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Messages - Joe

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Joe's Bunker of Pie / Re: Did Joe die?
« on: April 19, 2012, 03:23:19 pm »
Well, up until that point it was a really good working relationship. I should say it seemed like one, at least.. clearly we were just their bitches. But I can't say I didn't have fun working on the project.

I still don't know if I like the term startup. To me, it implies building a product just to sell it, so you don't really have long-term goals in mind. Or, if you do have long term goals and don't plan to sell at the first offer, then when are you not a startup anymore? Like, is Twitter still a startup?

I think business with startups is generally safer, in some ways. Our budget went 100% to paying us, paying taxes, and buying equipment (computers and phones). We didn't budget for a lawyer, an accountant (oh but believe me it would have been a good idea), and we didn't even have time to screw with people. Sidoh said on Facebook I should work for someone with BD and legal teams, and I was thinking "yep, those are the company's who have time to screw people". :)

Joe's Bunker of Pie / Re: Did Joe die?
« on: April 18, 2012, 04:26:03 am »
some legal drama.

lol. So, I was working for a LLC in town here, owned by classmates. We were contracting with another company to build an app that I can't tell you the name of in the same context as whining about them. :P

Essentially we were 99% done with the whole project and they met with the company members, told them that the contract was an at-will employment agreement and was being terminated. The funny thing is, that's a complete and utter lie, and the sad thing is the guys here fell for it. *facepalm*

From there, they pulled a bunch of (il)legal maneuvering to misappropriate $50,000 worth of equity from us ($12,000 from me personally), and posted some BS on an investment site about how their current developer guy has overseen the iOS development from the start. I sent them a cease and desist (basically, remove the BS so I don't look like a douche when I say that I oversaw the development from the beginning), they told me it wasn't going to happen. I wrote to the guys who own the investment site and let's just say it's not there anymore. *flex*

PM me and I can send you a link to the app, or I can post it some other time. It's actually pretty cool. :)

Joe's Bunker of Pie / Re: Did Joe die?
« on: April 18, 2012, 04:19:51 am »
I'm more alive than these forums, sheesh.

By the way, if I die within the next 48 hours, the reasonable suspicion is that Myndy killed me.

General Discussion / Re: <obligatory-new-year's-resolutions-thread>
« on: January 05, 2012, 02:54:11 pm »
OpenGL. That's my new years resolution for this year, and then next 10.

JavaOp Board / Re: A few changes..
« on: December 10, 2011, 08:00:06 am »
People like breaking stuff. They're the kids that liked kicking sandcastles.

There's a methodology used in a shop in town called ping-pong pair programming. One guy writes a failing test, the other guy fixes it then writes his fail, etc etc. It's great because you naturally start being psychopathic.

General Discussion / Re: SD Card Data Recovery
« on: November 21, 2011, 12:07:03 pm »
cool. :) Does anyone have any recommendations for a Windows equivalent? I'll probably run a search for one later tonight. :)

If any of your creative guys have a Mac, it's got dd.

I wouldn't trust Windows to make a bit-by-bit copy of it. And it's not just cause I hate Windows. I just really don't trust it to do it perfectly.

I wouldn't even trust a Linux VM in a Windows hypervisor. The way Windows handles its devices just leaves me with a bad taste. With POSIX you have direct access to them. I won't pretend to know exactly what Windows does wrong, but I think I remember someone mentioning somewhere that it did something wrong, and it scares me. :)

JavaOp Board / Re: A few changes..
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:01:35 pm »
Unit testing is a lot older than ruby...

Yeah, but Rubyists and Railers do it at least 100x as much as anyone else.
I've heard you say a lot of retarded things, Joe, but this is easily the most retarded of the last year or so.

How so? Perhaps I should have said "People in the Ruby/Rails culture", or "open source developers in the Ruby/Rails culture". Nobody from a different programming background would ever write a sonnet about testing and present it at a conference, or would you?

