands)
- - Flags system? (All levels inherit the commands from below levels)
- - - M = Master (All commands)
- - - O = Operator (operator commands, kick, ban, etc)
- - - T = Talker (don't laugh at me!) (say, yell, extend)
- - - S = Safelisted (Immune to kick, ban, except from M, and always lock)
- - Numerical access?
- - - 100: see M
- - - 80: See O
- - - 50: See T
- - - 10: See S
- GTK front end
- - HTTP server (streaming HTML output, like JavaOp1)


Note: All of these but the verbosity (and the plugin system itself) could be implemented through the plugin system. =p
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Note to self: I love double-posting.

joe@JoeMomma:~/dev/sh $ ./
Enter your server:
Enter your username:
Enter your password:
haha no
Enter your CDKey:
haha no
Enter your home channel:
Op x86

Finished configuring slackchat. Put this in ~/.slackchatrc

password=haha no
home=Op x86


# slackchat configuration script
# author: joe[e2]

echo "Enter your server: "
read server < /dev/tty
echo "Enter your username: "
read username < /dev/tty
echo "Enter your password: "
read password < /dev/tty
echo "Enter your CDKey: "
read cdkey < /dev/tty
echo "Enter your home channel: "
read homechannel < /dev/tty

echo " "
echo "Finished configuring slackchat. Put this in ~/.slackchatrc"
echo " "
echo "nick="$username
echo "password="$password
echo "server="$server
echo "cdkeyname="$username
echo "home="$homechannel
echo "port=6112"

Be sure to chmod +x (or whatever you name it). This doesn't print it to the file. Get unlazy and do it yourself. =)

Newby's being like microsoft again and discouraging people other than professionals to even attempt to write code. He wants me to make it write to the file but refuses to help me. Expect a "fixed" version from him by tomorrow morning, because hes godly like that.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Thanks, Joe. Most of those sound like good ideas. I don't think I'd ever implement /quit though. Have you tried ctrl+c ? IMO (and probably most unix users) ctrl+c is more standard and instinctive.

Also, it is open source. If you learn some C you could probably add a lot of that functionality on your own. I wouldn't mind giving you pointers on where to start with what and if you actually got the ball rolling you could maintain the project/website for all I care.

Probably the closest thing to what you want for that script would be something like this:

echo "nick="$username >> ~/.slackchatrc


Quote from: mynameistmp on September 28, 2005, 03:25:06 AM

echo "nick="$username >> ~/.slackchatrc

You'd end up with 2 "nick=" lines, though.  You might need to pipe it through sed then back to the file.


Although it's an ugly way of doing it, I asume his parser will load the second value (which is same as the first anyhow) as the nick. I'll see if I have time to look into it tomorrow after school.

But yeah, I guess Ctrl+C works too. I don't even know why I suggested that. =p

And what do you have to say about the plugin system? I thought that was a little bit out of the question, considering the slackchat principles (barebones, it works, nothing more), but I thought I'd suggest it.

Also, STAR. People might not want SEXP. =p
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


I actually wrote a script today to edit a line out of /etc/hosts.  It could also be applied to this:

cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak
sed "s/.*# added by" /etc/hosts.bak | uniq > /etc/hosts

That's not totally perfect, but it works for my purposes.  Grep would have worked better, but I had a mind blank.  The uniq is to remove duplicate entries/blank lines. 


Quote from: iago on September 28, 2005, 11:42:16 PM
I actually wrote a script today to edit a line out of /etc/hosts.  It could also be applied to this:

cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak
sed "s/.*# added by" /etc/hosts.bak | uniq > /etc/hosts

That's not totally perfect, but it works for my purposes.  Grep would have worked better, but I had a mind blank.  The uniq is to remove duplicate entries/blank lines. 
Don't you mean my purpose ^^ <3.
Quote from: Newby on February 26, 2006, 12:16:58 AM
Who gives a damn? I fuck sheep all the time.
Quote from: rabbit on December 11, 2005, 01:05:35 PM
And yes, male both ends.  There are a couple lesbians that need a two-ended dildo...My router just refuses to wear a strap-on.
(05:55:03) JoE ThE oDD: omfg good job i got a boner thinkin bout them chinese bitches
(17:54:15) Sidoh: I love cosmetology


Quote from: iago on September 28, 2005, 03:37:45 PM
Quote from: mynameistmp on September 28, 2005, 03:25:06 AM

echo "nick="$username >> ~/.slackchatrc

You'd end up with 2 "nick=" lines, though.  You might need to pipe it through sed then back to the file.

I think you mean he'd have a duplicate of every line if the file already existed. Otherwise I don't understand what you mean. He could do:

echo "nick="$username > ~/.slackchatrc
echo "whatever="$whatever >> ~/.slackchatrc

That should work fine.


I know this topic is long dead now but I was just playing around slackchat compiles on debian etch, so i'm currently re-adding the d2 cdkey decode functions and am shifting the client over to login on d2 for some practice on linux in c/c++..
If this is something anyone would want when it's done, I can post it just ask.


I'd like a copy of slackchat's source code. I'd be interested in updating stuff, cleaning stuff up, and somewhat maintaining a VC++ fork of it. I know it's not slackchat if it's build to Win32, but eh.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.