This is a piece of code I found when doing some fall cleaning that I wrote for RAC a while back, but my bid wasn't taken. This is meant to create a "code" based on a domain, and can be verified by checking the domain against the code.
//#region TESTING CODE
echo "Domain:<br />";
echo "Code: " . makeCode("") . "<br />";
echo "Success: " . (bool) verifyCode("", makeCode(""));
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "Domain:<br />";
echo "Code: " . makeCode("") . "<br />";
echo "Success: " . (bool) verifyCode("", makeCode(""));
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "Domain:<br />";
echo "Code: " . makeCode("") . "<br />";
echo "Success: " . (bool) verifyCode("", makeCode(""));
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
//#endregion TESTING CODE
function makeCode($arg_domain)
$hash = $arg_domain; // Bring in the original string
$hash = sha1($hash, true); // SHA-1 hash the whole string
$hash = hashChars($hash); // Hash it, character by character
$hash = md5($hash, true); // MD5 hash the whole string
$hash = hashChars($hash); // Hash it, character by character
$hash = md5($hash, false); // Hash it again, this time to text
$result = "";
for($i = 0; $i < 64 /* length of MD5 hash */; $i+=2) // This takes every fourth character
{ // from the string, and then makes
$result .= substr($hash, $i, 1); // that the result
return strtoupper($result); // This capitalizes the final result
function verifyCode($domain, $code)
return (makeCode($domain) == $code);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// The below code is called by the above two methods to
// provide various encryption techniques.
// ----------------------------------------------------
function hashChars($arg_data)
$result = "";
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($arg_data)-4; $i+=4)
$result .= substr(sha1(substr($arg_data, $i, 1), true), 1, 1);
$result .= substr(sha1(substr($arg_data, $i+1, 1), true), 1, 1);
$result .= substr(sha1(substr($arg_data, $i+2, 1), true), 1, 1);
$result .= substr(sha1(substr($arg_data, $i+3, 1), true), 1, 1);
return $result;