JavaOp Board / Re: A few changes..
« on: September 05, 2011, 04:27:42 am »
I just rewrote CheckRevision in Ruby, and man oh man did I wish I had int64's instead of just BigNum / FixNum. Having to do:

Code: [Select]
a = a & 0xffffffffffffffff
b = b & 0xffffffffffffffff
c = c & 0xffffffffffffffff

...after every iteration of the loop, yikes.

I need to commit that code at some point. I like the way I did it. I used blocks, kind of how MyndFyre dynamically emitted his version, but except not. I defied a block for each action ("A=A+S", etc) and fire each of the blocks on each iteration. I need to do an actual speed test to see if it's faster than the old structure.

For those curious, it does a StarCraft CheckRevision in ~3.6 seconds on MRI, or ~1.8 on JRuby on Nailgun (5th run).

And for those also curious, it's not replacing CheckRevision in JavaOp. I'm thinking about rewriting JBLS (RBLS?) to work better in low-memory situations. It may just be much better to keep a CheckRevision worker running in Java and cache results in ActiveRecord, though.

JavaOp Board / Re: A few changes..
« on: August 21, 2011, 04:20:23 pm »
Unit testing is a lot older than ruby...

Yeah, but Rubyists and Railers do it at least 100x as much as anyone else.

This is patently false in general, but maybe true in open source. "Unit testing is a Ruby philosophy" makes it sound like ruby folks are the originators of unit testing, which is clearly false.

I like ruby as much as the next guy, but it really sucks for a lot of things.

I should say "most Rubyists and Railers unit test absolutely everything whereas others don't", and "unit testing is an agile programing philosophy, which is used heavily in Ruby". Of course, agile was only adopted by Ruby after the Rails-era began and was itself originated elsewhere, but the point is that I was introduced to agile and unit testing by rubyists and that's where I see it's primary use today.

I'm curious what things Ruby sucks for. I agree that it's terribly outperformed by {insert any other language here} when run on MRI, but with JRuby, or especially JRuby + Nailgun, it's deadly fast.

JavaOp Board / Re: A few changes..
« on: August 21, 2011, 02:15:38 pm »
Unit testing is a lot older than ruby...

Yeah, but Rubyists and Railers do it at least 100x as much as anyone else.

JavaOp Board / A few changes..
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:55:06 am »

If you follow me on twitter, you certainly know that I was at a Ruby conference these past few days. As yesterday was Whyday, I decided to remove the ant build script and replace it with rake. This means two things:
  • Install JRuby, or you can't build JavaOp anymore.
  • Builds are a lot more awesome.

The ant script ran clean,build,jar on my MacBook Pro in about 8 seconds. Rake runs clean,build,jar in just under 13. You're probably thinking, "whytf did you do that, then?". Most of the startup time for rake with JRuby is loading a JVM (and using standard rake isn't an option for building Java projects). There's a neat project called Nailgun that keeps a server JVM running in the background. By typing 'jruby --ng-server &', you'll start up a Nailgun server, and then run 'jruby --ng -S rake clean build jar'. This still takes 13 seconds. However, JVM has been optimizing the compiler. Running it again only takes 7 seconds, so the ant script is outperformed after only two runs. The next takes 5 seconds. Do you see a trend? It's unlikely that I'll sit down, fix a bug, test, commit and push in one build cycle, and if I do, it only cost me an extra 5 seconds in build time.

Equally important, and much more important to users, is that rake is awesome for testing. I was using JUnit before, mostly to fix some CheckRevision bugs I made by testing local hashing directly against BNLS. JUnit is a real pain. I need to download the JAR, put it in the correct place, figure out dependencies and classpaths, etc etc, and maybe it'll run. Check this out:

Code: [Select]
[00:52:48] [william@enterprise ~/Documents/Git/GitHub/javaop2]$ jruby --ng -S rake test
Loaded suite /Users/william/bin/jruby-1.6.3/bin/rake
Testing D2DV..  local: 573e1c0c, remote: 573e1c0c
Testing D2XP..  local: 7264e3da, remote: 7264e3da
Testing STAR..  local: -5bab8e79, remote: -5bab8e79
Testing W2BN..  local: -3122f25d, remote: -3122f25d
Testing WAR3..  local: 32a227d6, remote: 32a227d6
Testing W3XP..  local: 32a227d6, remote: 32a227d6
Finished in 1.061 seconds.

