changelog goes in SVN commit! Generalizations = bad!
Happy New Year! Yes, the current one, not a previous one; this is a new post, we swear!
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Originally posted by "Dirk"...
A friend of mine recently bought a product called PrintMaster. He had some trouble installing the software and called me up for some tech support. He was receiving an Error 1305, for which a quick Google search lead me towards the following:
... Completing a clean installation of the program will help to prevent conflicts that can occur. The remainder of this note describes the procedure...
All right, I thought a clean install, let's read on and see how to do a clean install:
1. Place a small amount of nonabrasive, liquid soap on the shiny side of the CD or DVD.
2. Using your fingertips and warm water, gently rub the soap on the disc in a circular motion.
3. Rinse the disc thoroughly and dry it using a clean, soft T-shirt or lint-free towel. Do not use paper towels or tissue paper.
4. Install the program.
Doing a "clean install" has now taken on a new meaning for me.
* Find the fastest mirror! :)
public class MirrorSelector {
private static boolean DEBUG = false;
private static int MAX_TIME = 1000; // timeout time in ms and default length if an error occurs
public static InetSocketAddress selectMirror(InetSocketAddress[] mirrors)
Socket s = new Socket();
long[] times = new long[mirrors.length];
long start;
for(int i=0;i<mirrors.length;i++)
s = new Socket();
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
s.connect(mirrors[i], MAX_TIME);
times[i] = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println("Connecting to " + mirrors[i] + " took " + times[i] + "ms");
/* I considered condensing all the specific exceptions into a generic handler
* since they all respond basically the same way
catch(SocketTimeoutException ste)
System.out.println("Address " + mirrors[i] + " timed out");
times[i] = MAX_TIME;
catch(ConnectException ce)
System.out.println("Connect Exception: " + ce.getMessage() + " for " + mirrors[i]);
times[i] = MAX_TIME;
catch(SocketException se)
System.out.println("Unable to connect to " + mirrors[i]
+", there may be a problem with your network connection.");
times[i] = MAX_TIME;
catch(IOException ioe)
System.out.println("Error connecting to " + mirrors[i]);
times[i] = MAX_TIME;
int fast_id = 0;
long fast_time = MAX_TIME;
for(int i=0;i<times.length;i++)
if(times[i] < fast_time)
fast_id = i;
fast_time = times[i];
return mirrors[fast_id];
public static InetSocketAddress getClosestMirror(String hostname, int port)
InetAddress[] ips;
ips = InetAddress.getAllByName(hostname);
catch(UnknownHostException uhe)
System.out.println("Unable to resolve host: " + port);
return null;
InetSocketAddress[] mirrors = new InetSocketAddress[ips.length];
for(int i=0;i<ips.length;i++)
mirrors[i] = new InetSocketAddress(ips[i], port);
return selectMirror(mirrors);
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Fastest: " + getClosestMirror("", 80));
;// execute a shell command
pause > nul
package connect;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import util.BNetPacket;
import util.QueuePacket;
* Queue manages timing of outgoing data for a given PacketThread connection.
* Numbers and algorithm for computing proper delays inspired by iago's JavaOp2 code (
*@author unTactical
public class Queue {
private final PriorityQueue<QueuePacket> queue = new PriorityQueue<QueuePacket>();
private final Timer timer = new Timer();
private TimerTask current;
private PacketThread conn;
private boolean queueReady = true;
private boolean enabled = false;
private long lastSent = System.currentTimeMillis();
//TODO: make these customizable
int packetCost = 250;
int byteCost = 17;
int byteOverThresholdCost = 17;
int thresholdBytes = 65;
int maxCredits = 800;
int creditRate = 5;
int credits = 800;
public Queue(PacketThread connection)
conn = connection;
public Queue(String DONOTUSESTHIS_FORTESTINGONLY) // for testing with QueueManager main function
/** Supports disabling of the queue temporarily (useful for faster logon)
* @param status - enable/disable
public void enable(boolean status)
enabled = status;
/** Clear the queue if it gets too full */
public synchronized void clear()
/** Primary function of Queue, schedules a packet to be sent, ordered by Priority and time scheduled
* @param data - packet to send to
* @param priority - higher means it will be sent sooner
public synchronized void send(BNetPacket data, int priority)
QueuePacket q = new QueuePacket(data,priority);
long delay = getDelay(data.getBytes());
timer.schedule(new QueueTask(),delay);
queueReady = false;
/** Tells us if this Queue is ready to send a message immediately or if it will have to be scheduled
* @return true if message can be sent immediately, false if we must schedule it
public synchronized boolean isReady()
return queueReady;
/** Lets us predict how long it will be before a new message can be sent based on this queue's status.
