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MPA = Music's Parenting Assholes

Started by Armin, December 29, 2005, 03:39:19 PM

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Hitmen: art is gay


MPA = Meticulously Premenopausal (stfu on spelling of that, Ergot) Adults
[17:42:21.609] <Ergot> Kutsuju you're girlfrieds pussy must be a 403 error for you
[17:42:25.585] <Ergot> FORBIDDEN

on IRC playing T&T++
<iago> He is unarmed
<Hitmen> he has no arms?!

on AIM with a drunk mythix:
(00:50:05) Mythix: Deadly
(00:50:11) Mythix: I'm going to fuck that red dot out of your head.
(00:50:15) Mythix: with my nine


I can't say anything if it's spelled right :\
Quote from: Newby on February 26, 2006, 12:16:58 AM
Who gives a damn? I fuck sheep all the time.
Quote from: rabbit on December 11, 2005, 01:05:35 PM
And yes, male both ends.  There are a couple lesbians that need a two-ended dildo...My router just refuses to wear a strap-on.
(05:55:03) JoE ThE oDD: omfg good job i got a boner thinkin bout them chinese bitches
(17:54:15) Sidoh: I love cosmetology


So wait, it's illegal to listen to music, then figure out how it's played, and tell others?  Isn't that like summarizing a movie?  They should get it over with and make it illegal to discuss music online. 


And bands make so little off album sales that they have to start sueing for SHEET MUSIC and LYRICS?   That's bullshit.


Quote from: rabbit on December 29, 2005, 06:37:52 PM
And bands make so little off album sales that they have to start sueing for SHEET MUSIC and LYRICS?   That's bullshit.

I know, they should give more to bands. :(
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


That's stupid as hell.
What if I write down the lyrics, is that copyright infringement?  What I, *gasp*, SING IT!?


Obviously you'll face the firing squad, duh.


Quote from: CrAz3D on December 29, 2005, 08:38:52 PM
That's stupid as hell.
What if I write down the lyrics, is that copyright infringement?  What I, *gasp*, SING IT!?

Haha, that'd be great if they started arresting people for singing along in their car.  I guess certain people who do that SHOULD be arrested, but that's not the point :)


Quote from: rabbit on December 29, 2005, 06:37:52 PM
And bands make so little off album sales that they have to start sueing for SHEET MUSIC and LYRICS?   That's bullshit.
It's not the actual bands that are mad, it's the companies that sell sheet music. They get liscenses for it or some bullshit, which I guess makes it legal. What really pisses me off, is that most of the time sheet music is transcribed, it's almost as bad as the free tablature you could find across the internet. The thing that the MPA doesn't realize is that tablature is used for learning, why should you pay to learn something when somebody out there is willing to teach it to you for free? I honestly don't see what the big deal about this is, and it's frankly fucking rediculous.

I'm thinking about emailing Maddox about this, as it seems like a pretty damn good rant he could use, and he seems like the only person who could single-handedly put a dent in this whole thing the MPA is trying to do. Too bad he's horribly inactive. :-\
Hitmen: art is gay


Haha, if you email maddox, i'll do it too!
[17:42:21.609] <Ergot> Kutsuju you're girlfrieds pussy must be a 403 error for you
[17:42:25.585] <Ergot> FORBIDDEN

on IRC playing T&T++
<iago> He is unarmed
<Hitmen> he has no arms?!

on AIM with a drunk mythix:
(00:50:05) Mythix: Deadly
(00:50:11) Mythix: I'm going to fuck that red dot out of your head.
(00:50:15) Mythix: with my nine


I will as well, thats a real piss off. I'm not one much for playing the music of others anymore, but I used to, and I consider it to be a vital part of learning guitar. Playing someone else's music greatly adds to the fun of playing guitar. It's like you know how a magazine will have something really catchy on it to draw you in? thats what playing others music is for guitar. I don't thimk the MPA has even done much research on this (and all my research comes from a personal experience level) because from what I've seen on different tabulature websites, most of the tabs are sent in by just random fans who have tabulated the song, a majority of which is inaccurate. I've got something for you to try. go to and do a search for any song by any band, if you find a song without lyrics or tabs, tell me. I doubt there are many.
The douchebag method:
Quote from: Trust on April 19, 2008, 02:58:00 AM
fuck allfo you i dont give a fuck ill fight everyone of you fuck that sbhit fuck you