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Fine Arts && Prarie Burning!

Started by Joe, April 08, 2006, 11:57:07 PM

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Ok, so I'm sitting in my room, playing some atlantik. Game over, Hdx wins (damnit). Phone rings, it's Natasha.

Natasha: Hey, can you come over to Lynn's house? We need some help.
Joe: What kind of help?..
Natasha: Artistic help.
Joe: Uh, ok, I'll be there in five minutes.

Anyhow, I get there, and they wanted to ask me if the C that they drew on some tagboard was straight, and I said yes (it was). Uneventful. Anyhow, they're doing some Blue's Clues (God's Clues) thingy for Fine Arts. Anyhow, we talk for a while, play some Dance Dance Revolution (I used the controller and still got owned by Natasha, ow), and jumped on Amanda (Lynn's daughter)'s trampoline. It was fun.

So I go home (Natasha had to go home, and to get out of my neighborhood you have to drive by my house, so I got a ride), settle down for another game of atlantik, and boom, phone call. Naturally, I answer, and it's Natasha, informing me that I'm now a part of their Fine Art's skit team. Uh, ok. So yeah, that's cool. It's pretty good, too, so we might go to nationals, which makes me happy ^_^.

As for the prarie burning, I'm getting up at 5:30 thursday morning to go watch Amanda's environmental charter school group go burn down 40 acres of prarie. It shall be cool.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


I can't believe they're letting people associated with Joe go play with fire. What the fuck are they thinking?! Oh well, atleast I live far far away.
"Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora"
- William of Ockham


Quote from: zorm on April 09, 2006, 12:41:27 AM
I can't believe they're letting people associated with Joe go play with fire. What the fuck are they thinking?! Oh well, atleast I live far far away.
Speak for yourself.  I'm probably the closest one on the forums, excluding his girlfriend.
[17:42:21.609] <Ergot> Kutsuju you're girlfrieds pussy must be a 403 error for you
[17:42:25.585] <Ergot> FORBIDDEN

on IRC playing T&T++
<iago> He is unarmed
<Hitmen> he has no arms?!

on AIM with a drunk mythix:
(00:50:05) Mythix: Deadly
(00:50:11) Mythix: I'm going to fuck that red dot out of your head.
(00:50:15) Mythix: with my nine


Quote from: deadly7 on April 09, 2006, 12:50:02 AM
Speak for yourself.  I'm probably the closest one on the forums, excluding his girlfriend.

Quick get your defensible space prepared!
"Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora"
- William of Ockham


Quote from: zorm on April 09, 2006, 12:41:27 AM
I can't believe they're letting people associated with Joe go play with fire. What the fuck are they thinking?! Oh well, atleast I live far far away.



Quote from: Joe on April 08, 2006, 11:57:07 PM
Ok, so I'm sitting in my room, playing some atlantik. Game over, Hdx wins (damnit). Phone rings, it's Natasha.

Natasha: Hey, can you come over to Lynn's house? We need some help.
Joe: What kind of help?..
Natasha: Artistic help.
Joe: Uh, ok, I'll be there in five minutes.

Anyhow, I get there, and they wanted to ask me if the C that they drew on some tagboard was straight, and I said yes (it was). Uneventful. Anyhow, they're doing some Blue's Clues (God's Clues) thingy for Fine Arts. Anyhow, we talk for a while, play some Dance Dance Revolution (I used the controller and still got owned by Natasha, ow), and jumped on Amanda (Lynn's daughter)'s trampoline. It was fun.

So I go home (Natasha had to go home, and to get out of my neighborhood you have to drive by my house, so I got a ride), settle down for another game of atlantik, and boom, phone call. Naturally, I answer, and it's Natasha, informing me that I'm now a part of their Fine Art's skit team. Uh, ok. So yeah, that's cool. It's pretty good, too, so we might go to nationals, which makes me happy ^_^.

As for the prarie burning, I'm getting up at 5:30 thursday morning to go watch Amanda's environmental charter school group go burn down 40 acres of prarie. It shall be cool.
Who is Lynn?  Is she older I hope?

Also, you're hangin with another chick other than your g/f?  Is she jealous?


Uhm, ok, this might be a dumb question, but *why* is an enviromental group going to burn 40 acres of prarie?
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow


Prairie sucks:

Praries have too many mosquitos.
People get pissed off at mosquitos. 
==> People hate praries
==> People hate nature
==> People pollute more


Maybe burn the praire as like a pre-emptive burn thing so you have controled fires instead of crazy wild fires later.


I've lived on a prairie all my life and I've never seen or heard of a wildfire on it.  In a forest, yeah, but not in the prairie. 

Farmers often burn the stubble (crap from the year before) on their fields before planting new crops.  Maybe it's something like that?


@zorm: Amanda's a lot more mature than I am...... well, usually.

@craz3d: Yes, Lynn is a responsible adult. (I guess I made it sound like Amanda is a little kid, she's in 8th grade). AFAIK, Lexi isn't jealous, because these are people from my church that I couldn't get even if I wanted to.

@Hitmen: It grows back better after it's all burned.

@iago: Yup. See @ Hitmen's reply.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Joe, from now on, BEFORE each story you give, I want you to list the names of the people you use. Also, identify them in a way we will have an idea who/what you are talking about.


Amanda - Jesus Freak
Natasha - Jesus Freak, Andy's girlfriend, girl who I used to like
Lynn - Amanda's mom, Jesus Freak
Andy - Jesus Freak, Natasha's girlfriend

They're all artistic people. Except Andy.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


I think it is safe to assume any friend of joe is a"jesus freak"


Well, start taking Newby to church... hehe.

But yeah, most of my RL friends are involved with my church. Of course, I use the term RL rather loosely, but oh well.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.