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Messages - sigafoo

Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 11, 2006, 10:43:30 AM
Quote from: Sidoh on May 11, 2006, 02:35:56 AM
Quote from: sigafoo on May 11, 2006, 02:15:35 AM
eh? i'll try to stop.... i almost did it there. I think it's just because the boxes here are soooooooo long, and then i feel like i have to go the whole way across. And when i look at a page, i don't like sentences that stretch realllllyyyyy far across the screen. It just makes me not want to read them. So by cutting them up into nice segments, it's better for me... subconiously.

And that's the end of that story.

can you tell it's 1am when i wrote this?


eh? It's to late, i'm going to try and kick the habit. I've realized I don't really do it at, because the boxes are so short, but i do, do it in my blog, so idk.
we'll see how it works out

I was really just kidding. :P
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 11, 2006, 02:15:35 AM
eh? i'll try to stop.... i almost did it there. I think it's just because the boxes here are soooooooo long, and then i feel like i have to go the whole way across. And when i look at a page, i don't like sentences that stretch realllllyyyyy far across the screen. It just makes me not want to read them. So by cutting them up into nice segments, it's better for me... subconiously.

And that's the end of that story.

can you tell it's 1am when i wrote this?

Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 11, 2006, 01:20:37 AM
why do people hate line breaks so much
it just doesn't make any sense to me.

they don't hate you!
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 10, 2006, 02:05:15 AM
i'm not going to lie
i'm a person who judges very fast
personally i don't think there's much wrong with judging
AS LONG as you keep an open mind that you could be wrong
9 out of 10 times my judge of the person will be right
and the few times i'm wrong it doesn't really make a difference anyway
I don't really treat people bad who don't treat me bad
no matter what i judge them
unlike some people

but that's just my two cents
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 09, 2006, 02:45:32 PM
Quote from: ZeroX on May 09, 2006, 11:48:01 AM
Hi Derek.

Glad to see you come down to x86. A word of advise though. This forum isnt Please no posting of Fat Naked chicks and Telling members to step the fuck off.

Other then that welcome and call me sometime <3

Yeah, i hope this place will be my new forum
it seems pretty cool, except for one of the members
and i'm not going to lie, i'd rather tell someone to ''step the fuck off''
and get banned, then have his [explicted] say whatever he wants
but that's just me. I don't take shit, go figure.
Anyway, i shall try posting on the off topic forum soon
right now i'm just trying to get to know the forums, read post
post a little, but mostly just get adjusted...
"Is this your first time?"
"alright baby, i'll take it slow."

i think i'll just leave it at that.

note that i censored myself, since name calling would of got me no where.
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 09, 2006, 02:30:26 AM
Quote from: Sidoh on May 09, 2006, 12:56:21 AM
Emos are life's little failures.

it's funny because it's true
"i wish my lawn was emo, then it'd cut it self."

oh boy have i heard them all :)
it comes with being online and being emo
it's funny, no one likes emo's
not even other emo's
they just hate each other
which makes them even more emo
being all lonely and such
well i think i'm going to go write poetry about being lonely in my lj
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 09, 2006, 12:51:27 AM
Quote from: Blaze on May 08, 2006, 10:17:06 PM
Quote from: xex on May 08, 2006, 09:51:43 PM
Joe has a girl? wtf happened.

She's Emo.  :)

shhh i'm emo too
but not so much as i use to be
but i still am
it's okay
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 08, 2006, 05:08:26 PM
Quote from: AntiVirus on May 08, 2006, 01:10:29 PM
Welcome to the forums!

What is a sigafoo?

sigafoo is not a substance
sigafoo is not something that can be obtained
To answer the question of "What is a sigafoo" would be sigafoo
sigafoo is everything and nothing
sigafoo is godly
and god damn does sigafoo get the ladies
if sigafoo was a constant variable in java it could not be equaled to anything,
because it's better than everything else, nothing can be equal to it
int coolKids = sigafoo; would crash

i think that answers your question
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 08, 2006, 10:59:42 AM
Quote from: Joe on May 08, 2006, 10:39:09 AM
Hi Derek..

