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Another dog fight

Started by CrAz3D, March 02, 2012, 08:14:29 PM

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Last week, Cory and Brown Dog (the foster) got into a fight, and Cory has a big gash on his snout that required stitches and he also had part of his lower eyelid torn off.

Tonight, as I was sitting watching NCIS on DVR, I hear'd the dogs a-barking again.  I could tell this was a fightin bark, so I ran to the back door to break it up.  Through the back window, I saw Shosty and Riley barking and nipping and jumping on Brown Dog (Shosty and Riley don't know how to fight, so I'm sure they just thought they were playing).  By the time I go out the back door, Cory and Brown Dog were up on their hind legs bitin at each other.  Cory has a couple cuts on is ear and Brown Dog has a cut on his snout and on his gum --- the cuts on both dogs are superficial.

In the house, Cory will walk by Brown Dog and stop and stare him down til Brown Dog starts to growl.  I'm 98% sure that Cory starts these fights.  He also gets into fights with Dani's sister's male dog.  Shosty had no problem with Brody (sister's dog) nor does he have any problem with Brown Dog.  Brown Dog is a giant scaredy cat.  Nonetheless, Dani is all pissed with Brown Dog because of the fights.  What's worse is that she contacted the Humane Society, who we're fostering through, and said that Brown Dog needs to go because he doesn't get along well with Cory.  HS said they have no where for him to go :(.

I feel sad for Brown Dog because he gets picked on by Cory and there is no where else for him to go.  We also figure it'll be difficult for him to get adopted out because he is so afraid of things.  He has a nervous bladder, so when he gets in trouble, he pees (even when for peeing on things --- lol).  Poor Brown Dog.

/back story:  Dani = gf; Shosty = my 5 year old male black lab; Riley = my 3 year old female black lab; Cory = Dani's 9 year old Catahoula; Brody = a fat-arsed male black lab


I was hoping this thread was about you taking up aerial combat.
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Poor Brown Dog. :(.  It sounds like it's not the best environment for him though, with Cory being around.  Try to find caring people to adopt him, it sounds like he'll need sensitive/unselfish owners.


Blaze, I wish.

Rule, trying.  Since it's going through Humane Society of West Texas, the adopters have to pay, so we can't just give him to someone that wants him :-\.  Paying $100 for a dog isn't bad (w/shots, neutered, etc), but he is a big scaredy cat in new places, so it might be difficult.  But yeah...he needs to be somewhere safe.  Dani doesn't like him because of the fights, which, again, Cory starts *shrug @ women*.

Brown Dog _loves_ to play with my girl lab, so they stay out back and live it up during the day.  He is a giant sweetheart.



haha...I'm sure that suggestion would get me killed



If you bought a potted flower and put it on your kitchen table, but it turns out you are extremely allergic to it, you wouldn't solve the problem by selling the house and moving, you'd get rid of the flower.


Quote from: rabbit on March 07, 2012, 10:23:22 AM

If you bought a potted flower and put it on your kitchen table, but it turns out you are extremely allergic to it, you wouldn't solve the problem by selling the house and moving, you'd get rid of the flower.
Yes, but what if getting rid of the flower would kill you?
errr... something like that...



Quote from: rabbit on March 07, 2012, 10:23:22 AM

If you bought a potted flower and put it on your kitchen table, but it turns out you are extremely allergic to it, you wouldn't solve the problem by selling the house and moving, you'd get rid of the flower.

it's more like I'm plant-sitting, and my plant gets along with my other plants, but not the visiting plant; I wait it out cuz the visiting plant will be gone eventually


Or it's like your plant viciously attacks the visiting plant which gets along with your other plants just fine.


I wouldn't call it vicious, but just a territorial thing.  Also, Cory definitely lost the big fight.  Brown dog had a scratch near his eye, but, like I said, Cory got fucked.  Not sure why he still tries stuff (they're roughly the same size, but brown dog is more muscular and 2 years old, while Cory is strong, but 9 years old).

All being equal with the dogs, Cory would have to go.  But Brown Dog is the foster :(.  I take Brown Dog's side, but woman gets upset when I blame Cory for the shit he starts.



mos def

but I'd pick my dogs over her any day of the week, so ... yeah