* This is the core function that allows us to use a rolling queue system.
* @param priority - only consider packets in the queue matching or exceeding a given priority
* @return amount to wait
public synchronized long getWait(int priority)
QueuePacket qpacket;
int wait = credits;
if(queue.size() > 0)
Object[] elements = queue.toArray();
int tempCredits = credits;
for(int i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
qpacket = (QueuePacket) elements[i];
if(qpacket.getPriority() >= priority)
wait = credits;
credits = tempCredits;
return wait;
/** Does the math for figuring out how long to wait after a message is sent
* If you call this method, it adjusts the queue's status so if you don't really want to send the message,
* make sure you return credits to its previous value.
* I borrowed and tweaked this from iago's code.
* @param bytes - the longer the message, the more we need to wait. This could be replaced with a length variable
* @return time to wait after sending a message of length specified
private long getDelay(byte[] bytes)
return 0;
// Add the credits for the elapsed time
lastSent = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Get the packet's "cost"
int thisByteDelay = byteCost;
if(bytes.length > thresholdBytes)
byteCost = byteOverThresholdCost;
int thisPacketCost = packetCost + (thisByteDelay * bytes.length);
// Check how long this packet will have to wait
int requiredDelay = 0;
// If we can't "afford" the packet, figure out how much time we'll have to wait
if(credits < 0)
requiredDelay = -credits * creditRate;
// Deduct this packet from the credits
credits -= thisPacketCost;
return requiredDelay;
/** Since credits doesn't change on its own, we need a way to ensure its status is correct
* when determining wait time.
private void updateCredits()
if(credits < maxCredits)
credits += (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSent) / creditRate;
if(credits > maxCredits)
credits = maxCredits;
/** Waits after a message is sent and sends the next message in line, then schedules the next wait
* If there is no next message to send, it sets the queue to a 'ready' status.
* @author unTactical
private class QueueTask extends TimerTask
QueuePacket data;
public void run()
// send the message and schedule the next one
data = queue.remove();
byte[] tosend = data.getData().getBytes();
long delay = getDelay(tosend);
timer.schedule(current = new QueueTask(),delay);
queueReady = false;
queueReady = true;
package _main;
import java.util.HashMap;
import events.OutChatCommand;
import connect.Queue;
import plugins.Logger;
import util.BNetPacket;
/** Central point for all outgoing data to
* - IndividalQueueArray: add to a specific bot
* - AllQueueArray: add to all bots
* - OpOnlyArray: add to the most available bot with ops
* - NonOpArray: add to the most available both without ops
* @author unTactical
public class QueueManager {
private static HashMap <String, Queue> all = new HashMap<String, Queue>();
private static HashMap <String, Queue> ops = new HashMap<String, Queue>();
private static HashMap <String, Queue> nonops = new HashMap<String, Queue>();
private QueueManager() {}
/** Lets us disable flood protection for a given Queue so that messages are sent immediately
* @param id - the name of the queue to enable/disable
* @param status - true to enable flood protection, false to disable
public static void enable(String id, boolean status)
/** Add a Queue to the Manager
* @param id - name of the Queue
* @param q - Queue to manage
* @param hasOps - whether this bot handles 'operator' or non 'operator' messages by default
public synchronized static void addQueue(String id, Queue q, boolean hasOps)
nonops.put(id, q);
/** Remove a queue no longer in use
* This usually happens when we reset a connection.