5 tests, 15 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

This is really neat because now every time I run rake tests, it makes sure I didn't break CheckRevision. Unit testing is a Ruby philosophy, and being adopted in a bunch of other communities. Now, if I break CheckRevision (through any means leading up to the absolute result that gets sent to BNET), I'll be immediately notified. I'm sure this makes rabbit very, very happy.

Happy JavaOping.

General Discussion / Re: Sup?
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:19:08 am »
This reminds me of why the forums are dead. The best part is, Warrior didn't even need to post!

General Discussion / Re: Sup?
« on: August 01, 2011, 02:37:08 pm »
The human body wasn't designed to possibly exceed 27mph.

I like the definitions of squid at Urban Dictionary.

The one accident I came close to being in was entirely due to the fault of the other driver. I was behind an SUV who had moved over into a right turn lane to turn on to a side road, so I accelerated as he got out of my way. There was a van on that side road who's view of oncoming traffic was blocked by the SUV, and they turned left, blindly, right into my path. Luckily I slammed on my brakes (fishtail, woo!) as did they, and I lived to honk and flip them off.

Unfortunately, motorcycles are invisible to non-motorcyclists. I think while1 would agree with that. The amount of motorcyclists on the road increased by a factor of 20 the day I got my license.. or maybe I just never saw them before.

General Discussion / Re: Sup?
« on: July 31, 2011, 08:29:28 pm »
My wife won't let me get a motorcycle :( Not even to learn. Where's a good place for me to take her to show how safe they are?

Not YouTube, and definitely not anywhere you might see someone riding a sport bike in shorts and flipflops, which is almost everywhere. It's amazing how stupid you realize people are once you start riding.

Motorcycles are as easy to ride as bicycles, plus a manual transmission in a car. Anyone can do it. The trick when you start out is that the faster you go, the less the bike wants to fall over.

Watch Craigslist and find someone selling their bike for $500 because their wife made them. Mine was $600 and runs (almost) fine. Forgiveness is easier than permission! :)

General Discussion / Re: Sup?
« on: July 31, 2011, 03:34:27 pm »
Yeah, WTF.... the site was up and then it was down the last day or two, as well as down for a week before that- all spouting the same SMF error message.

Anyways on topic, I've been riding my bike as well, definitely not as social a rider as Joe by getting involved in photo tag and what not, but I've definitely been riding it a lot to lvl up my riding skills. 

How big's your Nighthawk?  I'm sort of regretting getting a 250cc bike- while I know it was the safe/ cautious choice and was expecting to sell it in a year knowing that I bought it as a means of learning and getting comfortable riding... I'm definitely already itching to get a 600-750cc bike.

My biggest annoyance with my 250cc bike is how often I have to shift gears- the user manual's recommended speed schedule (MPH) for shifting up from 1st-6th gear goes something like 12, 19, 25, 31, 39 and shifting down from 6th-3rd gear is 28, 22, 16.  So while I'm definitely getting practice learning to properly shift and use the clutch, it gets annoying real fast.

CB550SC. It's been an adventure trying to learn on a 28 year old bike with the carbs out of sync. :) With kind of poor power and stuff, I just learned to shift when the bike needed it. Now that I synced the carbs I can accelerate as fast as, or faster than, I want. It's a real pain being at a stoplight behind a cage. A friend has a Suzuki Boulevard M109R in red with custom pipes and likes to rev his engine under bridges and make it sound like we're in a war zone. :)

Check out Nighthawk Forums. They're really helpful and welcoming to even non-Nighthawkers.

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