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My principal got fired!

Started by CrAz3D, May 03, 2005, 11:08:18 PM

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This is a schoolboard meeting that happened to night with the most important issue being that of my is my take on it all

OOOH!  I'm watching our School Board meeting on TV!  Intro was funny (ha)...crazy little middle school kids that made it.

What is happening:
-Introduction of board members
-Pledge of allegiance
-Elementary kids playing recorders (they then leave for dinner @ pizza joint)
-Last minutes
-Superintendent Report (he babbles on...strikes a few items & postpones them for next meeting because of the public input being there...there is like 20x as many people as ususal here [there are usually like 10 people])
-Board accepts & changes items
-President announces closed meeting (they resend the super's extension of contract)
-They voted...then explained it to audience (audience clapped when they found out his contract extension was retracted, boo'd when they found out his current contract don't expire until June 06)
-Talk about children's fundraisers productions (blah blah blah)...some weird giraffe thing?
-Man takes 4 minutes to take a picture
-Board honors teachers for teacher of the week thing
-1st Good samaritan award (oh God, who cares!  Awarded to a board member, it's rigged!)
-Present something to someone (this whole thing is VERY disorganized & unprofessionally ru...the need to learn their parli-pro)
-More babbling about something I didnt pay attention to
-Battle of the books junk (reading competition crapola)
-Bilingual teachers of the year
-Guy making funny face (still having to deal with bilingual junk, we should do away with these stupid bilingual programs, they are a waste of resources!)
-Another freakin picture!
-Audit report (scholarships, item 5, yadda yadda)
-Scholarships (girl that has 1 yr old kid, some more gangster kill ur mom people, dude with a fro, cute girl that looks normal, cool lookin hick dude)
====1 hour into the meeting
-Move item 5 to next week
-Audit, again? forgets how to click on PowerPoint (recieved standing ovation...go figure)
-Public input:
#people hold up 'Viva Ogas' signs
#dude asks lawyer to talk about statutes in refference to personell matters (to make sure the public doesn't babble about our principal & waste time)
#Rules laid out: {there is even a mediator at the meeting!} (must sign up to speak [have to put general idea of comment & be civil about it], use the podium, 3 minute limit for comments, dude explains flashing light timer for 3 minute rule)
#Speaking request cards picked up from audience
....This is lasting FOREVER!, why doesn't this meeting end?!
~observation: lots of old people
Comments by random people:
#12 yr old's dad speaks (superintendent made 12 yr old cry) Dad BLASTS super for not going along with the school system's Character Counts things...
#friend's friend speaks (babbles in words she doesn't really understand...or I REALLY don't understand cause she's loosing me)...she is stupid & is sounding like AN IDIOT!
#my friend! (starts to cry almost?...) confusing stuff that no one understands
#man talks about graduation & wanting our principal, scolds board about not talking about the issue
#friend's mom (mormon..hmm) she talks about how our school is way good in the state (proven by third party organizations)
#lady talks about background checks & how super wasn't checked or they overlooked his battery charges
#girl talks about difference between schools in city, points out about Ogas supporting everyone in school, not just sports.  Says she wants our principal to be there instead of Martinez
#student body pres: asked for security help cause he was beaten up @ school, board/super never talked back to him about fixing security problems.  Schools the board/super on being a REAL leader.  BURNS super HARD about leadship stuffs
#Teacher from school for 23 yrs: commend transition of students & teachers after principal removal.  Talks about the timing when principal was removed
#random dude from nowhere talking about our principal, he don't like Ogas being removed, he wants Ogas back, he WILL help to campaign for opponent to HIS school board rep
#teacher asking about removal issues, super told her about insubordination, she asks what ogas did, she says superintendent HUNG UP ON HER!  Saw him in public & asked him why he hung up on her, his reply was that she was rude & I'd do it again.  She says he should go NOW!  What is his purpose being in office any longer?
#Dr. Flores (friend's dad, he is a shrink).  Dr. says super is trying to work for best of district, but needs to think things through
#mom saying her daughter doesnt want to walk without our principal there
# teacher from other highschool:  says ogas has helped our community for 40 yrs & has done nothing wrong.  Teacher acknowledges the ego battle.  says to talk to martinez & get ogas back!
#dad from another high school: talks about business relations vs our schoolboard.  Super should be more professional (super is pulling rank over principal)
***dude that supports our superintendent :(, talks about ogas lying to people & being a threat to the sports...WTF? supports martinez, starts crying?...people laugh @ him & sorta clap
#random guy that says he doesn't like the decisions of the board, says board broke extension rules.  Why was Martinez hired with a criminal history?  "When can we expect your resignation Mr. Martinez"
#Friend: compare school to house, says his dad dont kick him out when there is an argument, super should should look @ what he did
#dad of like 5 kids @ my school &himself graduated: he liked bob, he wants bob back, his kids have been involved in all programs, he wants them back
#annoying lady: daughter visited all highschools to do news reports on weekly.  said my school was more spirited.  Talk of the town is Ogas, not just talk of my school
#random lady: she doesn't like the lack of response of the schoolboard/superintendent.
#english teacher: taught in 3 other schools, 1st time in 27 years going to class she hasnt been totally upset.  If what we've done hasnt been enough, we want a new board if we have to
#parent: ogas always helped with her kids (her problem child especially) "Board, you need to control Martinez!  How are you stop this man, what are you going to do to fix this damage?".  She asks super to consider stepping down
#mom: says schoolboard has no control over personnell, then where is the checks & balances?!
#dude that says we have a problem (former grad of my highschool).  says community is strong, but our super has policies that dont allow us to work correctly.  He forced one of our great teachers out (a teacher who CrAz3D loves).  We should remove people who are obstructing learning i.e. our super, NOT our good leaders/teachers.  {This guy is VERY energetic!}
#mom of another highschool: there are many pressures & bullies, we dont need another (the superintendent).  Super needs to go!
#WAY energetic teacher who is involved.  Acknowledges all of the people who are hear...very smart people who support their principal. 
=========Concludes public input
Board member says board cannot issue a response at this current time but asknowledges everyone's input

-board items old business, new business (propose another closed session to discuss w/e with the attorney)
-announce up coming events
-announce town hall meeting explaining budget @ a highschool
-motion for adjournment (passed & adjourned)

2 hours & 15 minutes.  Wanted a few more teachers to speak that, I think, would've REALLY made a good point but it was quite good otherwise.


Can you summarize that whole thing in one word?



Reason: The people of our town kep asking him(Superintendent Martinez) for his resignation, they kept saying Ogas (our principal should be reinstated), kept pointing out that Martinez's leadership skills don't exist & that Ogas is a better leader for our kids, kept pointing out how Martinez can't physically control himself (he hit his wife in 93 & last week YELLED at a 12 yr old & her mom over the phone). 

The only reason I want to go to my graduation is to see what happens when he walks out on stage.  If everyone in the audience doesn't boo him off I hope none of us seniors shake his hand as we walk the stage.

They just showed an angle of our superintendent during the 'Public Input' that I didn't see.  At this angle you could see his face, he was red with, what I think, extreme embarassement.  He ALMOST looked as though he were to cry, sorta felt bad, but not really.  I feel bad cause he was just publically lynched, figuratively speaking of course...I don't cause he needs to be gone.


Some of the things you say just plain don't make sense, but aside from that, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO WRITE SO MUCH ><
Anyways, I hope whatever you want to happnen does....or something.


Lol, the meeting was REALLY boring so I decided to, basicaly I guess, make my own Minutes of the meetings (minus the actual minutes).  I have everyone's opinion that spoke (alot for Ogas/against Martinez vs. 1 against Ogas & Martinez)