* @param id - name of the Queue to remove
public synchronized static void removeQueue(String id)
/** Allows us to change whether a given Queue handles ops or non ops messages
* @param id - name of the Queue
* @param hasOps - true to handle 'operator' messages, false to handle non 'operator' messages by default
public synchronized static void updateOps(String id, boolean hasOps)
ops.put(id, all.get(id));
nonops.put(id, all.get(id));
/** Allows us to change whether a given Queue handles ops or non ops messages
* @param id - int ID of the Queue to be looked up
* @param hasOps - true to handle 'operator' messages, false to handle non 'operator' messages by default
public synchronized static void updateOps(int id, boolean hasOps)
updateOps(ConnectionManager.getInstance().getConnection(id).getName(), hasOps);
/** Remove all Queues
* Usually done when there is a connection error and all Queues must be reset
public static void clearAll()
Object[] queues = all.values().toArray();
for(int i=0;i<queues.length;i++)
((Queue) queues[i]).clear();
/** Sends a message on all Queues in this Manager
* @param data - packet to send to
* @param priority - order in line, greatest first
public static void sendAll(BNetPacket data, int priority)
Object[] queues = all.values().toArray();
for(int i=0;i<queues.length;i++)
((Queue) queues[i]).send(data,priority);
/** Send a message on a specific Queue
* Primarily done when a packet must be returned on the same Queue it was received (ie logon)
* @param data - packet to send to
* @param priority - order in line, greatest first
* @param id - name of the Queue we want to send the packet on
public static void sendByName(BNetPacket data, int priority, String id)
Queue sender = all.get(id);
if(sender != null)
sender.send(data, priority);
Logger.logConsoleText("Sender id " + id + " is null!");
/** Send a message on a specific Queue
* Primarily done when a packet must be returned on the same Queue it was received (ie logon)
* @param data - packet to send to
* @param priority - order in line, greatest first
* @param id - int ID of the Queue to lookup
public static void sendByID(BNetPacket data, int priority, int ID)
sendByName(data, priority, ConnectionManager.getInstance().getConnection(ID).getName());
/** Send a non 'operator' message.
* The message will be sent on the first queue that is ready. If no queue is ready, it is added to the Queue
* that will be ready to send it soonest
* @param data - packet to send to
* @param priority - order in line, greatest first
public static void sendOps(BNetPacket data, int priority)
Object[] queues = ops.values().toArray();
/** Send an 'operator' message.
* The message will be sent on the first queue that is ready. If no queue is ready, it is added to the Queue
* that will be ready to send it soonest
* @param data - packet to send to
* @param priority - order in line, greatest first
public static void sendNonOps(BNetPacket data, int priority)
Object[] queues;
queues = nonops.values().toArray();
queues = ops.values().toArray(); // If there is no non-ops Queue available, it will be sent on an op Queue instead.
/** Checks all of the Queues availability and chooses (ideally) the first Queue that is ready to send the message.
* If no Queue is ready, it determines which Queue will be ready to send the message soonest and adds it to that one.
* (Ideally)
* @param queues - spefies whether we are checking the Ops Queue or the NonOps Queue
* @param data - packet to send to
* @param priority - a message of a higher priority is sent before messages of lower priority, so only check those relevant
private static synchronized void sendSpecified(Object[] queues, BNetPacket data, int priority)
long highCredits = -999999;
int lowID = -1;
Queue current;
for(int i=0;i<queues.length;i++)
current = ((Queue) queues[i]);
long thisWait = current.getWait(priority);
if(thisWait == 800)
current.send(data, priority);
try {Thread.sleep(500); } catch(Exception e) {};
else if(thisWait > highCredits)
highCredits = thisWait;
lowID = i;
if(lowID == -1) // this will happen if the queue is empty (ie a op message is requested but no op queue exists)
Logger.logConsoleText("Message not sent! lowID invalid!!");
((Queue) queues[lowID]).send(data, priority);
try {Thread.sleep(500); } catch(Exception e) {}; // wait a short time to account for non-0 travel time across internet
public static void main(String[] args)
addQueue("zero",new Queue(""),false);
addQueue("one",new Queue(""),false);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test1").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test2").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test3").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test4").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test5").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test6").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test7").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test8").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test9").getBNetPacket(),0);
sendNonOps(new OutChatCommand(-1,"test10").getBNetPacket(),0);
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