Ive done a 1928 crit with my Death ray... I almost killed a lvl 60 while dueling yesterday, he had a sliver left after death coil+ death ray, and I am only lvl 43!
Death Ray does damage without including calculations based on rank, level or resistances. It's a totally unfair comparison. Besides, my Priest is an Engineer as well. I can nuke people with one if I want, though I find the engineering trinkets totally useless compared to the ones I use (Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon and Royal Seal of Edal'Theras). The cooldowns are rediculous. It's blatantly obvious when someone starts to cast it. All I have to do is run up to them and cast psychic scream and it's interupted (on my Rogue, stunlocking is even more efficient). 1928 is about 2/3's of my unbuffed health, which is easily replaced in 1.4 seconds with a single flash heal.
With this in mind, you also have to consider I'm healing speced (I don't have a single talent point in Shadow; I don't intend to do damage, even in PvP) and my gear is definitely made for a healbot.
In addition, I've had 1700 crits with 5 point eviscerate on a clothie (at level 49).
Cool story.