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JavaOp, no gui, shell

Started by Dan, May 20, 2008, 07:03:56 PM

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Hello all

I am having problems with getting JavaOp to work without a gui, I have had JavaOp before but that was on a windows machine.
This is on a shell, no matter what I try to do, it will not find the plugins, it trys to open the gui to navigate to the plugin folder.
Java is installed, and I have also tried looking on these boards for answers but none really.

Any ideas?

dan@Nekron:~/Desktop/Core$ java -jar CommandlineConfiguration.jar

Unable to find any plugins.
Please download the plugin package from
and extract them somewhere.  You will be prompted to find them.

(.:15245): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:


Does it display anything after that? I thought I set it so, if it couldn't find the gui, it would automatically prompt you on the shell?

If it doesn't, run this:

echo "/path/to/plugins" >> ~/.javaop2/_PluginPaths.txt

Then run the bot.


Ok, that worked thank you, it didn't prompt me to enter in the path in, but that echo thing worked.

now, how do I set the bnls server by command line?  I got everything else done

nvm got it, thanks for the support


Ok, now my problem is getting the JavaOp to stay connected when I close the putty window, is there a command I give it to run in the background or something, and I can safely close my putty window and have the bot stay connected?



Learn how to use "screen". Here is a quick rundown, but I suggest learning it good:

1. Run "screen" (starts a "screen" session)
2. Run the bot
3. Close the putty window (detaches the "screen" session)
4. If you need access to the bot, run "screen -r" (-r = resume)


It might be worth mentioning that Ctrl + a d detaches the session (you press ctrl + a, let go of those keys and press d) without killing the terminal.


ah yes, screen, I remember that, how do I quit the bot after I put it on screen though?

I can resume fine but can't seem to quit the bot.
I don't want to use the commands to do it, I want to use console.



If you run screen --help it should tell you how to kill a session.

Wait.. I'm on Linux. Sec!

Hm, Ctrl+C on a resumed screen seemed to kill it. How to make the bot QUIT, I'm not sure from the console. Maybe just /quit?
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Log into the server, resume screen like I said, kill the bot with control-c, exit screen with "exit"


Quote from: iago on May 21, 2008, 02:46:52 PM
Log into the server, resume screen like I said, kill the bot with control-c, exit screen with "exit"

If you run screen with the command you use to launch the bot, it'll shut itself down when the bot is closed (assuming you haven't launched any other programs in that screen session).

$ screen "java -jar ./iagosbot.jar"


is it possible to have more than one screen going?


Quote from: Dan on May 22, 2008, 04:12:33 PM
is it possible to have more than one screen going?

Yes, but screen -r won't work, since you'll have more than one session.  To resume, you can either use screen -R, which will resume the first detached session it comes across, or you can do the following.

screen -ls will list all of the screen sessions.  I forget exactly how they're formatted, but I'm pretty sure it's something like PID.somecrap.  If you name the session, done with screen -t name when you're launching screen, then you can do screen -r name.  Otherwise, do screen -r PID.



Quote from: Sidoh on May 21, 2008, 11:09:16 AM
It might be worth mentioning that Ctrl + a d detaches the session (you press ctrl + a, let go of those keys and press d) without killing the terminal.

You don't actually have to let go of ctrl; it works both ways.

<Camel> i said what what
<Blaze> in the butt
<Camel> you want to do it in my butt?
<Blaze> in my butt
<Camel> let's do it in the butt
<Blaze> Okay!


Quote from: Camel on May 25, 2008, 02:29:56 AM
Quote from: Sidoh on May 21, 2008, 11:09:16 AM
It might be worth mentioning that Ctrl + a d detaches the session (you press ctrl + a, let go of those keys and press d) without killing the terminal.

You don't actually have to let go of ctrl; it works both ways.

Great, but that's pretty much irrelevant.