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Messages - Ryan Marcus

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11]
General Security Information / [Apple] Massive Openfirmware password!
« on: August 29, 2005, 09:04:14 pm »
I am the administrator at my school (sad, huh?) and I was wondering if there was anyway to place an open firmware password on all 800 of our school computers... I have remote desktop access to them all.

Short of writing an AppleScript.

Also, is there anyway to completely disable open firmware until ARD says its ok?

Botdev / [BNET/RB] Where to start...
« on: August 29, 2005, 09:00:25 pm »
I am trying to write a binary bot for

I started to look at some converted VB sources, and I tried to copy selected bits of code over at a time. Did not take me long to discover I was going no where fast.

Basically, I just want some basic pointers about where to start in terms of writting a binary bot.. I do not want to use CSB (I can't anyway) or anything like it.

I have:
Basic TCP/IP experience (I can buffer the CHAT protocol)
Advance Understanding of arrays, variables, constants, OOP aspects, etc.

I don't:
Any experience with binary connections
Any idea what the best way to "hash" is
Any idea what protocol or how to parse it.

Thanks in advance guys!

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