So I went to Toys R' Us today because I needed to get Rainbow Six Vegas again. (Last one was messed up but they didn't have any in stock so I got a store credit) Well, I'm looking at the games and I see they marked the Xbox 360 VGA cable as $16 when it's normally $44 (basically mislabeled as S-Video). So I was like sweet, at that price I'll get it. Since that was the price on the sticker they had to give it to me, the VGA cable wasn't something I needed since Component does just fine but for $16 why wouldn't I? I was pretty excited. I can't really notice a difference though.
Oh and another thing that was good today: I had a B in AP Comparative Government because I didn't take two quizzes so I had like a 91.5. So I went by to pick up the quizzes to do over the weekend so that I'd have an A as my semester grade. He just decided to exempt me from them and now I have a 97. Yay. Next week is exams and I only have 3 because we don't have one in Comparative Government and my Psychology teacher exempted me (and only me) from the exam, which is pretty sweet.