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Downtime tonight

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Well, tonight's the night. I'm finally swapping out my old dying server with some awesome new hardware I bought. The new server is going to be running Gentoo, the Web server and database server are going to be on the physical hardware (not a VM), so I'll be able to take proper advantage of the quad-core chip and the full memory, and it has the latest versions of Apache/PHP (this server's been slipping). It's going to be awesome, faster, and far easier to update!

I'm hoping to start this at about 8 or  9 CST, and it should take a couple hours.

Ok, we're back. There's going to be a ton of broken stuff, anything that uses a database needs to be changed. But, I got the forum up! :)

Let me know if you notice a speed difference, I'm curious if this new hardware helps.

I see a spell check button. Eh?

It's curious that you're not isolating your web / mysql servers anymore.

The description of Paradise Lost displays incorrectly now.

Yeah, I weighed the pros and cons, and decided to keep it local. I'm considering movies the MySQL server back to a VM now.

Interesting @ the shellcheck button. I guess the server has the required software to support spellcheck now.

For what it's worth, I'm running Gentoo now, not Slackware.

So, I enabled some extra security for the forum. I've been using it for most of my sites, but it typically caused slowdown so I avoided using it for the forum. I think this server is fast enough that it won't make a difference, and it didn't seem to hurt my response times, so I'm going to leave it on.

Let me know if you notice any non-network slowness (best way is to check the "Page created in..." time at the bottom).


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