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Started by Mythix, June 11, 2007, 12:10:05 AM

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Currently playing a campaign based off of senzar ( ) unfortunately it was a very badly criticized game. I'm playing a Vyshe Necromancer currently and I'm having bookoo loads of fun with it.

Our last encounter we found ourselves in a Stonehenge type area with a huge prehistoric skeleton laying in the field. While the rest of the group was getting head-to-head combat with a group of demons I stood back and reanimated the skeleton to its former body and basically had a huge ogre stripteasing in the middle of the field. Unfortunately all the other characters had lechery and lost their constitution rolls so while they were being picked up and dropped by a huge demon in the sky I thought it'd be funny to go ahead and use my cast disease on it. Unfortunately nothing looked good until I browsed through and realized I could curse it with the runs. I won my roll save over the DM and the demon basically shat on the entire party and because of that fact it lost control over its wings and plummeted to the ground while our main damage dealer of the group rolled a nat 20 and pwned the wtf out of it.

Needless to say we're playing again Tuesday and our DM basically said he has a grudge against me now since this is the second time I've made his NPC die an embarrassing death. I'll keep you guys updated but for now I've been having hella fun with this campaign.
Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.

- Ambrose Bierce


Haha, keep it up!  :)
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Game Night 2:

We basically found ourselves in a room with the main "good" guy of the game, explaining to us about how we acquired these sacred artifacts, and unfortunately our ogre in the group has an Int of 7, so being in class he started going through the bag of artifacts handing out stuff to random people. After the huge commotion my character (necromancer) ended up getting a cloak with wing symbols on it. So our intellectual adept ogre decided to try my cloak out and he basically threw me about 150 feet in the air. Turns out the cloak actually gave me the ability to fly. Very bad decision for the GM since considering that feat I basically pissed him off the entire game by flying around and casting spells.

Unfortunately his main creature that I made shit himself to death came back immune to curse, so a few times he would try to swoop down and pick me up and I'd just basically use blink (astral travel) and escape all his attacks. The last turn of the game he ended up swooping me up and dropping me down (not realizing my cloaks ability). So I fell and fell until about 10 feet from the ground and just slowfalled on the ground. I blinked again and waited for any decent attack of opportunity to come up.

Needless to say I got my special moment of the night, I ended up blinking right behind the demon and took out my sword and literally ran it up his backside. I went to run my rolls, natural 20, so the GM looks at me and goes alright, confirm the crit, I roll again, natural 20. The GM looks at me with a look of disgust as I get the final blow on the monster and kill it. Overall it was an awesome game, I'm liking it a lot.

We did introduce a new character, a buddy of mine designed it he first game since we had one member drop due to conflict of schedule with work, he rolled a cat race, that wields a huge ax, unfortunately he has a natural obsession with yarn, and it turned out one of the artifacts that came out of the bag was a magic ball of yarn, (this is where we found the cat at to include in the group) So he befriended the ogre, and the ogre has basically been doing the wolverine fastball special with the cat. Our GM said he had something special planned this coming Tuesday for us. So I can't wait to check it out. I'll keep you guys updated on the game.

On a side note we ended up running a D20 modern campaign based off of Final Fantasy 7, so far its looking like it'll be fun, I'll leave a separate post for that one though ;)
Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.

- Ambrose Bierce


You must keep us updated on what happens tonight!  >:)
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...