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Messages - Sidoh

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General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: January 23, 2013, 07:58:16 pm »

Academic / School / Re: Anyone else still in school?
« on: January 17, 2013, 04:48:37 am »
Yep, I start in a few weeks.

I didn't do much job hunting. For the last two summers, I've interned for a company I really enjoyed working for, so I decided to stay on with them.

There are probably more opportunities for people with a M.S., but not many that I'm interested in. I really enjoy silicon valley (startups in particular), and they don't care much about degrees. They're more interested in performance, so they'll hire anyone they're convinced will thrive. Pay tends to be slightly higher for people with a master's, but not nearly enough to make up for the opportunity cost you incur by not working for several years while attending grad school. Many companies will start you at a higher pay grade, but most competent employees with a bachelor's are at or higher than that pay grade in less time it takes to earn a M.S. This is not categorically true, I'm sure, but it's the case with most companies/orgs I'm aware of.

As an aside, I've been told it's easier to get a green card when you have an M.S. Companies might not see much value in a master's degree, but the government apparently does. Employers have an easier time arguing that it's important to them that their employees stick around if they have lots of education.

General Discussion / Re: Secure Web Download Token System
« on: January 13, 2013, 06:08:36 pm »
PEAR is pretty pitiful when compared to most modern extension repositories (ruby gems, for example). If you're okay with investing a bit of time learning how to use it, something like CakePHP might be worth a try. Its user-supported content is probably a little more modern:

Academic / School / Re: Anyone else still in school?
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:50:26 am »
I just finished my last semester in an M.S. program last month. I don't have the patience to continue. I'm tired of not making decent money.

General Discussion / Re: Accessing country-restricted facebook pages
« on: November 15, 2012, 01:30:08 am »
Christ. I don't know what kind of wizardry they're using, but it's pretty extensive.

Two shitty hosts I found that definitely claim to have their datacenters located in the UK (and with servers having IPs that definitely geolocate to somewhere in the UK) will not work. Accessing the country-restricted page presents the same behavior accessing it from the US does.

I found a VPN service that has a 5 hour free trial. They have 8 VPN servers in the UK, 7 of which are blocked. The very last one I tried got through to the page, but all of the others have the same effect I mentioned with the UK web hosts.

They must do something to detect if you're coming from some kind of VPN/web provider. Jesus this shit's annoying.

Luckily iago has been gracious enough to host some of my shitty scripts on his box, which is allowing me access to the Canadian pages.

Edit - it would seem that some of the proxies on this list successfully subvert whatever mechanism they're using.

Edit 2 - heueheueheuheueheheueheuheueh

General Discussion / Re: Small Vayden Tour -- Possible Meetup?
« on: November 14, 2012, 03:08:20 pm »
I'd definitely come see you if I was at any of those places during those times.

Good luck with the tour!

General Discussion / Re: Accessing country-restricted facebook pages
« on: November 14, 2012, 12:24:35 am »
Yeah. It's a setting that group admins can control if they like.

iago loaned me an account on his box, and I confirmed I could get to a page restricted to Canadian visitors via the API.

I threw together a shitty PHP proxy and a ruby script that does oauth logins with mechanize. Currently looking for dirt-cheap (ideally free) PHP providers in CA, UK, and Australia.

General Discussion / Accessing country-restricted facebook pages
« on: November 12, 2012, 04:56:38 pm »
Does anyone have experience doing this? I'd imagine they're really only using geoip stuff, but I haven't looked into it much.

Does anyone know of free Canadian or UK webhosts that allow PHP or something I can use to hit the facebook API with?

General Discussion / Re: Web frameworks
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:47:19 pm »
"KISS" is fine when you're working alone on a project that's on the order of a few thousand LOC.

It's not fine when you're working on a team and a project on the order of 100k+ LOC. Things turn into spaghetti mess quickly, and that's why these frameworks exist. They force -- or at least highly encourage -- good programming practices, and they structure things in a pretty nice way.

Rails is pretty awesome, but there are other technologies that are worth learning. I'm pretty excited about some of the javascript MVC frameworks. ember.js looked the most promising.

Rails can be overkill for simple things. But even if you're getting marginally complex, it tends to be easier to deal with than PHP.

[x86] Announcements / Re: Apache update
« on: October 31, 2012, 04:05:01 pm »
Quoting posts appears to be broken for me..
err.. weird? More details?

The "Insert quote" link when you're already editing a post doesn't work. The AJAX call returns this:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

General Discussion / Re: Let's hear it!
« on: September 10, 2012, 03:36:46 pm »
yeah, i don't think 'bro kiss' is a thing man. :)

General Discussion / Re: Hey there.
« on: August 31, 2012, 11:14:37 pm »
You're not on Facebook, then? :(

General Discussion / Re: Hey there.
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:13:50 am »
Good to hear man. Glad you're doing well. :)

Hope you can make it out to the bay area sometime. Are you on Facebook?

General Discussion / Re: Hey there.
« on: August 30, 2012, 02:39:23 am »
Mythix! We missed you at the first annual Bay Area x86 meetup!

How've you been? What are you up to?

General Discussion / Re: OGC's logo
« on: August 23, 2012, 09:14:45 pm »

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