
So the widespread use of emojis these days kinda makes forum smileys pointless, yeah?

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Topics - MikeonTV

General Discussion / Lisette was hit by a car!!!!
October 23, 2007, 03:56:05 PM
I took Lisette (My 1990 Ford Probe LX - pic below) to get an oil change and emission test and then get some brake work done yesterday.

This morning they had not done anything with her yet! Today at 2:pm they called and said the technician was driving her to the emission testing garage on the other side of town and was hit by another car. They don't have any real information for me other than that.

I'm very worried about her. I have had her since high school (2002) and she got me through college with no problems. I hope this isn't the end of our relationship. Miss you babe!

UPDATE 1: Ennotville Garage has called and Lisette is ok. She has also passed the E-test! Apparently some kid came out of the high school and hit her in the front left panel under the headlight (which was untouched). So they garage is now sucking up to me (not that I would use Lisette like that) and getting the brake work done quickly. We will be together again tomorrow!
Entertainment District / Neil Young - Chrome Dreams II
October 23, 2007, 11:04:11 AM
His new album is out today. I'll have my thoughts on it later.
Tabletop Gaming/RPGs / Do you remember the old BBS RPG?
October 16, 2007, 12:51:54 PM
I first got into the web around 1992-93 when a friend from school turned me on to BBS'ing. It was also around the time I got big on IRC. Well there was this text-based RPG that we played on some server. You would log in and continue the journey of going through forests. Building up your character and eventually heading into battle.

As what happens with all MMOG's that don't have a definite ending, the appeal wore off and I quit it. For the life of me I cannot remember what it was called. I distinctively remember a casino cabin that you would walk in and gable your gold that you earned.

Does this ring any bells?
General Discussion / The things we do for ....uhh love?
October 15, 2007, 03:57:26 PM
I just got back 24 hours later from picking up my girlfriend in Ann Arbor Mich. To give you a rough idea what that meant check out this map.

Total driving time was about 5 hours each way. Borders were ok and Detroit was scary. The things we do for punani. Anyone done anything more crazy for their sig. other?
Unix / Linux Discussion / 2 OS's
October 14, 2007, 09:47:32 AM
I currently use 2 Machines. The Big one, a Dell 8600, runs WinXP and really is my lifeblood from school. The second is a duelbooted Acer Aspire which defaults to Ubuntu and also has Vista (for when people like my girlfriend who as she puts 'needs to feel comfortable') However my 8 yr old brother prefers to use Ubuntu when on my laptop.

What Os's are you guys all running? Also what have you used in the past?

for the record I love us OSX but I just opted for a different machine this time around.
General Discussion / Who is this Gal? (SFW)
October 14, 2007, 09:24:01 AM
I remember her from some set I found online and for some reason this image was on HD. for the record she is 18.

Trash Can / I would not like to join.
October 14, 2007, 08:47:16 AM
Introductions! / Hello hello
October 13, 2007, 04:27:44 PM
Welcome me, 23 yr, CompSci grad who opened up his own coffee/ice cream shop in May. The lull of the colder months is approaching so I have more free time to join new communities (j/p)!

Not sure what this place is really about. At first I thought it was a big gaming community (which I am not part of), but now I see that it is an all around general forum for intelligent people. Not sure what the voting process and 'joining' really means though. (sigh) Oh well.
