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SMF 1.1.12

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Just updated SMF 1.1.11 to 1.1.12. Every time something like this comes out, I get a little edgy :)

Let me know if there are any problems.

I looked at SMF 2 again, but they still haven't released it. One of these days, though...

I tried reading it but I can't. I take it those blackhat idiots used an exploit in SMF?

No, they don't say how they go in. Long story short, they pwn3d the crap out of 5 or so different sites, ransacked them, then posted about it online (including the sites' full databases). Not pretty. :)

From what I gleaned from that poorly written "press release" was that they went in through Wordpress, not SMF.  Did I miss something?

It isn't so much a press release as a 'zine. And that group (and others) have done several others (the best known one being 'zf05.txt' - zero for 0wnage) where they compromise a bunch of well known security sites, rummage through all the files/passwords/etc, then delete everything and post the full log publicly.

How they got in doesn't really matters - the point is, when I read those it gets me worried and makes me want to update everything and hide under a rock.


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