My uncle has been to court, and I've had a few conversations (not good ones either) with the authorities. Does that combine to something?
Hrm I was going to say I'm glad I was grandfathered in, but I suppose that I've been to court for a traffic ticket. *shrug*
Now, to show you guys what a leet programmer I am, a few projects I've tossed together over random 10-minute periods.
This is not a programming clan.
By the way I get really vicious in this post. If you can't handle it I suggest you skip it. But it's because you callxd yourself a leet programmer.
VB RCRS Functions
Ooooh, you put together the workings of a text protocol in VB. Look at my awe. Ooooh.
HTML CleanSlateBot
You didn't actually make a CSB in HTML. You used the pre-made CSB component to make an HTML page that would only work in Internet Explorer running on your local machine (unless you're a real moron and have your ActiveX settings open to download random shit from the internet).
On top of that you were too stupid to figure out how to Google for events in VBScript, I had to hold your hand and show you where it goes.
Packet Parsing Class (RemoveDWORD and such functions, like iagos
This isn't the first of its kind written in VB, and the first one was actually based on
my IncomingPacketStream.cs class (or was it the IIncomingStream interface? meh)
Add-Chat procedure, with commenting like mad hell
So you've taken someone else's work and commented on it. See my reply to the VB RCRS implementation.
Long-ass explination of each part of BNLS_0x0B (BNLS_HASHDATA)
Your long-ass "explination(sic)" has several errors. First:
This means you need to take the length of the Data Void, and insert it as a long. Len() returns an Integer, but thats OK. If you use an integer where you should use a long, you will have it automatically changed to a long.
First of all, "Void" in the BNLS specification specifies untyped, unsized data. The most accurate description you could use in place of "void" (which means nothing) is "buffer." By the way, as your first paragraph, it suchs. You don't even specify what it is that means what you say -- you just say "this means...."
Then, you need to insert the data you want hashed as a Void. For this packet, the Void in a NON null terminated string. This is the data we want hashed.
Actually when you're using this packet to hash CD keys or strings, I include the null terminator, and the length should include the null terminator.
Some Botnet packet sending subs -- Never Finished
Never finished -- need I say more?
Packet Buffer -- Modification of DM's. Includes all BNET-Related headers, plus raw data (No header) I just fixed a ton of stupid shit in this.
See the replies about it on that forum and then see my reply about RCRS.
TAHCBot - A nice, lightweight Telnet Bot for No biggie jee-wizz features, but it works.
I don't want to get redundant.