If you want to make them shut up, tell them (in proper grammar and capitalization) to GTFA. It worked for my girlfriend. Now she can type however she wants without getting picked on. =)

:] i haven't seen the bunny picture for a while
or someone who actually knows where to find it
Quote from: rabbit on May 08, 2006, 09:54:44 AM
You can't type in general, so I really don't care what you have to say.  Maybe if you took the time to make yourself appear decent I'd care, but don't, so I don't.  Simple as that.

seriously rabbit
calm down
i've been here for what... two days?
and you've already picked me out of the crowd [3 times]
so you don't like my typing? great, everytime you see sigafoo
to the left. Don't read it, it'll do you well, because I don't need this
and you don't need to make an ass out of yourself.
So do me, yourself, and everyone else a favor and just stop reading it.
By continuing to make these ''little'' comments you're just creating
more tension that doesn't need to be here. I'm just trying to get along
with people, and you just can't stop hating.
Rabbit, stop being such a hater.
Also I will be the bigger man and if you make any further post about this
I will be big enough not to respond to them.
So good day sir.

On Topic: I'll probably see this movie, but I don't i'll exactly
shell out the money to go see it in theaters.
Introductions! / Re: everyone loves sigafoo
May 08, 2006, 10:24:31 AM
Quote from: rabbit on May 08, 2006, 06:53:33 AM
Siga, learn to type and then maybe somebody will care.

hey rabbit, learn to step the fuck off
because i ain't going to take your shit

i do all the random line breaks because that's just how i type
i probably picked it up from writting my daily blog
i do line breaks in there for a nice look and to break it up.
i'm not going to lie, i don't think i've ever been to a place.... online
where people are so picky about grammer and such.
Introductions! / everyone loves sigafoo
May 08, 2006, 01:46:58 AM
it's true
and if you don't love me
well give it time
because sigafoo is like butter
i'm laid on things hot
and you my friend are hot

worst start to one of these right?
right, so many of you sb-ians shall know me from there
for those who don't
i am teh sigafoo. I am 18 [almost 19] goto uwplatteville
i know c++, vb6, java, javascript
none of them i know great, but i'm pretty good with most
of course i am a gamer, mainly pc [like the cool kids do]
i usually play half-life 1/2 mods
but i also play other games as well
i do some magic, but mostly just for friends [card magic]
i picked that up this year, and i am also a standup comedian
is a link to one of my standup videos.
Another comedian has offered me to open for him this summer
and i plan to do as many shows as i can this summer.
i've been known to own/pwn people on forums
and then possible ridicule them on tape
so watch out for teh sigafoo
my written english is pretty bad, deal with it

i think that's it
for anyone who does the myspace as well

i think it's eating a tube full of beans while looking at tubgirl
Quote from: rabbit on May 07, 2006, 08:24:20 AM
There are 5 typos, at least, in the bolded part alone.
oh god, typo's on the internet
and when i was typing it at 3am in the morning
i am shamed
my family name is ruined
what ever shall i do now?
Quote from: Mark Hyman "The Point""A paris murder and clues hidden in paintings by leonardo da vinci lead to the discovery of a 2000 religious mystery protected by a powerful group of christians. Revealing the secret could shake the entire foundation of the christian faith.  That is the plot of author Dan Brown's book. More than 40 Million copies have been sold since it's 2003 release. A movie by the same name will open later this month. Some christians are upset over the book and the film. They label them blasphemes. I read the book a couple of years ago. I though it was terrific entertainment. Nothing more nothing less. I found it in the fiction section of the bookstore. I doubt any library labels it as a reference book. Nothing in the book caused me to question my own religious beliefs. Anymore then science fiction books make me believe in parallel universes, or a middle earth inpopulated with sorcerers and trolls. I'm sure everyone will survive the da vinci code movie just fine. And that's the point."


see video of 'the point' here